Although they are guests in Liu Qing Family, Liang Ren and Pidgeot still have no relaxation training and are preparing for the upcoming Divine Bird Festival.

Every day is busy and fulfilling, which makes Liu Qing and Liu Hong siblings admire this.

Obviously leaving the peers far behind, Liang Ren and Pokémon still have strict demands on themselves. The hardworking spirit and attitude alone made Liu Hong, who was his age, very ashamed.

Two days later, the whole Fortree City became lively in the early morning.

The citizens are still preparing breakfast at home, and the early bird Pokémon has been circling and singing in Fortree City Sky with friends and friends.

As a colony of bird trainers, every household in Fortree City breeds bird Pokémon, whether it is Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh…, all kinds of bird Pokémon in Fortree City Sky Can be seen.



“Gull Mile~”


“Beep carving~”




“Hoothoot ~”< /p>




Taillow, Swellow, Wingull, Pelipper, Pidgeot, Fearow, Noctowl…

In this grand festival, there are no gorgeous banners, streamers, balloons, or festive fireworks, but the vigorous silhouettes and pleasant singing of various beautiful birds Pokémon.

But even so, Fortree City, a fresh and verdant city of nature, the bushes that rub shoulders have become Play Rough in this festival.

He ate breakfast with Liu Hong and Liu Shi. As the president of the Bird Trainer Association, Mr. Liu Sheng, today’s “Divine Bird Festival” needs him to coordinate and direct the whole process.

Liu Qing is the leader of the Fortree City bird trainer lineage. He and his descendants are the main participants of the Heavenly God Bird Festival.

“Xiaohong, Liang Ren, if you two are ready, we will set off to the downtown square.” Liu Hong and Father Liu Shi shouted downstairs from the villa.


“Uncle Liu Shi, I am also ready here.”

Take Slowpoke and Riolu downstairs, Pidgeot had already partnered with Pokémon, the two siblings of Liu Qing and Liu Hong, and joined Sky’s “Bird Guard of Honor”.

“Okay, let’s set off.” Liu Shi looked very happy with a red light all over his face.

“Liang Ren, Xiaohong, you two have to cheer for today’s challenge event~”

Follow the Liu Family father and daughter in the long car, and the three of them will be held together Rushed to the central square of the sacrificial activities.

Liu Shi does not have an innate talent as a trainer, and he is not a distinguished bird trainer. He cannot participate in many ritual activities today.

Liu Hong is a girl, Liang Ren is an outsider, and the bird trainer Lineage’s ancestor sacrifices. They don’t need to participate.

However, in this grand and grand festival, both father and daughter are still wearing traditional national costumes of bird trainer lineage.

The Liu Family members are very hospitable. After three days of staying, the relationship with this family has become very close.

For this reason, whether it is going to the countryside or simply showing closeness and respect to the Liu Family, Liang Ren asked Liu Hong to help him prepare a set of traditional costumes of the bird trainer lineage.

Deep blue embroidered narrow-sleeved right-breasted short blouse and trousers with pleated wide trousers, wearing a black cloth hat with toba inserted on the head, and a piece of Black called ‘ “Chava” is a cloak-shaped ornament, and a pair of cloth shoes with green face and white bottom are on the feet.

I usually dress in casual urban style. Suddenly wearing such a set of strong ethnic costumes, Liang Ren raised his hand and looked at himself left and right, which looked very strange.

“Chuck~” Looking at Liang Ren’s interesting appearance, Liu Hong who sat opposite him couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Lang Ren, don’t look at it. You are a walking hanger. No matter what style of clothes you wear, you are very handsome.” Liu Hong hugged Slowpoke and said with a sigh.

“Really?” Liang Ren was skeptical.

As a youthful girl, Liu Hong is wearing an embroidered big-breasted gusseted blouse and a white pleated skirt today. The bottom edge of the skirt is inlaid with multiple layers of colored cloth.

Different from Liu Shi’s black, solemn and dignified appearance, and Liang Ren’s heroic and handsome style in the black basket, Liu Hong’s dress today is colorful but harmonious and beautiful, giving people a very unique charm.

The sun is getting taller. After breakfast, more and more citizens rush to the central square of the city. The closer to the city center, the greater the traffic volume. Liang Ren and their cars are far away Can’t move on.

“If the car can’t drive past, let’s walk there.” Liu Shi asked the driver to pull over and turned to Liang Ren and Liu Hong who were chatting.



The soundproofing effect in the luxury car is very good, but the three people pull the door and get out of the car, all kinds of sounds It rushed over in an instant.

“It’s so lively!” Liu Hong approached Liang Ren and shouted and preached to him.

“It’s really lively.” Liang Ren picked up Riolu who was not tall enough, turned his head and smiled and shouted at Liu Hong.

Some time ago, Alone took Pokémon to experience in the rainforest. In the past two days, he was a guest in the Liu Family Manor, and the environment was quiet and peaceful.

Suddenly in the noisy crowds, Liang Ren felt a little uncomfortable for a while, but in this beaming festival celebration, everyone had a smile on their faces, so Liang Ren did not reject it.

Following Liu Hong and his daughter, they squeezed towards the sacrificial square and approached the sacrificial square. The trainer of the bird trainer Lineage erected a wooden fence that is strictly forbidden to be approached by outsiders.

