“Then, did Divine Bird calm the anger between Groudon and Kyogre?” Liang Ren asked.

“The one who calmed the anger of the two legendary Pokémons was the Rayquaza, known as the Sky Divine Dragon, but under the attack of the landslide, Fissure, hurricane and tsunami, it was the Divine Bird I mentioned that sheltered the ancestors.”

Hearing the explanation of the red-haired girl, Liang Ren was not surprised. It is probably only Rayquaza who can stop Groudon and Kyogre.

As for the Divine Bird that the girl said, Liang Ren was full of doubts.

“This Divine Bird, is it Ho-Oh, but Ho-Oh is active in the legends of Johto Region, plus Ho-Oh, the only Divine Beast between Heaven and Earth, must be Those with their own duties and territories, it is impossible to travel to the Hoenn continent so leisurely to protect the ancient Human Race.”

“Is it the fallen Divine Beast or the extinct bird Pokémon in the ancient times?”

< p>As the darling of Heaven and Earth, the power of Divine Beast is incalculable. It may not be easy to fall. Liang Ren believes that this ordinary bird Pokémon is strong enough to touch the threshold of the low-level Divine Beast Sect. .

“‘Divine Bird Festival’ is a sacrificial celebration where Divine Bird is grateful, and then has been inherited?” Seeing the girl in a daze, Liang Ren asked again.

“Almost, under the protection of Divine Bird, the ancestors who migrated to this area have officially settled down.

Although everyone is not related by blood and does not have a common surname, The gratitude for Divine Bird and the love for Pokémon are the same.

Divine Bird Festival is indeed a celebration of the Divine Bird sacrifice, according to the description in the literature of our bird trainer lineage inheritance.< /p>

At first, Divine Bird even showed up during the ceremony and celebrated with the ancestors, but later Divine Bird no longer appeared, and no one saw Divine Bird again”

A clan that has inherited for thousands of years has always maintained its cohesion, and there is always only one, and that is the sense of identity with its own national culture.

Looking at the look on the lively girl’s face, Liang Ren was quite touched.

“Later, I don’t know when the corpses of the deceased ancestors were sent to the forest where Divine Bird once lived for celestial burial.

The bird Pokémon companion of the deceased ancestor, also All entered the forest and continued to live. The former Divine Bird forest has slowly become the “Forest of the Elderly”.”

“As the torrent of time progresses, the forest of the elderly is buried in the sky. There are more and more people, and more and more bird elders will continue to live. Although Divine Bird has not appeared at the Divine Bird Festival every five years, the thousands of bird elders in the Forest of the Elders, They will all sing forever.

At that time, there will be a mirage-like Divine Bird phantom miraculously appearing on the Sky of Sacrifice Celebration Square. As long as the bird Pokémon is grateful and awed, it will work hard towards Divine Bird. If the phantom flies away, you will be blessed by Divine Bird in the end.

This is why “Divine Bird Festival” is the carnival of all bird Pokémon trainers.”

After explaining Fortree The history of the city bird trainer lineage and the origin of “Divine Bird Festival”, the red-haired girl turned her head to look at Liang Ren who was lost in thought, her pretty face full of expectation.

“What the hell is that Divine Bird’s blessing?” It is good to hear it. Liang Ren, who has the right to listen to the story at first, feels alive.

“How do you say blessings? This varies from person to person. Every bird Pokémon that participates in the festival will receive a different blessing.

But roughly There are several types:

One is to cleanse the mind, and Pokémon becomes more intelligent.

The second is to help Pokémon understand new Ability moves, or improve the perception of Ability use.


third is more special. It allows Pokémon to inherit a will.”

After listening to Liu Hong’s explanation, Liang Ren was also very surprised. According to his understanding, the so-called Divine Bird illusory shadow should be the carrier of a certain spirit.

Divine Bird protected the safety of the ancestors of the bird trainer lineage at the end of the ancient times. Although Divine Bird disappeared, the bird trainer lineage’s gratitude and respect for this Divine Bird did not decrease.

Whether it is the person who was sent to the Divine Bird forest sky burial, or the elder bird who continues to live in the forest, or the bird trainer lineage clansman who lives in Fortree City, he has always believed in the legendary Divine Bird.

I firmly believe that Divine Bird will always protect them whether they survive in the world or return to the market after death. Under this powerful spirit willpower, it is not surprising that a blessed Divine Bird phantom was born. .

As for why there is a real blessing effect, Liang Ren speculates that this may be related to Pokémon in the “Forest of the Elder” described by Liu Hong.

As a carrier of will and faith, it is no problem to release a little psychic energy to help Pokémon inspire wisdom.

While Help Pokémon understands the new Ability, it is probably a gift from the living or dead Pokémon in the Forest of the Elder.

As for the third blessing mentioned by Liu Hong, inheritance of a certain will sounds a bit mysterious, but according to the previous logic, thinking of it is also a spiritual gift.

“According to the elders in my family, although Pokémon can participate in the celebration unlimited times, the blessings received in the end are actually related to Pokémon’s strength and innate talent.

Strength innate The higher the talent, whether it is the first or second blessing, you will get more Pokémon than the low-powered innate talent. However, a Pokémon can only inherit one in a lifetime.”

