Explain the relationship between the two.

When he heard that Liang Ren had beaten his eldest brother in the air competition held at the school, Liu Hong opened his mouth in surprise.

“Hey~ Hongmei, are you here to pick me up?” Everyone was talking. A young man with deep purple hedgehog short hair waved his sturdy arms and walked over.

“Brother Liu Qing.” The young hedgehog head greeted Liu Qing.

“Feng Feng, I found that your face is getting thicker and thicker. I came to wait for my brother, not to pick you up.” Liu Hong rolled her eyes and said unceremoniously when she saw the person coming.

“haha~all the same, so while picking up Brother Liu Qing, he also waited for me by the way.” The young hedgehog showed his white teeth and said nonchalantly.

“I don’t bother to take care of you.”

“Brother, Liang Ren came from Kanto a long way, and now he is traveling to Fortree City. As the host, we should treat others well~”

Liu Hong said full of smiles, holding the big brother’s hand next to him.

“Of course.” Liu Qing nodded enthusiastically.

Located in the Johto Region Southwest to the Hoenn mainland across the vast sea, the distance between Kanto Region and Kanto Region is not close.

I went to the remote Kanto Saffron City to study, and returned to Hoenn after school vacation. I didn’t expect to meet my Junior Brother in my hometown of Fortree City.

There are friends from afar, Liu Qing, as the host, is indeed very happy.

“Sister Hong, this little brother looks very face-to-face. Let me introduce you to me.”

When I heard the words of the siblings, I realized that I was standing next to him. The boy came here with Liu Hong and the others.

He looked up and down at Liang Ren for a while, a touch of hostility flashed in the depths of the youth’s eyes, but there was always a sunny smile on his face.

“Who are you, why do you want to introduce it to you.” It can be seen that Liu Hong dislikes the purple hedgehog head young man, and his tone is very cold.

“It’s rude.” Liu Qingling criticized.

“Let me introduce to you, this is Mumu Liang Ren, my Junior Brother.”

“His name is Ranfeng, a friend who grew up with Xiaohong .” Liu Qing stood up and introduced to both parties.

“So you are Liu Qing’s Junior Brother, you are welcome to come to Fortree City as a guest. There are sacrificial activities in the city these two days. When the time comes, have fun.”

The young man named Ran Feng smiled heartily and proactively reached out to greet Liang Ren.

“Okay~” The hostility that flashed through the eyes of the youth just now was not at all hidden from Riolu’s Aura, but when the other party did not at all make any provocations when shaking hands, Liang Ren was quite surprised.

But he didn’t care either. After all, he was only traveling through here and would not stay in Fortree City for a long time, so he didn’t want to involve any troubles and make him unhappy in the past few days.

Of course, if trouble has to come to the door, he is not afraid.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, where do you live now?” Liu Qing asked.

“I just arrived in the morning and I am currently living in the Pokémon Center.” Liang Ren didn’t know what Liu Qing meant, so he directly replied.

“You came from Kanto so far, and came to Senior’s hometown, how could you let you live in the Pokémon Center? Later I told the next person to clean up a guest room, and Xiaohong and I will help you carry your luggage Come here.”

Although there were not many intersections in school, Liu Qing was very hospitable to Liang Ren’s Junior Brother who traveled through Fortree City.

“No, it’s too troublesome for you Senior…”

Originally, he just came over to watch the excitement with Liu Hong, but he didn’t expect to encounter it in the school aerial competition before Liu Qing turned out to be Liu Hong’s eldest brother.

Suddenly I met him, a guest from afar, and the hospitable Liu Qing must ask him to stay at home. After learning that he was only traveling through here and would not stay in Fortree City for a long time, Liu Qing became even more intolerant He refused.

I entered the “Forest of the Elderly” and experienced half a month. I just came out and haven’t even returned home to find a pair of shoes to wear. The entire group went directly to the Pokémon Center in a wonderful supercar, and then took his The luggage was moved to their house together.


Pink’s supercar drove to a manor, and saw Liu Qing and Liu Hong siblings in the car, and the concierge hurriedly opened the gate to let him go.

“The home is a little shabby, Junior Brother don’t dislike it, just live here in peace the past few days.” Liu Qing said with a faint looking at Liang Ren who was shocked from ear to ear. smile.

“Senior joked, if such a luxurious manor is simple, then what place can be called luxurious.”

The supercar slowly drove into the manor, all The gardener working around stopped his work and respectfully greeted Liu Qing siblings.

“Xiaohong, you take Liang Ren Junior Brother to the guest room. I am so embarrassed that I am really impolite. Let me wash up first.”

“OK(-^〇^ -)”

“There are guests at home, let grandfather and father go home for dinner at night.”


Originally, I only brought Slowpoke in the afternoon. Riolu went out to find a store to cut his hair, and was called by Liu Hong to go to the sacrificial square to watch the lively Liang Ren. He didn’t expect to become a wealthy guest in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the three women who helped him with his luggage, and Liu Qing who kept ordering his servants to prepare dinner, Liang Ren smiled bitterly, but he also felt a little at a loss.

“Junior Brother, you go to the guest room with Xiaohong first, Senior, I will change my clothes.” After the order, Liu Qing turned to look towards him and said enthusiastically.


Liang Ren nodded, since the hospitality is hard to resist, then he is no longer entangled.

Liang Ren was very happy to be able to meet Liu Qing, Senior in Fortree City. To be honest, at the air competition held by the school, if it were not for the cousins ​​Yulong Tianxiang and Liu Qing, There was a big battle, and finally Liang Ren was also impossible to win.

Liang Ren admires this kind of spring breeze in the third grade Senior. Since he was invited by the other party as a guest, he can just ask the other party about the knowledge of the bird Pokémon breed.

The servant helped him with his luggage, and the three women Liu Hong, Miaomiao, and Yuou led the way. Liang Ren followed quietly with Slowpoke and Riolu behind.

This elegant manor is too big, and the mansion that the owner lives in is also very big. In order not to lose face in the next few days, Liang Ren smiled bitterly in memory of the route.

“Brother Liang Ren, this is your room. It’s a bit crude, please don’t dislike it.” Liu Hong led him to a room that had been ordered by the servant to clean up in advance.

“It’s not simple. The 5-Star level presidential suite I lived in when I first arrived in La Luz some time ago was not as luxurious as your room.” Looking at the modest girl, Liang Ren couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s good if you don’t dislike the simplicity. This villa is only occupied by my brother, and I live in the one next to it.”

“I don’t have who at home, mother is very busy all year round. While staying in Kalos Region, grandfather is the president of the Bird Trainers Association. Father also has to deal with the family business and rarely go home. This is because my brother and I have a school vacation, otherwise no one lives in this manor.”

< p> Instructed his servants to move his luggage in. Liu Hong took him to take a look in the room. As Liang Ren said, it was indeed more luxurious than the presidential suite of the 5-Star level hotel.

“Liu Hong, did you go to school out of town?”

“Yes, I go to school in Kalos Region Lumiose City.”



Liang Ren came to Liu Qing Family as a guest, but he went to the Pokémon Center to find his black time.

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