“Bah~No, it’s Mumu Liang Ren!!!”

“Old Brother, I’ve watched the live broadcast of your match with Drake Elite, and you’re so horrified——!!!”< /p>

“Is this the Slowpoke that can only be used for Teleport, blue volume meter? Tsk tsk… a word, cow beer~”

“Brother, should you take it this afternoon? Let Pidgeot take part in the challenge.”

“Brothers, do you feel the pressure?”


I originally planned to stay quietly Xi, didn’t expect everyone at the table looked at him scorchingly, which caused Liang Ren’s mouth to twitch, not knowing what to do.

“Liang Ren is my Junior Brother from Kanto Saffron City School. I am a guest from afar.” Liu Qing looked at a table in front of a friend who grew up with him, and embraced Liang Ren enthusiastically. Shoulder introduced.

“Don’t worry, Liu Qing’s Junior Brother is our Junior Brother. Everyone will treat them like their own people, don’t they~ brothers?”

A boy with yellow short hair , Grinning with big white teeth, smiling brightly and said.

“Yes, you don’t need to be polite.” Recognized by Liu Qing, the people on the table are very bold and sincere. Liang Ren also likes to make friends with straightforward people.


They are all youngsters, so you don’t have to worry about having no topics to talk about when you put together a piece.

At first, everyone talked about Liang Ren and Drake’s three games, and asked him about his various Pokémon training experiences and skills.

Under the intentional guidance of Liang Ren, the topic shifted to the Divine Bird blessing challenge in the afternoon.

After learning that Liang Ren’s original Pokémon was Pidgey, and they were the same bird Pokémon, the people at the table looked at his eyes and became closer and more recognized.

It can be said that as long as the initial Pokémon is a bird, you will be your own when you come to Fortree City.

A table of people talks and laughs, and a dam is lively.

After eating, some women began to withdraw their tables, and the fences erected outside were also removed. This place will be a place for outside audiences to watch the celebrations for a while.

And Liang Ren, Liu Qing…they took a few tables of youngsters, and after a short break, they started to adjust their state with Pokémon.

The “Divine Bird Blessing” challenge event officially started at 2 pm. Trainers from outside the event have also entered. Liang Ren looked at it and couldn’t help but wonder.

“Azhe, are there any adults in your clan taking part in the challenge?”

There are foreign trainers, men and women, young and old, and the number is several times that of the bird trainer lineage contestants. Seeing that all youngsters wearing traditional costumes around him were youngsters, Liang Ren couldn’t help asking a teenager next to him.

The “Divine Bird Blessing” challenge is not at all age constraints, but it is an unwritten rule of our bird trainer lineage to send only minors to participate in the challenge. “

“Well~ I heard from my father, it seems that only minors can get the most blessings of Divine Bird, and adults get very few blessings, like “inheritance of will”. Fortunately, it is almost impossible for an adult trainer to obtain it. “

The boy who was called by Liang Ren scratched his head and explained to him that Liang Ren had heard such inside information for the first time.


< p>It’s almost two o’clock in the afternoon, and the long-awaited “Divine Bird Blessing” event officially started. The audience stayed outside the sacrificial plaza and the trainers who participated in the event entered the plaza.


The trainers on the sacrificial square are divided into two small groups, one is Liang Ren and the bird trainer lineage, more than 30 people wearing traditional costumes youngster, and on the other side are foreign trainers of men, women and children, dressed in casual clothes.

The two small circles gathered together and exchanged various information about the “Divine Bird’s Blessing” challenge, and soon the challenge activity officially began.

“Next, I will talk about the rules of the “Divine Bird Blessing” challenge. Each Pokémon bird can only be challenged once, and there are multiple Pokémon birds under him. You can challenge multiple times, but each challenge must There is an interval of twenty minutes, and the reasons will be explained next. “

As the chief priest, Liu Shi stood up, with grey hair but still in great spirits, and a noble sacrificial robe set off his respected identity.

He opened his mouth, loudly. The sound spread throughout the entire sacrificial square, and even the noisy audience outside the square became quiet at this moment.

“Next, I followed a few Elders and summon after the “Divine Bird”, Each group of three people to be challenged stood in front of me in these three circles, and bird Pokémon stood in front of the trainer. “

” Both the bird Pokémon and the bird trainer bear the pressure of the divine might of “Divine Bird” respectively. The bird Pokémon that flies towards the sky “Divine Bird”, the higher the flight, the higher the pressure of the divine might. The bigger, the longer the trainer stays in the circle, the greater the divine might pressure he will endure. “

“During the challenge, whether the trainer cannot withstand the pressure of the divine might, or the bird Pokémon reaches the extreme height, it is regarded as the end of the challenge. “

” Violators will always be deprived of the qualification to participate in the “Divine Bird Festival” celebration, and will be severely Punishment from the Bird Trainer Association. “

A pair of majestic eyes swept across the challengers on the square, and the rules were clearly stated. The younger generations in the clan knew the rules, and he mainly told the trainers outside.

In the past “Divine Bird Festival” challenge activities, there will always be a few trainers who are greedy for Divine Bird’s blessing, and ignore the rules and do unpleasant things. Therefore, he will strictly affirm the rules at each festival.

“After talking about the rules, the Divine Bird blessing challenge is now officially started.”

“Please “Divine Bird”——! ! “






Swellow, Noctowl, Skarmory, Staraptor, Gentleman’s Crow.

Five powerful birds, Pokémon, rose to the sky, surrounded by canopy-like luxuries The tree canopy makes a sound of birds singing.

The foreign trainers on the square are all shocked by the strength of Liu Shi and the other Four Great Elders, and the younger generation of the bird trainer lineage, from the very beginning Full of reverence.





The five birdsong on the top of the tree king came from afar, and the “Forest of the Elder”, which was looked at by everyone, quickly responded.

First, there were a few birdsongs, and slowly became hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, and then finally the entire forest bird Pokémon screamed in unison.

As the celestial burial place of the ancestors of the bird trainer lineage, the elders of the birds return to the Hidden Forest, a clean place where no outsiders are allowed to approach normally. At this moment, the whole forest is boiling.

In the morning, the descendants of the bird trainer lineage completed the sacrifice to the Divine Bird and the ancestors.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of Pokémon, the reclusive bird in the Forest of the Elders, to praise Divine Bird’s protection of grace, and to cherish the friendship and affection of the trainer who had passed away.




Thousands of birds sing together, or crisp, Either tactfully, or smart, or dumb…

There are joys, sorrows, sadness, and memory.

Thousands of mouths, tens of thousands of mouths, endless kindness, endless friendship.

Compared with the formal and grand grandeur of the descendants of the bird trainer lineage in the morning, the tens of thousands of bird elders in “Elder’s Forest” are simple to the extreme and even more shocking. Human heart.

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