“Beep Eagle——”

Holding Slowpoke a “Teleport” and leaving J’s spaceship base, Pidgeot, who had been on the outside as soon as possible, fluttered, and stabilized him with a generous back Catch it firmly.

Liang Ren didn’t speak. He was a petty citizen in his past and present life. He killed 13 people in a row just now, and he will continue to take revenge. Liang Ren felt a little uncomfortable.

But he knows that he can’t be merciful to the J group, otherwise he will never have peace in the future.

“hu hu…”

The mountain winds all around are strong and weak, and the vast rainforest below is also whizzing high and low. I see Pidgeot flying by in the air, reckless A pair of bloodthirsty peeping eyes flashed in the dark forest.

I have been in the rainforest for a whole week, and I have a deeper understanding of Liang Ren, the law of the jungle.

Whether it is the human beings who broke into the rainforest, or the Wild Pokémon who has lived in this vast rainforest for generations, all are equal before the great nature.

They are all small and humble creatures, all abide by the weak are prey to the strong, the law of the jungle of survival of the fittest.

Whether it is for survival, reproduction, territory, or for reputation, wealth, or power, all living creatures are fighting frantically.

This pure and beautiful world also has its cruel side, but most of the weak can not see all this, but rather ridiculously believe that the law can protect their own safety.

“Weakness is the biggest original sin, and strong strength is the shield to protect everything.” Liang Ren muttered.

Looking back at J’s spaceship base, Liang Ren was kind to the group of Pokemon hunters, and at this moment he also dissipated in the mountain wind.

patted Pidgeot’s generous wings signaled the landing Liang Ren and sighed again: “Living in the Pokémon world, I can only rely on you, so anyone who wants to hurt you, I will let them Pay the price of blood.”

In the deep rainforest hinterland, deep and long-term moss piled up to a foot thick.

Liang Ren stole all of J’s equipment, and the radar and other scanners in the spaceship were destroyed. Next, this woman will find him in this vast rainforest, undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Without food and medicine, and no equipment for rainforest adventure in advance, it is not Liang Ren who should worry about it next, but this group of Pokemon hunters regardless of the law and of natural morality.

13 people died on the spaceship silently, that many equipment and materials were locked in the room, but all of them disappeared at once, making such a big movement in the control room attracted J, and finally Not even the silhouette saw one.

Liang Ren cast a lot of doubts, in order to disintegrate their will and destroy their spiritual defense through fear.

It’s only two o’clock in the afternoon, Liang Ren not at all is eager to start his revenge plan, anyway, Slowpoke is staring, none of them can run away.

And what he has to do now is to fill his stomach, nourish his energy, and wait for the night to come.

【Cloyster 】♀

Level: 37


Character: irritable and aggressive

Features: extremely cold body, snowfall, aurora

Defense: 211[S]Gold

Special attack: 151[A]Red

Special defense: 100 [B] Purple

Stamina: 85 [C] Blue

Attack: 23 [D] Green

Speed: 11 [D]

< p>Comprehensive: 581

Ability ——

“Attack”: Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Poweder Snow, Avalanche, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Sheer Cold

“Prevention”: Shrinking shell, angularization

“Speed”: Shell Smash, Rapid Spin

“Assistant”: Leer, Mist, ultrasonic

< p>———Weather Ball [Low level]


While free in the afternoon, Liang Ren called up the Cloyster Attribute panel and studied it.

After completing the power transformation, the original gaseous power of Cloyster within the body is now liquid. The ability to cast Ability formidable power will be greater and easier to mobilize and control.

Moreover, with the same storage space, Cloyster will be able to use more power in the future.

“The level has been increased by two levels to 37, and the special defense innate talent has been improved a lot. The “…Ice Beam, Sheer Cold” that was not fully controlled before, now the proficiency has also risen to the Top Rank. “

“Furthermore-I even realized the special ability of “Weather Ball”. Could it be that Cloyster’s body was contaminated with the authority of weather. “Although it is a guess, but the tone is very determined.

Take a closer look at the Attribute panel of Cloyster. After having accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, where water flows, a canal is formed ground breakthrough, Cloyster’s strength has increased. There are many, and there is no instability from the breath, this is the benefit of a solid foundation.


In six hours.

—— —☀———

The sun sets, the glow fades, and the twilight begins to envelope the earth.

The lush rainforest, which is vibrant and dazzling green during the day, is also covered with a layer of gray. The curtain of the curtain, the scenery becomes misty.


“gā gā gā gā……”

Night falls, the rain forest of Hessian It became more lively, the strange birds that came out at night and day uttered terrifying owls from far and near, and the hungry hunter called “ao wu woo~” constantly.

In the night It was full of murderous intention ———

After dinner, after taking Riolu and Cloyster back the baby ball, Liang Ren took Pidgeot and Slowpoke two and started to approach J’s spaceship base quietly.

“Ah duo–this group of hunters are really calm, they actually stayed in the base hungry and didn’t come out in the afternoon. “Slowpoke said in a playful tone.

“Suspicious that there is an enemy that appears and disappear unpredictably, with a brutal approach, hiding nearby. This kind of frightening feeling of living in fear at all times may be uncomfortable. “

“But since they don’t want to come out of the spaceship base, let’s go and scare them out, haha~”

Everyone looks at each other and smiles, and then they are out of thin air Disappearing in place, this caused Seviper, si si, who was ambushing in the bushes nearby, to swallow a snake letter, and a humanized astonishment flashed through the cold and bloodthirsty vertical pupils.

————< /p>

“The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light. Lord J, it’s no way for us to stay in the base all the time, and there is no food and fresh water in the spaceship. How about we break through the outside. “

At noon, Liang Ren took the Cloyster to the control room and destroyed it. The entire spaceship suffered a devastating blow.

Now not only can’t start, but also the normal power supply and lighting. It’s all a problem. Only here is a light flashing in the restaurant.

“It’s dark now, and it’s too dangerous outside at night. If you go out, you might even hit the enemy’s ambush. Now our top priority is to repair. Airship, if the airship cannot be activated after dawn tomorrow, we will break through to Lilycove City. “

Usually, they have some food in their respective rooms. Although they were worried all afternoon, they were not as hungry as Liang Ren thought.

In case of sudden change, the whole team Lost more than half, and her precious collection in the base also disappeared. For this self-conscious woman, she has never suffered such a big loss.

But just like the next subordinate. Said the same, they are in the light and the enemy is in the dark. Until now, she even killed half of her men and destroyed the characteristics of the enemy who destroyed her base. She didn’t touch it.

This time Acting recklessly will only make them fall into the land of eternal damnation. Instead of doing this, it’s better to seduce them, and keep the green hills not afraid of no firewood, relying on her network of connections on the underworld.

Just check it out afterwards. The details of the enemy, whether it is Alliance or which force, when the time comes, she will definitely make the other party pay the price twice.

J is very clever and sensible, and it can be said that he is in the Dark World. She started to siege, was repeatedly designed by Alliance and Interpol, and finally was her escape alive cunning hunter.

But will Liang Ren give the other party a chance to return in a swirl of dust and settle accounts after autumn?< /p>

When the life safety of himself and his family is threatened, he can only feel at ease if he is completely wiped out.

So even if all the next travel plans are lost, he will We must leave these people in the rain forest thoroughly.


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