The Pokemon hunter’s affairs came to an end. Liang Ren, who was already in the rainforest hinterland, took a few Pokémon to continue the adventure behind.

At the Lilycove City Contest Conference, Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster felt pressure from the battle with Drake.

The appearance of Pokemon Hunter made Cloyster even more aware of the urgency of improving their strength.

I understand that there is no upper limit to the improvement of Ability proficiency. Now in addition to fighting predators in the rainforest every day, Pidgeot also conducts Ability training under the arrangement of Liang Ren.

——Pidgeot, in addition to “Scythe, Divine Bird, Air Slash, Steel Wing…” these attack abilities, “Juggling, Roost, Foresight, Black Eyes, Mirror Move…” these long ago The auxiliary Ability that you learned also needs to improve your proficiency, and then you can use it flexibly in actual combat.

——Slowpoke Ability proficiency is not low, but there is still a lot of room for improvement, such as “Light Screen, protection, halving reflection, Safeguard” defense abilities, and of course “Calm Mind technique The comprehension is still the main task of Slowpoke cultivation.

——Cloyster here, after getting a fortuitous encounter from the Cerulean City party, its daily training has always been steadily advancing without too much worry.

However, this time of power transformation, Cloyster realized the Unique Ability of “Weather Ball”, which further confirmed Liang Ren’s guess at the previous Contest Conference.

The “Ice Orb” used by Articuno, the god of ice, to adjust the rain, snow, frost, and fog of the Pokémon world was swallowed by Shellder. The subsequent evolution made Cloyster within the body stained with a touch of meteorological authority.

Cloyster can mobilize part of nature’s power for his own use with the help of this meteorological authority, so in addition to daily training, the perception and application of Nature Power is also the top priority.

The training of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster does not require Liang Ren to worry too much. You only need to make a training plan and the three pets can be completed well.

At this stage, most of Liang Ren’s energy is still focused on Riolu, fighting skills, cultivation, and accumulating practical experience…

Every day in the rainforest is extremely fulfilling, plus With the assistance of the system, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have improved a lot, and Riolu’s strength has improved even more for Norman.


A week later

“Woo~ finally out of the rainforest.”

Get out of the hot and humid rainforest, Liang Ren, who stepped on the “Quiet Road” again, felt like seeing the sky again and being a man again.


A private car coming from the direction of Lilycove City just passed by, saw wearing a mud Yellow camouflage jacket, carrying a travel backpack out of the rainforest, An embarrassed teenager.

The business man in a suit in the driver’s seat was full of surprise. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to imagine such a young man who would venture into the rainforest alone.

“Riolu, let’s go, I hope I can rush to the Fortree City Pokémon Center before lunch.”

I didn’t care about the surprised glances from passing cars, and walked along the road one by one. Walk towards Fortree City ahead.


At this time, the private car that had just passed by slowly pulled over, and then stopped in front of him.

“Young trainer, are you going to Fortree City? Do you want to take my ride.” The business man in a suit rolled down the car window and asked him with a kind smile on his face Tao.

“Thank you Uncle, but I just came out of the rainforest and I am a bit dirty.”

“It’s okay, come up, I also go to Fortree City to do errands, so I can help you on the way. Cheng.” The man laughed and said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Liang Ren lowered his head and cast a questioning look at Riolu.

“ao~” found Malice’s Riolu nodded from the opponent through Aura, not at all.

“In that case, thank you for uncle.” Liang Ren scratched his head, smiled honestly at the other party, and sat on it with Riolu in his arms.

The business suit uncle was very enthusiastic, loosened his tie, glanced at the teenager who was wearing the seat belt in the rearview mirror, and started the conversation very familiarly.

“young man, where are you from?”

“Kanto Celadon City.”

“That’s really far, are you a professional trainer? Looks very young!”


“I have a son who is normal with you. Now Lilycove City has just attended intermediate rank school.”

“Let me tell you, when I was young, I actually wanted to be a trainer…”

I met during the journey. Although there is a wide range of age and occupation, this is called The man of Yutaro Tanigawa had a very happy chat with him.

Liang Ren has a maturity that is completely incompatible with this age. He is knowledgeable and broad-minded. No matter what topics business men talk about, Liang Ren can talk to him. Many opinions expressed make Yutaro feel admiration.

Until 20 minutes later, the car stopped at the square outside the Fortree City Pokémon Center. If Liang Ren didn’t mean to go to the Pokémon Center for a bath and rest, Yutaro even wanted him to have lunch. Chat for a while.

“Thank you, Gu Mister Chuan.” After getting off the car, Liang Ren thanked the enthusiastic uncle again.

“You’re welcome, then goodbye, Liang Ren.” Yutaro Tanigawa laughed and waved goodbye.

Seeing the car merging into the traffic and disappearing, Liang Ren turned around and took Riolu towards the center of Pokémon.

I have been traveling in Hoenn for a period of time. The longer I stay here, the more Liang Ren realizes that this is different from his hometown of Kanto.

Hoenn has a variety of natural environments, from tropical rainforests to deserts, but the most striking feature is that this continent has vast waters almost equal to the land area.

The entire continent is rectangular, high in the northwest and low in the southeast. With the Hoenn River as the boundary, the Hoenn territory is divided into two continents.


Fortree City, located in East Continent, is the northernmost city in the Hoenn Region, just like the Nepru Gym located on the West Road.

Nipuru Gym is very close to Chimney Hill, because Volcanic Ash is often falling down, and the fertile soil makes the local vegetation growth exceptionally overgrow.

On the Fortree City side, because of the rainforest to the east and the Hoenn River to the west, abundant precipitation makes the vegetation and trees growing here.

Fortree City’s urban green area even exceeds that of Viridian City in Kanto Region, so it is known as “the natural city of treetop Play Rough”.

Looking around, it is clearly located in the bustling city center, but the green of the plants in the field of vision far exceeds the number of buildings.

Under the unique municipal planning, the tallest building in the city center is no more than 20m away. With the backdrop of many well-protected Camphriers, the white buildings seem to be mushrooms that happen to emerge on the lawn after the rain.

“Ding Ding…ding dong … Ding”

Push the door into the center of Pokémon, have endured the hardships of a long journey, embarrassed, and a rainforest adventure outfit plus With Riolu around him, Liang Ren attracted the attention of many people.

“This kid won’t just come out of the rainforest!”

“Like a man, he looks younger than me.”

“Are the students of the Intermediate Rank Pokémon School of this year so brash, aren’t they afraid of death?”

“This Riolu doesn’t seem to be very capable.” A yellow-haired trainer said in a sour tone. .

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