See him not thinking Speaking, the red-haired girl explained to herself that Liu Hong seemed to have no guard against Liang Ren who had only met Liang Ren for less than a day, and told him the mysteries that many people didn’t know.

“What is this will, it feels very special.” Liang Ren asked suspiciously.

“Well—how do I say, my elders said that Pokémon has reached level 50, and the strength of the liquid within the body is condensed and transformed into a solid state. Even if it reaches the threshold of Elite level, the will is the step. The key to entering the Elite level.”

Seeing Liang Ren’s doubts, Liu Hong did not reserve, and directly told him what she knew.

“Level 50 liquid force condenses and transforms into a solid state is to touch the threshold of Elite, and is “will” the key to entering Elite? “

After listening to Liu Hong’s words, Liang Ren’s expression suddenly became serious. This message is too weighty for him. This is the mystery of breakthrough Elite.

” By the way, I’m not a local or your Fortree City bird trainer lineage. Can I also participate in the “Divine Bird Festival”? “

After listening to what Liu Hong said about the benefits, Liang Ren’s unwillingness is absolutely false.

At the Lilycove City Contest Conference half a month ago, a fight with Drake made him and Pokémon at hand understands the gap between him and true powerhouse.

After a period of experience in the dangerous rainforest, Pidgeot is now level 40, Slowpoke Level 39, Cloyster Level 38.

Distance Drake’s veteran Elite, he still has a long way to go, but with the help of system, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, they have to reach Quasi Elite 50, not at all too difficult.

If the bird trainer lineage’s “Divine Bird Festival” ceremonial celebration by chance inherits a will, then Pidgeot will be a smooth road to Elite in the future.

“Of course you can participate. , Our bird trainer lineage is not as closed and exclusive as those inheritance clans. The “Divine Bird Festival” ceremonial celebration held every five years can be attended by trainers who have bird Pokémon in their hands. “

Seeing Liang Ren’s worries, Liu Hong explained in full of smiles, dispelling his worries.


Two After people chatted for a while about the Divine Bird Festival sacrifice, Liu Hong did not forget Liang Ren’s business, and called Winona to ask for the Gym fight.

“Winona elder sister said that he could accept your Gym. Fight, but you have to wait for the end of the Divine Bird Festival celebration. “

“That’s it. “Liang Ren who got the answer was not disappointed.

‘Divine Bird Festival’ is a grand event held every five years in Fortree City. As the Gym Leader, Winona must be very busy during this time.


The opponent who was originally closed for half a month was willing to take time to accept his Gym challenge after the Divine Bird Festival. Liang Ren is already satisfied, and he also wants to participate in this “Divine Bird Festival” celebration.

“By the way, Liang Ren big brother, my elder brother happened to come back from the “Elderly Forest” this afternoon. Would you like to play against my elder brother, my elder brother is very strong~”< /p>

Seeing that Liang Ren didn’t speak, Liu Hong thought he was a little disappointed because he couldn’t take the Gym challenge right away, thinking that his eldest brother would be back today, she couldn’t help but suggest enthusiastically.

“You Brother? “When he turned his head and glanced at the lively girl next to him, Liang Ren was a little confused.

“”The Forest of the Elders” is a resting place for the dead, and it is also a place where the elderly birds live in seclusion. Whether it is a clansman or an outsider, they are not allowed to enter. “

“Only five years have expired. Before the “Divine Bird Festival” ceremonial celebration, every household in the clan will send juniors under 18 to form a team, wearing traditional costumes and barefoot. Enter the “Forest of the Elderly” for grave sweeping and worship. “

“My eldest brother is the “cemetery head” of this year’s tomb-sweeping team. Before half a month, he led another 30 younger generations of the clan into the Elderly Forest. Today is the day when the tomb-sweeping team returns. “

“Oh~ I heard that the younger generations who entered the “Forest of the Elder” to sweep the grave before the “Divine Bird Festival” festival will receive more Divine Bird blessings than others. “Speaking of this, Liu Hong, who had a happy face, couldn’t help but sighed.

“Oh~” Liang Ren lightly complied.

Liu Hong’s words made him more convinced of his guess. The so-called Divine Bird phantom should be the product of the spiritual beliefs of the bird trainer lineage, and the blessing is the Present of Ten Thousand Birds in the Forest of the Elder.

“Since there are such benefits, why don’t you participate , Is it possible that each household can only send one grave sweeping representative? “Liang Ren asked curiously.

“No, according to the rules set by the clan, only boys can enter the “Forest of the Elder” to sweep the grave. “Liu Hong is very uncomfortable with this family’s patriarchal rules.

“It turned out to be so. “Liang Ren nodded.

It seems that the bird trainer lineage seems to be open, but as a force that lasts for thousands of years, the clan also has some closed features like other inheritance clan.


After all, the bloodline, inheritance, and continuity of a clan…, in a certain obscured traditional concept, it is often directly linked to the lineage of men, and the status of women who will marry out is often lower.

“I’ll call a few good girlfriends first. How about the return of the tomb sweeping together later? “Liu Hong, who was depressed for a moment, became lively again.

“Good~” The advantage of traveling is that you can learn about all kinds of customs. Now that there is such an opportunity, Liang Ren will naturally not refuse.

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