Seeing Liang Ren agree to go together, Liu Hong seemed very happy, and hurried to the side to call her two good girlfriends with her mobile phone.

“Hey~Miaomiao, who do you guess I’m with now? Hehe…” The girl who ran away flushed her face, and glanced at the teenager on the bench secretly, with her bare hands covering her mobile phone. said mysteriously and secretively.

“Xiao Nizi, you must be a little brother who is looking up again in your tone. Who is the other party, don’t hesitate to recruit.” On the other side of the phone, there was a girl with a crisp voice, which seemed to be Is one of Liu Hong’s best friends.

“hehe~you know me my dear.” Liu Hong smiled like a Small Fox who stole Honey.

“That’s-come on, who is that handsome little brother?” The girl on the phone’s’ka-cha’ chewing potato chips hurriedly asked.

“hehe~ is the little brother who played against Drake Elite at the Lilycove City Contest Conference before.” Liu Hong replied.

“Ah…It’s the little brother named “Mu Mu Liang Ren”——! ! I remember that the other person disappeared after the Contest Conference half a month ago. Lilycove TV Station wanted to ask him for an interview, but didn’t even find the silhouette. Honey, how did you meet him? “

When I heard the name of the person my best friend said, the girl on the phone called Miaomiao, suddenly felt that the potato chips in her mouth were not smelling, and the gossip in her heart was burning, so she hurriedly asked.

“I can’t explain it to you in a while. I just asked the other party to meet the sacrificial team. Do you want to be together? “

“Give me five minutes and I will call Shang Yuou to come over. “On the other end of the phone, a girl called Miaomiao jumped up and replied from the sofa.

“Well, we are in the square outside the Pokémon Center. Don’t let us wait for a long time~”


In less than five minutes after hanging up the phone, a pink supercar stopped at the place where Liang Ren got off the car by a ride in the morning.

Two well-dressed girls waved towards The two ran over.

When they got closer, Liang Ren also saw the looks of the two girls, both of them were beautiful girls at the same level as Liu Hong.

“Liang Ren, let me introduce you. These two are good friends I grew up with, Yuou, Miaomiao. “

“As for the two of you, I don’t need to introduce to you. “Liu Hong said with a smile hehe.

Two girls with blue short hair, a white t-shirt and washed jeans are called Yu Ou; Olivine Princess with curly hair, smiling with teeth Miaomiao.

“No need, I’ve watched the little brother’s live broadcast before, but I’m your fan~” The girl named Miaomiao is a familiar girl, and the girl named Yuou next to her. Slightly cool.

“Is this the Slowpoke from the previous game? You are well trained. “As soon as I approached, the girl named Yuou never looked away from Slowpoke.

“Thank you~” Pokémon, who was breeded by herself, was praised by the other party, and Liang Ren, a trainer, also had her face Very bright.

“Okay, let’s go to the Sacrifice Square first, and talk later on the way. “

Liu Hong stopped the two girlfriends who were about to continue asking all sorts of questions, and the four of them got on a wonderful supercar and moved towards the old city to the north.

“In recent years, with the accelerated development of Fortree City, the new city is mainly engaged in commercial activities. Our bird trainer lineage basically lives in the residential area of ​​the old city in the north. “

Miaomiao drove, and saw Liang Ren handing the Slowpoke to the rain gull on the co-pilot to hold him, while holding Riolu curiously looking at the scenery outside the car window.

A native of Fortree City, Liu Hong also skillfully played the role of a tour guide in Role Play.

“Is the trainer of your bird trainer lineage, who only takes the bird Pokémon? “Looking at the well-protected towering Camphrier outside, Liang Ren asked the doubts in his mind.

“It’s not like that. We can subdue other types of Pokémon with these requirements for the younger generation not at all, but A descendant of the bird trainer lineage, the original Pokémon was a bird Pokémon. “Liu Hong explained to him.

“That’s it~” Liang Ren nodded expressed his understanding.

“Hmm-like my original Pokémon is Fletchling, Yuou’s The original Pokémon is Wingull, and the wonderful one is the blue cotton bird. “

“Liang Ren, is your Starter Pokemon Slowpoke?” “The rain gull sitting in the co-pilot asked curiously.

“No, my first Pokémon is Pidgeot’s initial form: Pidgey. “Liang Ren laughed replied.

“Is it also a bird Pokémon? Then you really have fate with our bird trainer lineage. “The main driver, Miao Miao said happily.

“It is indeed very fate, haha……” Liang Ren laughed.

Because of the initial Pokémon incident, the four just met Peers in less than a day obviously felt that the relationship between each other was much closer.


More than ten minutes later, Pink’s supercar stopped in the old town in the north. On the side of the square.

Said it is the old city, in fact, the surrounding buildings are not old at all. The only difference from the new city is that the trees here are taller and look more historic.< /p>

“didn’t expect So many people have gathered in the square, we are going to pass, I will let the eldest brother arrive in a while, he can see his cutest younger sister at a glance. “Liu Hong’s pretty face is full of excitement.


Liang Ren holding Slowpoke and holding Riolu, followed the three girls into the white jade square of Han, Drilling left and right, finally squeezed to the innermost square.

The whole square is like a small open space from dense woods, one side is the road when they came, and the other side is leading to the dark Forest, forest trails covered with fallen leaves.

“Is the “Forest of the Elder” right there? “Looking at the direction in the square that looked like the parents of the children of the grave sweeping team, Liang Ren asked Liu Hong next to him.


“They came out. “I don’t know who shouted, and the parents who were distracted by other things turned their heads to look towards Youlin.

Sure enough, a team of tall, short, fat and thin, dressed in bright colors , Traditional costumes with a variety of patterns, and a tomb-sweeping and worship team composed entirely of underage teenagers from the tribe, dragging heavy and exhausted steps out of the forest.

Youngsters who are accustomed to city life, carry on their backs Flowers, fruit offerings, barefoot into the dark forest half a month.

Although we know that the souls of the ancestors and the birds in the forest will protect the children, but the forest of the elders is also Living Wild Pokémon.

Now that the parents who have been waiting for the grave-sweeping team return safely, at first’s eyes are filled with deep worries. At first, they instantly become proud of their children.

The return of the tomb sweeping team that entered the “Forest of the Elder” also marked the official start of this year’s “Divine Bird Festival” sacrificial celebration. At this moment, the entire square was filled with joy and joy.


“Dad, mom, I did it.”

“Good job, I didn’t shame our ×× family.”

“Son, let mom see if there is no danger in this experience, are there any injuries.”


“… ……”

Under the leadership of the youngsters, the youngsters who walked out of the Forest of the Elders put down the bamboo basket on their backs and happily plunged into the embrace of their families.

“Brother~I’m here, I’m here!!” Liu Hong held the skirt in one hand, while jumping loudly shouted at the young leader of the grave sweeping team.


Hearing the voice of his younger sister, the barefoot leader youth heard about his reputation, and suddenly saw the teenager standing next to the younger sister , The young leader’s expression was stunned, and his face was suddenly full of surprise.

“Liu Qing Senior, we meet again.” Seeing the young leader walking by, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face.

“Didn’t expect you are really Liang Ren Junior Brother, you, I thought I had eaten half a month of fruit and I was so hungry that I had hallucinations, haha~”

” Brother, you know Liang Ren!” The two met and greeted them cordially. This made Liu Hong, who was about to introduce them to each other, startled, and the two girls next to Miaomiao and Yuou were also surprised.

“Of course I know…”

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