If J knew that this hunting operation would provoke such a “cowardly” enemy, I wonder if she would fight Pidgeot, Slowpoke…their ideas.

Liang Ren is he timid?

——Yes, he is timid. He is afraid that he and his family will be met by the endless Revenge of each other, so he has to kill this threat in the cradle.

This hunt tonight, there is no possibility of turning back and giving up.

“Kang Dang…”

The one who teleported away, one pet, continued to make strange noises in the spaceship to scare the remaining 6 people.

“Cloyster, use “Mist””


In the dark spaceship base, a whisper was heard from the dark corner .

With the release of ice power, where Mist spreads, thin frost began to appear on the ground and walls of the spaceship.

The dark and cold environment is constantly eroding Jand. The psychological defense of the others, the fear is spreading through the rapid and heavy breathing between each other.

“Kump…J~sir, I think we should give up the spaceship to break out, and then If this continues, I don’t know if we will be killed by the enemy, but we will definitely be driven mad. “

Under the light of the flashlight, everyone’s face looked pale, with fine beads of sweat already oozing out on their foreheads.

Not to mention the 13 companions who were damaged at noon during the day. , The maintenance team members who were killed silently just now reminded them that it is no longer safe to hide in the spaceship base.

Stay in the spaceship, maybe they others too. Will be silently killed by enemies in the dark.


“Everyone, join me to break out of Fortree City. “Thinking of the terrifying death of his subordinates, even J felt shuddering in his heart.

Yes, the spaceship base is not safe anymore. Now only one of the four team members who can overhaul equipment is left. It’s almost impossible to successfully repair the spaceship.

At this time, they can only survive if they break out.

“Go–” Since the awakening is set, J didn’t hesitate anymore, and took the remaining 5 subordinates to break out.

Jand the others’ movements are always clearly controlled by him. If these people keep flying In the ship, he is not very good at starting, after all, J is an Elite powerhouse.

However, after a psychological and tactical attack by him, these guys finally plan to get out of the ship, so he will be easy to operate next.

“oh la la ……pupu~”

The rainforest at night is a hunting carnival full of bloody smell, whether it is in the forest or on the sky. All kinds of Pokémon played the hunting scene.

Jand the others ran out of the airship in a panic, awakening a big nocturnal bird from the bushes.

The big bird oh la la leaped up, then flapped its wings, lose one’s head out of fear and flew into the night sky exhaustedly at the same time.

“To Fortree City is this direction, everyone Follow me not to fall behind. “Looking back at the spaceship base like a giant beast crawling on the ground, J took his five subordinates into the woods and disappeared.

The location where they were just now, the air With a twist, a young man holding Slowpoke suddenly appeared, with a pair of bright eyes looking at the direction of Jand the others leaving, speechless for a long time.

“Next, let you see the rain forest at night. Horror. “After speaking, one person and one pet disappeared in place.

“Ah Duo——Liang Ren, what shall we do next? Sneak attack them? “Slowpoke turned his head to ask the boy in white shirt.

“The opposing team has an Elite powerhouse. We can’t confront each other head-on. Next, let Pidgeot drive Wild Pokémon to harass, and then we wait for the opportunity. “

The rainforest at night is extremely dangerous. When Liang Ren discussed the plan with Pidgeot and Slowpoke, J’s side was already attacked by Wild Pokémon in the rainforest.

“… …”

Rainforest is a treasure house of resources. With the same size of area, the number of Pokémon fed by the rainforest is several times that of ordinary forests.

Under the hot and humid environment, the vegetation in the rainforest grows wildly. It’s very difficult to drive even during the day, even more how the dark night, you can’t see the road at all.

Moreover, the flashlights in J’s hand do not attract predators in the rainforest. It’s hard to pay attention.


The first wave of hunters are three Ariados. In the dark, the eyes emit evil light, waiting for these panicked prey to approach. .

The three Ariados exchanged their eyes, and the sticky spider silk immediately spit Up from the pincer-like mouthparts, moved towards Jand the others.

“Houndoom, Flamethrower . “

Unfortunately, Drapion and Ariados opened the way on J’s side. The three hunters in ambush were spotted ahead of time. A Flamethrower from Houndoom of Small Captain next to him blasted out, and Ariados’ spider silk was instantly burned to ashes. .

“Drapion, use “Throat Chop” to kill them for me. “

Being tossed by an invisible enemy for a day, J, with a heart-wrenching heart, also showed the power of an Elite powerhouse.

“Now, Slowpoke, we on. “

Seeing that Jand the others is attracted by the three Ariados, Liang Ren corner of the mouth raise, and start their assassination journey with Slowpoke.

” Duo——”

We approached quietly, and then used Teleport to take away the person standing aside to kill. The first wave of assassination went smoothly.

Liang Ren The corpse was not sent back as before, but was directly thrown on the road they were going to pass a while before.


“…”< /p>

For J, it didn’t take much effort to solve the three normal Ariados. After greeted Drapion, the team continued to move forward.

People are happy, but after seeing Jgreatly showing divine might just now, the panic in the team has faded a lot.

Until the team has moved forward more than ten meters, under the prompts of Ariados and Drapion who opened the way , Jand the others saw a corpse on the road.

The seven orifices were bleeding, with a look of panic and pain, and there were no wounds on his body.

“Master J, it is… it is number 3. “The team members who stepped forward to check, their eyes widened in horror, their teeth trembled and their heads turned to report.


Hearing this, everyone suddenly felt a chill. From the sole of the foot to the top of the head, it seemed as if the whole body was splashed with a bucket of cold water and then thrown into the ice cave.

“Didn’t No. 3 be with us just now? How…”

“Count the number of people. “

“Master J, one person is missing from the team, it is No. 3…”

One person died silently under the eyelids, originally diminished by the previous attack At this moment, the panic is growing and spreading more severely.

Everyone in the squad becomes panicked, as if in the darkness behind them, there is a pair of scarlet eyes staring at them for a moment. If you don’t pay attention, someone will be killed.

“Don’t panic, everyone get closer and pay more attention to the people around you. “

“Ariados you open the road ahead, Drapion you go to the back of the team to guard. “


The team is reduced by one again, and now there are only five people left with J.

Place Drapion behind the team Be warned, everyone’s sense of fear is slightly reduced, but no one dare to relax.

For this enemy who has never seen the silhouette of the other from beginning to end, the fear in Jand the others’s heart has risen to a high level. Extremely, even if you can survive this time, it is estimated that it will leave a psychological shadow that is difficult to eliminate for life.

This is a real hunter.

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