“Okay, you can arrange this, but don’t tell father Mother about my murder.”

Liang Ren knows that his Old Brother, as a genius trainer, is now being used by Kanto Indigo Alliance and Hoenn Ever The Grande Alliance is vying to solicit, and the network at hand is much deeper than that of him. This matter basically won’t be a big problem if he helps in the aftermath.

“Okay, your Old Brother’s mouth is serious.”


However, as soon as Liang Ren hung up here, Old Brother Momoa Called home.

“Mom~younger brother, he killed someone!!”

“…” The hunter JSnatch Pokémon was killed. He told Mother in detail what happened to him, even though Liang was in front of him. Ren said casually, but Momoa could guess how thrilling the whole thing was.

“Okay~ I see, what is the strength of that J?” After hearing Momoa’s description, Mother on the phone asked in a lightly tone.

Dragon Type Elite: Drake, (Salamence LV.75)

ice attribute Elite: Glacia, (Glalie LV.74)

————— ———

Dark Type Elite: Sidney, (Megadon LV.60)

Ghost Elite: Phoebe, (Sableye LV.59)

— ———

“J is a murderous Pokemon hunter in the underworld, and his strength is ranked among the elite experts.

I was invited by our school to teach. “Dark Type Elite: Sidney”, once led the Alliance search team against this woman named J.

At that time, Sidney Elite himself said that the strength of “Hunter J” was not much weaker than him. The Pokémon Level of the echelon at hand basically reached [Level 55]. Momoya explained.

“It turns out that there is only the equivalent of the Alliance’s “New Elite”, that’s okay–

Don’t worry about it at home, someone is protecting us here. On Liang Ren’s side, Momoa, didn’t you keep a Pokémon next to him for personal protection? “

After having breakfast, I went back to my room and took a few copies of the intermediate rank breeding home examination materials. I was preparing to see Ryoko who took the time to look at the store when business was not busy. After receiving a call from Momoa, she was gentle as water His face was stained with frost.

For this “Hunter J” who act recklessly dared to attack his treasured son, Ryoko has already included him on the kill list at the moment.

“Before I said that Pokemon should be personally protected, but the younger brother he strictly refused, saying that he is going to travel instead of traveling.” At this point, Momoka was also aggrieved.

“Okay, Liang Ren is fine…”

After the mother and son confessed a few words, Liangzi hung up the phone and clicked on the phone address book. A note is drawn with the number of “Nanny”.

“Girl, what’s wronged, you haven’t called me for a long time.” The landline was connected, and an Old Lady’s voice came from the other end of the phone.


Liang Ren Mother, a swift and decisive swift and decisive Liang Ren Mother who is normally a good wife and mother, has a sudden change in style.

Facing the Old Lady on the other end of the phone, Ryoko removed all his guards and said Charm like a seventeen-eighteen-year-old girl.


Liang Ren who is still in the rain forest does not know what happened to Old Brother Momoa and his mother.

He didn’t close his eyes all night. He took a few Pokémons and chose a place to camp. He simply ate breakfast and slept until more than five in the afternoon.


Opened the tent door and came out, and made a big Yawn.

Hold the Slowpoke and fly up to a big tree next to it. Under the support of Confusion, one person and one pet Frillish like there is no weight, step on the top of the tree canopy to watch this endless, vast rainforest beautiful scenery.

Next to Pidgeot, Cloyster and Riolu also flew up, spreading their wings in the wind.

At this time, the setting sun was hanging over the gap between the two mountains to the west, the sky was turned red by the sunset, and the blue and daisy mountains were also dyed purple.

In the distance, the Murkrow group is like a black fishing net, chirp chirp twitter twitter Uproar, hovering and dancing in the rainforest Sky.

“Hoothoot~” Liang Ren stood on the canopy of the tree and watched the scenery for a while, his stomach screamed Hoothoot, he slept for a whole day without lunch, and now it’s time to prepare dinner again .

“Let’s go, let’s get down.” Liang Ren touched Slowpoke’s head and said.

“Ah Duo——”

There is still the setting sun on the top of the tree, and the woodland below is very dim at this moment.

After sleeping all around the camp for a day, the breath of the beast-repellent spray has faded, and predators are gradually starting to move around in the dark forest.


Liang Ren took the insect-controlling and beast-repellent spray, sprayed it all around the camp, and saw the peeping eyes gradually fade away. Then I started preparing dinner with confidence.

Give the dirty clothes that I changed a few days ago to Slowpoke to help with washing. Pidgeot, who learned Ability “Heat Wave” a while ago, is now Slowpoke’s laundry partner.

One uses Confusion to scoop up the water, like a drum washing machine, and the other uses Heat Wave to dry the clothes.

Now that we have friends to do things together, Slowpoke is no longer willing to negotiate conditions like before. Instead, it is full of Vital Spirit like playing a game.

“Riolu, you help me watch the fire.” Hang the hanging pot for steaming miscellaneous rice. After Liang Ren has made the fire, he warned repeatedly to Riolu next to him.

