“Divine Bird Festival” does not need to pay attention to many things. This test is Pok茅mon’s hard power. The higher it can fly against coercion, the more generous the blessing it will receive.

As for Liang Ren’s unforgettable “will inheritance”, according to Liu Qing, after a breakthrough of at least 500 meters, Pok茅mon’s own innate talent perception is high enough to “have a chance” to comprehend it.

And it’s just a chance. It’s not that as long as you reach a height of 500 meters, you will be able to comprehend it. Nor is it that after a height of 500 meters, the higher the flight, the greater the probability.

The hard power in the front is the stepping stone, and the talent perception in the back is the key to determining whether Pok茅mon can obtain the inheritance of will.

Looking at Liang Ren with a look of expectation, Liu Qing did not reveal some information to him in order not to discourage his enthusiasm.

“Divine Bird’s Blessing” is essentially a bird elder with strength above Elite in the “Forest of the Elder”, conscious that his life has come to an end, through the Divine Bird Festival challenge activities to choose the successor ceremony.

The challenge of “Divine Bird Festival” is open-ended, and all trainers who have bird Pok茅mon in their hands can participate.

But the bird Pok茅mon in the Forest of the Elders was once the Pokemon of the bird trainer lineage who passed away from Senior. When it comes to selecting heirs, he naturally prefers the younger of the bird trainer lineage.

Before the beginning of the Divine Bird Festival, the late descendants of the clan who meet the conditions will be arranged to enter the “Forest of the Elder” to worship and sweep the tomb.

The experience of half a month is to let the bird elders inspect and select in advance. The challenge of the Divine Bird Festival later is more of a form.

Of course, the trainer has long buried the loess. Although the elder birds in the forest who are still alive are closer to the younger generations of the bird trainer lineage, the choice of heirs depends more on their strength. Talk to Aptitude.

Life has come to an end, and many things have been looked down upon. There is no such narrow view of clansman and outsiders.

As long as they show sufficient strength and innate talent in the challenge, Liang Ren and Pidgeot are not without the chance to be fancyed.

After explaining the rules of “Divine Bird Festival” to Liang Ren, the two talked about the cultivation and training of Pok茅mon.

At the beginning of the school Xiaojinghu, Liu Qing’s Swellow’s light and elegant “Aerial Ace” left a very deep impression on Liang Ren.

Of course, Liu Qing is also full of interest in how Liang Ren cultivated Pidgeot.

Exchanging experience is something that trainers often do. Just like monks talking about the Dharma and Taoist people talking about the Tao, learning from others’ strengths can make a path of their own.

Liang Ren didn’t hide it, and generously explained Pidgeot’s usual training plan.

The training focus of “material attack + special attack + speed” is the typical “Dual Blade Flow” in the circle.

From the perspective of Species Strength, all aspects of Pidgeot’s abilities are too balanced to appear mediocre. Choose a few points for key training. This idea is common and correct.

鈷圥idgeot, from the perspective of life form, belongs to the large raptors classified by the bird trainer lineage. They are large in size and strong in physical fitness. Naturally, they have advantages over Swellow and Noctowl.

鈷堿s for the special attack, Pidgeot Mega’s special attack ability exploded after the evolution. Although the Mega evolution stone is hard to find, Liang Ren chose to keep this growth ceiling in Liu Qing’s view.

Liang Ren’s trainer has a very high innate talent. As long as he doesn’t go the wrong way or die halfway, his future achievements will be at least Elite.

At that level, it is extremely important that the main force has further potential to be tapped.

鈷夾s for speed, most of the training of Flying Pok茅mon will take speed as the core.

Liang Ren, who came from a civilian family, has a correct growth plan for “Pidgey”. Although’Dual Blade Flow’ is very common in the circle, it is indeed very suitable.

And compared to other trainers who follow the same route, Liang Ren, who has a system, goes deeper and more extreme on this road.

From the innate talent Aptitude, Pidgeot’s individual value can be seen as high as (material attack: 110, special attack: 100, speed: 146).

But Liu Qing didn’t know the existence of “system”. What made him sigh was the crazy and harsh training of Liang Ren and Pidgeot.

Training intensity is not easy to control, and it is easy to leave internal injury if it is too strong, leaving hidden dangers for future development. The intensity is too low, and Pok茅mon’s potential cannot be fully tapped, and the training effect is not enough, which is prone to frustration.

People are inert, Pokemon also have emotions, and can stick to such crazy, high-intensity training programs for a long time without problems.

Needless to say, the ability of the trainer, Pok茅mon’s hard work and trust also surprised the three girls who listened quietly behind Liu Qing.

“Will you be tired from such high-intensity training? Brother Liang Ren, how did you persevere?” Liu Hong opened her dry mouth and said her doubts, next to Miaomiao and Yuou The two girls have the same curious expressions.

“It is false to say that you are not tired, but training also emphasizes relaxation and a combination of work and rest. I will give myself a holiday with Pok茅mon every once in a while.” Liang Ren laughed replied.

“It’s amazing. My blue cotton bird doesn’t last long every time I train, and Charm protests when I am a little tired.” Only after contrast can I see the gap. When I mention my Pok茅mon, Miao Miao has a face Distress.

“Pok茅mon does not want to work hard on this problem. In fact, most trainers have encountered it. There are actually several ideas for this problem to find answers.”

