There are not many things to bring with him. As soon as he put down his luggage, Liu Hong, Miaomiao, and Yuou enthusiastically led him to visit the manor, and at the same time told him interesting things about the “Divine Bird Festival” of previous years.

Pidgeot, who had been bored in Poké Ball for a day, pushed Cloyster on his own initiative, and invited Slowpoke to go for a drive.

“The three of you can go out and play, but don’t run too far.” For these Pokémon, Liang Ren usually does not at all restrict them too much.

After the incident with Hunter J, Liang Ren went out to be more cautious. Of course, there is no need to be cautious everywhere.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, these Pokémons are really well-trained.”

Liu Qing, who washed and cleaned up, walked out of the villa in casual clothes and just saw Pidgeot. Carrying Slowpoke and Cloyster flying high.

In addition to Riolu, which is a rare Pokemon, Liang Ren currently has three other Pokémons, whether they are Pidgeot, Slowpoke or Cloyster, which are very common in Kanto.

In the three years of studying in Kanto Saffron City, Liu Qing has seen many breed trainers of these three kinds of Pokémon, but he has never seen one who is as brilliant as Liang Ren.

The trainers who subdue Slowpoke almost always let Slowpoke evolve into Slowbro as a starting point, and then start to cultivate battle strength.

The combat potential was developed in the Slowpoke stage. Before Liang Ren’s Slowpoke came out, it could be said to be unheard-of.

Cloyster is very popular among civilian trainers because of its strong physical defense capabilities, but in the direction of breed, it can be roughly divided into two types according to the difference in characteristics.

The “shell armor” feature focuses on mastering (Facade, Light Screen, Iron Defense, Shrink Shell…) to take advantage of physical defense and take the defense route.

The “continuous attack” feature focuses on the development of Ice Type power, with (Ice Ball, Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash…), and takes the route of “Slaying Dragon Shell” well-known to trainers.

The former material shield current seems to be strong, but the special defense and the short board of speed are obvious, and it is easy to be targeted. The Normal “Slaying Dragon Shell” route is more popular than the former.

Liang Ren’s Cloyster not at all followed the two conventional routes, but it has blazed a path that is more powerful and cannot be replicated.

Admittedly, this has a lot to do with Cloyster’s “different color”, but no one can ignore the ability of Liang Ren as a trainer.

As for Pidgeot——

Liu Qing, who was born in the bird trainer lineage, has a deep knowledge and right to speak about the cultivation of bird Pokémon.

It is also the “Normal + Flying” Attribute, which is also the most common bird Pokémon in a Region, compared with Noctowl, Swellow, Rumble Pheasant, Staraptor, Toucannon.

Pidgeot series in each stage of growth, because the distribution of all aspects of the ability is too balanced, more or less mediocre performance.

Most of the trainers trained by subduing “Pidgey” insist on the characteristics of balanced ability, upgrade-evolution-master power Ability, but the Pidgeot cultivated is also quite satisfactory.

Compared with other Pokémons, Pidgeot has the advantage of Flying, but compared with other Pokémons, it is better in every aspect.

Some trainers find key points for training based on their own preferences or differences in individual values ​​of “Pidgey”.

Other family birds were trained by trainers at the same level until the final evolutionary Pidgeot——

attack more outstanding than “Toucannon, Rumble Pheasant, Staraptor”.

The special attack has “Noctowl” than its outstanding.

It’s faster than its outstanding “Swellow, Rumble Pheasant♀”


This is still the home bird of the “normal + Flying” Attribute Compare.

Compared with Skarmory, Xatu, Altaria, Gentleman Crow, Arrow Flycatcher… this Pokémon with special attributes and abilities, Pidgeot’s status will drop a bit.

Although according to the research of the Professor Professor of Bratalo of Kalos Region, Pidgeot has the possibility of Mega evolution. After Mega evolves, the speed and special attack ability will be greatly enhanced.

However, the Mega Evolution stone is not easy to get. The Mega Evolution stone, which only exists in Ancient Ruins, is more precious than ordinary Pokemon Items.

Their bird trainer Lineage has been looking for Pidgeot’s Mega Evolution Stone for these years, but it hasn’t gotten any signs yet.

This is why Liu Qingming knows that Pidgeot has a higher growth ceiling, but when he chose the initial Pokémon, he still did not choose Pidgey.

But it is such a Pokémon who is not favored by him or by their bird trainer lineage trainer, but he has been trained so brilliantly by Liang Ren.

【Pidgeot 】♂

Level: 40

Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: Proud, Defiant

< p>Features: Keen Eye, strong pectoral muscles

Stamina: 90【C】Blue

Attack: 110【B】Purple

Defense: 65【C 】

Special attack: 100【B】Purple

Special defense: 65【C】

Speed: 146【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 576

Ability ———

“Attack”: Catch, Peck, Tackle, Scythe, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Juggling, Heat Wave, Air Slash, Steel of Steel Wings, dragon claws, wing flapping, high-altitude attack

“Supplement”: Shunfeng, Roost, Foresight, Black Eye, Spark One Flash, Agility, Double Team, Mirror Move


Looking at a few Pidgeots who fluttered their wings and disappeared into the distant sky, Liu Qing couldn’t help but be stunned.

I haven’t seen it for a while, he can clearly feel that Liang Ren, a Pidgeot, has a much stronger aura than before in the Sky Stadium.

“It is indeed a genius who became an influential figure as soon as he entered school. This trainer’s innate talent is really scary.” Liu Qing said with emotion.