“ao 嗷——” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Riolu cleverly carried a small bench and came to guard by the fire.

As for watching fire when cooking, Riolu can be said to be very experienced. Seeing that the fire under the hanging pot tends to decrease, Riolu uses “alloy claws” to cut some wood and add it.

Liang Ren was washing vegetables next to him. Liang Ren, who memorized “The Complete Works of Plants” upside down, collected a lot of fresh edible ingredients after entering the rainforest.

“Ticket–Master, why did you come out when you came to the end yesterday? If you don’t show up, the woman doesn’t know that we attacked her.”

Looking at Liang Ren, who was concentrating on food picking, and Cloyster, who was in charge of the guard next to him, he hesitated and asked.

“Xiaobei——If I don’t show up at the end, what do you think the other person will do after going out?” Liang Ren kept moving his hands, placing the washed wild mushrooms in a small bamboo basket next to him. Inquired lightly.

“Titicaca-the other party suffered such a big loss, the airship base was destroyed, treasures were stolen, and all of her subordinates were killed. She herself was so embarrassed that she would definitely find a way to investigate after she went out. Come out the murderer and implement Revenge.” Cloyster thought for a while and replied.

“This time we carried out the assassination. We did not at all leave any weak spot in the middle. All the dead subordinates and their bodies finally entered the stomachs of predators in the rainforest, and now they are almost turned into a lump. It stinks, what do you think J wants to find the murderer, what should he do?”

After so many things with him, Cloyster is much smarter than Pokémon in the hands of ordinary trainers. Liang Ren who tested it, laughed asked again.

“Ticket—this~” When asked by Liang Ren, Cloyster was stumped.

J’s entire team went into the rainforest to capture them. In the end, except for their own escape, all their subordinates were killed.

In addition, Liang Ren did a very clean job. After J went out, he had to investigate the murderer behind the incident. If Liang Ren did not show up in the end, the other party would not be able to proceed.

But Liang Ren never does meaningless things. Cloyster believes that his trainer is not the kind of no-brainer.

Obviously, things can completely cover up the past, but in the end, he took the initiative to show up and tell the other person his identity. There must be a deeper meaning behind it that it did not consider.

Wait—a light flashes across Cloyster’s head suddenly.

“Ticket–Master, do you mean that the other party will find us even if we don’t reveal our identity?” Cloyster asked tentatively.

“hehe~Of course, what the murderer did was not only to kill her subordinates, but also to save us at first, Help us get out.

Even if I didn’t end up When we show up, we will be exposed to her sight on future trips. The other party has to find the murderer behind him. We are the only clue.

Since the other party will find us sooner or later, it is better to expose our identity generously. , Compared with the same’clue’ character, an enemy who is only 13 years old but with such brutal means, undoubtedly the latter makes her even more jealous.”

“Do you know that the last woman saw me After the look, how wonderful the expression is, haha~”

As he talked, Liang Ren himself laughed.

“Ticket–then since this woman already knows that we did it, then she should revenge us madly.” Cloyster expressed her concern.

“You think too much, Elite level expert is not a panacea, and we are not muddled. According to the information provided by my elder brother Momoa, J’s strongest Trump Card Salamence Level is only over 50.”

“And when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, the wall is pushed down by everyone, the underworld is much more cruel than the white road, and now J is probably a prodigal dog.

What is her identity and background, as long as she is included in the list of prey, she dare to attack the other party. Acting so crazy, J has a great reputation in Dark World, but she offends too many people and forces.”

“And already knows who the murderer is, Retaliate doesn’t have to rush for a while. At this time, finding a way to survive the crisis, and surviving from her enemies’ Revenge is the top priority.

And we want There is only one thing to do, and that is to improve your strength as soon as possible. Only when you are strong enough will you not be treated as a prey, and you will not be afraid of others’ Revenge. Do you understand?”

Liang Ren tilts his head Cloyster smiled relaxedly as he watched the pensive tone.

“Ticket–I understand. I will work hard to improve my strength. Next time, it will be our turn to protect the owner.” Cloyster promised with full morale.

“Okay, haha…”

Looking at Cloyster with a serious expression, Liang Ren also laughed.

In fact, when the assassination first started, Liang Ren wanted to take advantage of J’s resting in the dormant cabin and sneak in to kill her.

It’s just that this woman is too cautious. When resting in her base and resting in her room, she even put Drapion and Ariados outside to protect her safety.

“Perhaps it is because she is a woman.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

In fact, what Liang Ren doesn’t know is that Dark World weak are prey to the strong and powerhouse is supreme. To be a bad person is not only hostile to the righteous forces like Alliance, but also the allies in the underworld around him are untrustworthy, hit a person. When he’s down is the norm, and it’s all over the place.

If you don’t mix with that circle, how can you understand the risks involved? Of course Liang Ren is not interested in knowing the difficulties of his enemies.

“Slowpoke, stop playing, you take the Poké Ball that was captured yesterday to release, and then we are ready to have dinner.” Liang Ren shouted to Slowpoke who finished washing the clothes over there.

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`)oh~”

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