“Which ones Ideas?” Not only Miaomiao’s three daughters, but even Liu Qing was also interested.

鈥淚t鈥檚 very simple. First of all, you have to judge whether Pok茅mon doesn鈥檛 like, can鈥檛 persist, or is very resistant to training.鈥?/p>

鈥淭ake the profession of a trainer as an example. Battle is a regular way for Pok茅mon to become stronger.

If you are not passionate about training and fighting and are very resistant, it means that this Pok茅mon is not suitable for the profession of a trainer. You must distinguish clearly when choosing Pok茅mon.”< /p>

“If it鈥檚 just because of lack of perseverance or laziness that you can鈥檛 persist in training, then there are several ideas at this time.

If the training intensity is really too high, Pok茅mon cannot bear it and persist for a long time. Then you have to reduce the training intensity to a level that Pok茅mon can accept, and then gradually increase it according to your growth.

If the training intensity is appropriate, but Pok茅mon still cannot persist, the trainer must consider whether Pok茅mon is still Too young and immature in mind. In response to this situation, Pok茅mon is not allowed to participate in training for the time being, and a period of time for Pok茅mon to grow.

Of course, Pok茅mon is immature. I believe you all know that Normal happens. A period of time after Pokemon hatches from the egg, or the newborn Pok茅mon is harvested in the wild.

The Pokemon from the Alliance or the family to the first Scholar, all have passed their infancy and are already suitable for training.

If the age is suitable for training, but Pok茅mon still can鈥檛 hold on, this involves the issue of personality and the heart to become stronger.

The trainer should guide Pok茅mon and participate together. During training, Pok茅mon will be much more motivated to train. At the same time, he often takes Pok茅mon to watch some exciting games, so that Pok茅mon has the desire to become stronger.

Find a common direction and goal with Pokemon, and then stick to it. Self-discipline can only be free. This principle applies not only to Pok茅mon, but also to trainers.”

Looking at the three girls who listened very carefully, and Liang Ren who had been traveling alone for a while, it was rare to talk verbosely. a lot of.

“Does self-discipline be free?” Hearing Liang Ren’s golden sentence, Liu Qing next to him was also looking thoughtful.

Self-discipline, persistence, perseverance, and other conscious things are difficult for some people, but some people are born with them.

Pok茅mon reaped in the wild has more desire to become stronger than artificially breed Pok茅mon.

For trainers like Liang Ren who came from a commoner family, because the starting point is not better than the children of many wealthy families, Normal will work harder on certain things, of course there is no absolute.


Talking about Pok茅mon’s training and breeding, Liang Ren seemed to open the chatterbox and chatted happily with Liu Qing.

Liang Ren’s mature knowledge has made Liu Hong, Miaomiao, and Yuou three girls of the same age, full of admiration, knowing so much knowledge of cultivating Pok茅mon and working hard, it is no wonder that the strength will be so strong.

In the first semester of enrollment, Liang Ren took two long vacations to go out for practice. Many senior students in the school disdain this behavior.

At this moment, after chatting with Liang Ren for a while, Liu Qing realized that the reason Liang Ren was so’maverick’ was because he had a wealth of knowledge in his head.

Have his own opinions on the cultivation of Pok茅mon. The teaching progress of most novice trainers in the school is not suitable for him as a genius.

Looking at the young man who was led by his Young Master and Young Lady to visit the manor, and admired for his attitude, the people around him were secretly curious.

Unconsciously dusk was approaching, Liu Sheng, Liu Shi father and son, who had been busy all day, heard that there were guests at home, and went home to have dinner together.


“Heroes come out from the Youth.” After listening to Liu Qing’s introduction, father and son Liu and his father and son looked towards Liang Ren with strong eyes Full of appreciation.

Liu Qing and Liu Hong’s father Liu Shi is not a trainer, but Liu Sheng, as the president of the Bird Trainer Association, knows more about Liang Ren’s information than his grandson.

Although the Bird Trainer Association is a non-governmental force, as an Elite giant itself, Liu Sheng also has a certain right to speak in the Hoenn Alliance.

Momo Momoya, who is currently studying at Top Rank Pok茅mon School in Larousse City, has touched the threshold of Quasi Elite before graduating, and the Hoenn Alliance has frequently thrown out olive branches. Yagyu knows all these things. of.

At first everyone was attracted by Mu Mu Momoya, a fighting genius, half a month ago at the Lilycove City Contest Conference, everyone found Mu Mu Momoya, a younger brother they ignored, The trainer innate talent is even more perverted.

Unlike many children of the big clan, there is a Great Family behind them to provide resources, Mu Mu Tao Shi and Mu Mu Liang Ren, two brothers, who are really poor children.

The disparity between the rich and the poor and the solidification of the social class make it difficult for the poor to have a good son.

However, it is precisely because it is rare that trainers who come from an ordinary family and show super innate talent at the same time are very sweet in the eyes of Great Influence.

Many Grand Duke companies and large consortiums like to fund the training of trainers who have innate talents. After all, it is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to defend the country. There is no strong strength to guarantee it. No matter how much wealth you accumulate, there will be A day will also pass.

I’m not very old, but my knowledge and strength are far from even many adults. After a dinner, the host and the host are happy.

After being a guest at Liu Qing Family for two days, the celebration day of “Divine Bird Festival” came in an instant.

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