The foreign tourists carrying the camera are blocked at the outermost level. Even if they sign up for the “Divine Bird Festival” challenge, they are not allowed to enter at this moment.

But Liang Ren is different.

Wearing traditional national costumes, with Liu Hong and his daughter opening the road next to him, he is not only unimpeded, but also a youth trainer who is responsible for maintaining order, looking towards their entire group with respect in his eyes. Proper VIP treatment.

A group of young people are carrying out sacrificial activities under the leadership of the middle-aged and elderly people around. The leader among the younger generations is Liu Qing, who followed Liu Sheng out early in the morning.

You can’t enter the square yet, but all around the square has been built with a high platform for viewing. Liang Ren sits in front of the high platform behind Liu Hong and his daughter.

Looking down——

In the center of the central square, there is a huge banyan tree. The dense canopy stretches on the sky like a canopy. Liang Ren glanced at his heart It is estimated that the ancient banyan tree is at least two hundred meters long.

The trunk of the entangled tree is at least thick with seven or eight people. The trunk is tied with a rope, and the branches are tied with various red cloth strips of Wish. All around the incense burning smoke of the rituals curls up.

“What a big ancient banyan tree.” Liang Ren couldn’t help sighing.

“Of course, this is the tree king of Fortree City. It is more than 3,000 years old. The huge root system has covered the entire Fortree City. Except for the “Forest of the Elderly”, the entire city The banyan trees are all descendants of the tree king. “

“Furthermore, according to clan records, it is said that Divine Bird once landed on the branch of the tree king when Ancient Era held the Divine Bird Festival celebration and accepted the sacrifices of the ancestors together with the ancestors. Celebrate festival. “

Liu Shi was chatting with his peers from the surrounding tribes. Seeing Liang Ren sigh, Liu Hong couldn’t help but explain.

“Three thousand years old, legendary Divine Bird Have they parked on the branches? No wonder it can be called the tree king. “Liang Ren nodded, his heart is full of admiration.

He is a transmigrator, and he is very interested in the things with a long history in Pokémon world.


The tourists outside the square are very Uproar, and the sacrificial activities on the Han white jade square below are in full swing.

In the stands where Liang Ren is located, there are many women and children. Women are not eligible to participate in sacrificial activities. A man is not qualified if he is not a bird trainer.

I saw Liang Ren sitting with Liu Hong, and Miaomiao and Yuou who came with the family. They said hello from a distance. Came over.

There are still many children in the stands playing and playing. They are not yet thirteen years old and have no Pokémon children on hand. Both men and women are currently spectators.


“Divine Bird Festival” had been prepared for nearly a month before Liang Ren arrived. Through divination, today was determined to be the festival day, and the younger generations of the clan entered the “Elder’s Forest” to use the spirit tube , Has invited his ancestor spirit back.

The sacrifice officially began at nine o’clock in the morning. Under the leadership of Old Lord Shi as the chief priest, Liu Qing and the younger generations behind him started the sacrifice one by one according to the process.

Burn incense and paper, recite sutras…

In an imposing manner, the younger generations such as Liu Qing took off their shirts and were shirtless. Feet, sesame oil on the body and color on the face.

First, they held hands in a circle, danced around the tree king, and sang chants of blessing.

Memorial to Divine Bird and ancestors, first by possessing the body and kneeling on the ground, then praying for the ceremony.

After a while, the junior team left the ritual square with their spirit tube in twos.

Follow the route planned by at first, go around the old city, and return the spirit tube from house to house to the ancestral hall, and finally return to the sacrifice square.

The sun is rising higher and higher, and all the ceremony is over, it is already noon.

Some of the women and children who are responsible for preparing food for the festival have already put their sleeves in arm and carried the basket, and arranged a dam feast all around in the sacrifice square.

Everyone in the stands, whether men, women or children, all go down to the square all around the dam, and sit in with the sacrificial team, the aroma of food moved towards all directions escaped, and you can see outside the wooden fence Tourists’ apple knot Rollout.

Unfortunately, this is a bird trainer lineage. Only people who are famous in the clan genealogy can participate in the banquet. Foreign tourists cannot participate even if they give gifts. However, Liang Ren is a guest of the Liu Family. not at all what’s the problem.

The challenge of “Divine Bird’s Blessing” will not take place until the afternoon. The bird Pokémon who have flown all morning also landed in the whistle of the owner.

“Pidgeot, conserve strength and store up energy, it’s up to you in the afternoon~” Feeding Pidgeot the refined grain prepared in advance, Liang Ren glanced towards the “Forest of the Elder” , Said confidently.

“Beep carving——”

On the dam banquet, not at all. The ritual and ritual festival in the morning, the respected old people gather in a small circle, dignified and steady middle age The person gathers in a small circle, and the youngsters who will participate in the challenge in the afternoon also gather to have a chat.

As a guest of Liu Family, Liang Ren thought he was just coming over for a banquet. Except for Liu Family siblings and Miao Miao Yuou, no one at the table knew him.

However, to his surprise, he followed Liu Qing and the others at the table. Others at the same table looked at him and looked at Slowpoke and Riolu in his arms. There was someone He called out his name directly.

“I rely on, Yuan Hua~”

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