Eating a ditch and gaining a wisdom, Jand the others became a lot more cautious, but they still looked down on Liang Ren too much, and looked down on the dangers of the rainforest at night.

The assassination continues–

As Pidgeot drove groups of Wild Pokémon over, Jand the others were attacked again and again, and every time, Both Liang Ren and Slowpoke will reduce the team by one.

One hour

There are 4 people left in the team.


Three hours

There are 3 people left in the team.


Nine hours later–

After a whole night of attacks, the number of teams behind J continued to decrease.

The body and mind are exhausted, but the fear in my heart has also accumulated to the extreme. If it weren’t for the suppression of the Jmilitary force, the two people around me would have been scared and fleeing independently.

When the three of them were on the way, they all held hands tightly.

After a night of escaping in the rainforest, J has long lost the air he saw at noon yesterday.

At this time, the woman’s glasses have been lost, her silver-gray hair is messy, with Leafage in it, and Black’s leather coat is full of scratches and grass juice.

The whole body is written in embarrassment, and the two subordinates behind him are even more unbearable, it is like beggar Normal.

Although the team hasn’t been reduced for nine hours, the three of them are still running forward.

Because they know that the enemies hidden in the dark are always there, because the Pokémon that activates themselves has not decreased.


It was almost dawn, and there was the crowing of Wild Dodrio in Maolin.



The hunting carnival at night is over, and the hunters that appear at night are gradually hidden, Liang Ren no longer Let Pidgeot drive Wild Pokémon to launch an attack, but instead go out in person.

Pidgeot shot a huge crescent wind blade in the dark. Taking advantage of the three people’s attention, Slowpoke blasted a shadow ball from another direction.

“Ah~” The hand-in-hand formation was blown up, and Liang Ren approaching silently grabbed a person and teleported away directly.


“It’s you!!”

This embarrassed man who was captured is much luckier than his previous companions. From here After the assassination revenge plan started, he was the first person to see the true face of’Ghost’.

“hehe, surprise, astonishment, unbelievable…There is even regret.” Liang Ren’s face was full of fun.

The man in front of him was the one who was interrogated by the neck of his knife holder at noon yesterday, and finally did not know what signal led to them.

When they met for the second time, they faced each other, and both of them had bloodshot eyes.

This man never thought that destroying their spaceship base, killing his 19 companions with brutal means, appear and disappear unpredictably like Ghost, chasing them all night, it turned out to be This at first is the prey that they have eliminated and ignored.

This only 13-year-old boy put a knife on his neck at noon yesterday. After the interrogation, he felt soft and slow to kill him.

However, later, he used extremely cruel means to kill all his companions.

“Want to know how I killed your teammates?” Liang Ren asked lightly, approaching.

After one day and one night killings, Liang Ren, who was originally calm and calm, is full of hostility and evil intentions at this moment.

“Don’t…don’t kill me, it’s J who is going to catch your Pokémon, I…I just follow orders.” Looking at the red-eyed boy, the man’s body was trembling like chaff. .

“I was in the spaceship at noon yesterday, but I felt a strong spite and killing intent from you, so this time I won’t be softened anymore.”

“Ah~ “

The man didn’t say what he said. Slowpoke has already taken his life.


After solving this man, there is only one person following J.

“Ah Duo——Liang Ren, that woman seems to give up and run away.” At this time, Slowpoke said in a bit of amazement.

“It’s normal. The reason why this selfish woman was willing to take this group of drags was originally to suck Flash Fire power.” Hearing Slowpoke’s words, Liang Ren laughed without any surprise.

“The rainforest at night is more dangerous than during the day. Walking through the rainforest with trees covering it can attract that many predators. If it is in the air without any cover, it would be a death. There are countless Pokémon attacks.”

“Whether it is rainforest or forest, any place where trees are overgrowed is a paradise for bird Pokémon. If it weren’t the case, she came out of the airship last night. She rode her Salamence and escaped alone.”

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Slowpoke had a deeper understanding of the complex and sinister human heart.

Nature is fair to every kind of creature. Dragon Type Pokémon is a powerful representative, but they don’t have the reproductive power of Magikarp and Rattata.

The human body is weak, and unlike Pokémon, it does not possess all kinds of powers, but it has a strong learning ability and creativity that Pokémon does not have…

But nature gives humans Wisdom also gave them a stronger desire than any race.

It is precisely because of the existence of various desires that people’s minds gradually become complicated.

“It’s getting light soon, we will get rid of the bad luck egg. Let’s continue chasing that woman.” Liang Ren hugged Slowpoke and disappeared.



Said it is abandonment, it is better to say that both sides have the idea of ​​parting ways and breaking up.