Of course Liang Ren didn’t know Liu Qing’s thoughts at the moment. If he knew, he would snort disdainfully.

Pidgeot’s initial innate talent is not comparable to Slowpoke and Cloyster. In order to prevent it from falling behind, a large part of the “innate talent red coin” in the early stage was used by Pidgeot.

Of course, innate talent is the same thing as resources. It is also inseparable from Pidgeot’s own efforts to achieve current results.

Whether it is the various flying training in the forest at first, or the obstacle avoidance in Slowpoke 20 times the Gravity field, at the same time, it also dodges the bombardment of the Cloyster Ice Type attack.

For today’s strength and brilliance, Pidgeot’s efforts and sweat behind it are beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

“Is Senior Pokémon a specialized bird?” Seeing Liu Qing was distracted, Liang Ren took the initiative to talk about it.

“Uh~ sorry.” Liu Qing apologized sorry.

“My grandfather is the president of the Bird Trainers Association. Influenced by him, I have loved Pokémon birds since I was a child, so all the Pokémon I have cultivated at present are birds Pokemon.”

“peng peng peng peng bang——”

They are all acquaintances, and Liu Qing did not evade, throwing out five Poké Balls directly. Liang Ren also saw Liu for the first time besides Swellow. Green’s other Pokémon.

“Swellow, Xatu, Skarmory, Gentleman Crow, Altaria”

Five different types of birds Pokémon, the breath is not weaker than their own Pidgeot, it is estimated that they are all at level 40 Strength.

“The “Divine Bird Festival” celebration the day after tomorrow morning, which Pokémon Senior do you plan to send?” Liang Ren asked curiously as he watched the five Pokémons flying on the sky.

“haha…it’s not which one to send, but five will be sent. The Divine Bird Festival celebration not at all limits the number of Pokémon that trainers can send. As long as it is a bird, Pokémon can participate.”


Hearing Liang Ren’s question, Liu Qing haha ​​explained with pleasure.

“That’s it~”

“It seems that Junior Brother, you still don’t know the rules of “Divine Bird Festival” very well, so I will tell you about it.”


Liang Ren has read many books, but most of them are about the cultivation of Pokémon, and I really don’t know much about “Divine Bird Festival”.

However, after Liu Qingyi explained, Liang Ren quickly understood.

The celebration of “Divine Bird Festival” is not a competition, nor does it require the birds Pokémon to fight with each other. It ends with a series of ceremony sacrifices to Divine Bird and the ancestors.

When the “Forest of the Elderly” tens of thousands of birds singing summon out of the Divine Bird Mirage and the sky above, all “bird trainers” registered for the event can send bird Pokémon to challenge.

And this challenge is to face the “Divine Bird Phantom” that the divine might flies hard to the sky. The higher you fly and the closer you get to the Divine Bird Phantom, the more blessing you will get .

Of course, in order to make the celebration more lively, the rule is that every three’bird trainers’ and three birds Pokémon are challenged at the same time.

The challenged Pokémon must not interfere and attack each other, otherwise they will be regarded as blaspheming the majesty of the Divine Bird and cannot be blessed.

This activity has very special cultural inheritance significance for the trainers of the bird trainer lineage.

For external trainers, this is just an entertainment event to please Divine Bird, but because of the actual benefits that Divine Bird blessed, everyone is also willing to please this legendary Divine Bird.

Liang Ren doesn’t know if other foreign trainers know what Divine Bird’s blessing is, but he has already learned from Liu Hong’s mouth that Liang Ren, who blesses with within the body, is quite for this celebration Pay attention.

Pidgeot is not weak in strength and has high innate talent. If he can obtain a blessing of “will inheritance”, then there is really no barrier to reaching the Elite level in the future.

“Senior, you should have participated in the “Divine Bird Festival” many times. Is the divine might of “Divine Bird Phantom” very strong? Swellow How many meters did their best result fly? “

Looking at Liu Qing, whose face was full of expectation for the celebration of the day after tomorrow, Liang Ren asked what he cared most.

“Strong~very strong, Divine The fine divine might pressure exerted by the Bird Phantom is not the pressure of the real Divine Bird, but the coercion of tens of thousands of bird elders imposing manner in the “Forest of the Elders”. “

” Since I got the initial Pokémon, I participated in the “Divine Bird Festival” challenge twice. The first time my Taillow flew less than 10 meters, the second time my Swellow only Flew about 200 meters. “

Speaking of her previous two challenges, Liu Qing was also full of sorrows.

“hiss~ The tens of thousands of bird elders in “The Forest of the Elders” The imposing manner is the sum of coercion, then facing the Divine Bird Phantom, isn’t it the elder bird facing the entire forest? “

” didn’t expect even Liu Qing Senior, your best score is only 200 meters. “After receiving Liu Qing’s answer, Liang Ren was shocked speechless.

The bird trainer lineage inheritance has been for thousands of years. All the birds in the family who have passed away from the trainer, Pokémon, are hidden in the “Forest of the Elder”. .

It is not difficult for him to imagine how many Pokémon birds are in it. After all, Liu Qing uses “tens of thousands” to describe it.

Except for Bug Type Pokemon, most of Pokémon’s lifespans are longer than humans, with the breed guidance of a former trainer. Tens of thousands of bird elders in the “Elderly Forest” have a long life. There are certainly a lot of people who have reached the Elite level.

“Although it is Hell Level difficulty, the rewards are also very generous. I don’t know what height Pidgeot and I can challenge at the day after tomorrow’s celebration.” Liang Ren is also full of expectations.

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