“Damn it, although the team infiltrated J as an undercover agent, the purpose was to cooperate with the Interpol inside and outside, looking for opportunities to put them all together.”

“But this time, what is the J group? I provoked who, the method of action was so ruthless, I must take the news out, and then find out the forces behind…”

The thin, tall man in a panic ran forward desperately, with Pokemon on his body. , Had all been killed by a Pidgey attack last night.

Liang Ren who caught up, didn’t expect J team even sneaked into an undercover agent sent by Interpol.


However, Liang Ren was not polite, teleporting appeared behind the thin and tall man, kicking directly on the back of his knee joint.


“You are the trainer who was caught by J yesterday.” Seeing the enemy’s appearance, the detective screamed strangely.

He couldn’t connect the 21 people under J with brutal means, appear and disappear unpredictably like a Ghost-like butcher, with the handsome 13-year-old boy in front of him.

“Very good expression, but you can go to death.” Liang Ren lightly said.

“Don’t kill me…Don’t kill me, I am not from Hunter J, I am an undercover agent sent by Interpol headquarters.”

“As long as you keep me safe Escorting out of the rainforest, I will definitely defend you and testify, you didn’t mean to kill…”

Hearing the lanky man, Liang Ren’s eyes became colder again. If Interpol headquarters and Alliance knew He killed someone, for whatever reason, it is estimated that he will end up in prison for life.

As for the guy in front of him that he is defending and testifying, he doesn’t believe it at all, and he doesn’t like his destiny to be in the hands of others, so only the dead will keep the secret.

“Get out of him—” Liang Ren winked at Slowpoke.


The dark sky is gradually diluted and washed away, and the morning stars on the gray sky are already dim and sparse. The dawn of azure rises above the horizon, and a faint mist stretches across the rainforest Sky.

The sky broke very quickly, and Slowpoke’s Psychic sensed that when J’s silhouette was searched, the sky was completely clear.

“hu hu ~”

Having been chased all night, this cold, arrogant and conceited woman has already reached her limit, and she is sitting on a moss stone to rest. .

“Step on…”

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, J stood up suddenly, looking at the dark part of the forest with fear and fear.

When he saw that not-so-large silhouette walked out of the darkness, the whole person was exposed in the Golden Morning Sun. After seeing the other’s appearance, J’s face was full of disbelief.

“Beautiful Ms. J, good morning, did you sleep well last night—”

Looking at “Hunter J” with a constantly changing expression, Liang Ren looks like A gentleman said hello to the other person.


Badness, anger, hatred, and then astonishment, surprise, and disbelief, the ghost killer impression that made her full of fear last night, and the sunshine in front of her The young official silhouette keeps overlapping.

Finally digested this information, and after accepting this incredible fact, the batteryd and exhausted J suddenly burst into laughter like crazy.

“Hunting all the year round, I was bitten by the prey. I didn’t expect me, Hunter J, to be so embarrassed by a 13-year-old boy, hahahaha…”

Liang Ren held Slowpoke and looked at this laughing woman quietly.

“Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to provoke me J——”

lifts the head, the woman angrily opened her bloodshot beautiful eyes, like a The mad mother beast, as if the next moment would rush to tear him to pieces.

“The beautiful Ms. J, I also admire your courage very much, dare to provoke me~”

Faced with this fiercely famous woman who made countless forces fearful, Liang Ren was extremely calm, if it weren’t for the bloodshot eyes, he would even mistakenly think he was chatting with each other.

“Boy, do you think you are taking me down?” Hunter Jextremely angry laughed back.

“Why, I’m just a 13-year-old boy. The Pokémon Level I have is the highest, but Level 38. The gap with Ms. J is not as big as Normal.”

“Moreover, In a Pidgey attack last night, you let your subordinates go up most of the time. Although your Pokémon was injured, I know that your Trump Card Salamence is still in good condition.”

Liang Ren slightly smiled, like chatting with a friend, the tone lightly expounds a fact.

“hehe ~ now that you know, are you brat ready to meet my anger?” Flicking his messy hair, J’s face showed a dangerous smile.

“Oh~Are you sure you can catch me? Be careful to be left in this rainforest forever.”

It is already bright, and there is a Salamence in good condition in your hand. J, he can’t keep the opponent behind, but be that as it may, but he can’t lose in an imposing manner.


I didn’t care about Liang Ren’s provocation, J directly released the Trump Card: Salamence, Elite aura, plus the powerful Dragon’s Might.

This big blue lizard made a violent roar, which not only shook Liang Ren’s eardrums, but also kept quiet out of fear all around the predators peeping in the woods, quietly far away Escape away.

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