Pokémon world, no matter whether it is a Pokémon trainer or not, everyone needs to have a Pokémon under his hand, as if this life is complete.

Compared with complex humans, Pokémon is undoubtedly more pure. Once they have a friendship imprinted on their hearts, they can still remember the voice and smile of their trainer no matter how long they have passed, even if the trainer has died for many years. .

The sound of gratitude and nostalgia came from the singing of birds, and the group of living people on the ritual square came to mind, and the little bit of getting along with the Pokémon partner came to mind. Unconsciously, two lines were drawn on his face. Road tears.

The deceased is dead, the living should be cherish what you have at the moment.

I don’t know how long it took, the birdsong of different tones, in the end, they all converged into a wonderful birdsong.


A Divine Bird illusory shadow as huge as a mirage appeared on the sky.

Divine Bird has one wing in the south of the sky, one wing in the north of the sea, a bird’s foot in the Eastern Sea Yugu where the sun rises, and a bird’s foot in the west pole where the sun sets deep.

Shenhui’s shining bird eyes are like the scorching sun in the sky in joy, and like the cold moon in the clouds when they are cold. A pair of bright bird eyes open and close, and the sun rises and the moon sets, changing day and night.


A bird’s song came from the sky, and it was accompanied by the imposing power like a deep prison. It was just a sight that couldn’t be seen clearly. Divine Bird illusory shadow, but everyone in the square has an urge to leaned down and bowed to the ground.

“This imposing manner has surpassed the Articuno of the Ice Island.” Looking at the Divine Bird illusory shadow in the tree king up ahead sky, Liang Ren was so surprised that his mouth opened wide.

There are many trainers in the square who have the same performance as him. At this moment, each of them stared up and looked up at the sky in a daze, until Liu Shi gave a command, and everyone came back to his senses.

“The three people who want the first group challenge come forward.” Liu Shi shouted loudly.


“Taillow, let them see your bones.”

“My Langli Baitiao Ashun and my partner Wingull Let’s be the first challenge.”

“My Delibird will help you pass on the feelings of your bird trainers for Divine Bird.”

At this focal point On the occasion of ten thousands, there are many trainers willing to take the lead. After Liu Shi announced that immediately, three young trainers stepped forward with a horoscope, and couldn’t help but sigh with his palms after his movements were slow.

“Okay, there is no signal to start the challenge. After the trainer stands in the circle, Pokémon can fly upward.” Liu Shi gave up his position and let the three challengers step forward.

The three teenagers didn’t have stage fright, and after looking at each other full of medicinal smell, they took Pokémon and stood in their designated circles.

“Ah!!!” Under the gaze of the off-field spectators and the trainers who were not on the field, the confident teenager in the middle suddenly changed his face when he stepped into the circle, and the powerful divine might suppressed the teenager staggering. fall.

The other two teenagers did not perform much better, sweat oozing on their foreheads as soon as they stepped into the circle.

“The trainer can’t hold on, and Pokémon’s challenge will end early, so now let Pokémon take off.”

Looking at the three teenagers in the circle who behaved badly as the chief priest Liu Shi reiterated the rules kindly.

“Taillow, fly quickly.”

“Wingull, fly me high~”

“Delibird, fly quickly.”


Hearing Liu Shi’s words, the three teenagers in the circle with pale faces, sweaty foreheads, hands holding their heads and trembling bodies suddenly panicked and hurriedly asked Pokémon in front of them to challenge.




Hearing the trainer’s words, stay Taillow, Wingull, and the Delibird who looked like a Christmas penguin standing still, also flew towards the sky Divine Bird illusory shadow with the Present bag.

Whether it is Taillow who is courageous, it is Hurricane Wingull who rides the waves like a white lightning in the rain, or Delibird who travels long distances to transport letters and exercises his extraordinary skills.

After flapping its wings and flying into the blue sky, suddenly a powerful divine might descended on the body, the whole flight was difficult and laborious, on the verge of collapse, as if it would fall down at any time.

Be aware that the tallest Taillow has only flown less than ten meters now, which makes the other trainers on the square look serious.

“Don’t hesitate to challenge Pokémon after you step into the circle. Although the pressure on Pokémon is only related to the flying height, the pressure on the trainer is the longer the time. Big one.”

Knowing that Liang Ren participated in the “Divine Bird’s Blessing” challenge for the first time, a few teenagers next to him were patient to teach him the tricks of the challenge.

“Hmm~” Liang Ren nodded, expressing understanding.

At this time, in the three circles in the middle of the square, the three teenagers looked like they had been fished out of the water. Their faces and necks were covered with sweat, and their back clothes were already attached to their bodies.

His body trembled and trembled, which made people worry. The boy in the middle looked up at the situation in the air. Seeing Taillow struggling to flap his wings, he stopped 15 meters and could not continue to rise again. The man collapsed to the ground like frustrated.

“The first group challenge is over.” The first teenager fell, and the other two teenagers seemed to be defeated in their confidence, and soon collapsed to the ground.

On the square, a few young trainers from the bird trainer clan carried the three teenagers out of the circle, and Liang Ren stared at the movement of Divine Bird on the sky.

Three faint yellow lights were fanned down by the wings of Divine Bird and then drilled into the three landing birds Pokémon within the body. I want to come this is the blessing of Divine Bird based on the performance of the challenger.

“I just don’t know what blessings I got.” Liang Ren muttered to himself.

“This is the lowest blessing.” A Zhe, who was standing next to Liang Ren, couldn’t help but explain when he heard his voice.

“Divine Bird is to drop the blessing in the way you just saw, the more precious the content of the blessing, the higher the level, and the deeper the color of the rays of light falling, the more dazzling.”

“Normal is divided into three levels: light yellow, bright yellow, and Saffron. As for the most precious blessing of “will inheritance”, the form of expression is related to the will itself, not at all specific forms. “Liu Qing also helped to explain.

“That’s it~” Liang Ren nodded, with a little more understanding about this.

When everyone was secretly speaking, “blessing” The challenge is still in full swing.

Some people in the small circle of foreign trainers continue to stand up, and the challenge record is constantly refreshed and improved.

Currently, the best result is created by a rumbling pheasant, reaching 130 meters, and the blessing that comes down is Yellow Light, which has almost reached the second level.

The foreign trainer is very active, so Liang Ren not at all rushed forward to challenge. After all, what is the difference between the challenge first and not at all? The difficulty will not change because of this.

While Liu Qing and Liu Hong were concentrating on the challenges facing each other, Liang Ren sank his consciousness into the Psychic space between his brows.



“Ya duo——”

Steelix, flame chicken, Slowbro, three Only Mega evolves Pokémon tirelessly practicing his own unique Ability in Seven Colors Space.

The “Psychic personality” who looked exactly like Liang Ren was meditating next to him, perceiving Liang Ren’s consciousness entering the space, and the boy walked towards him.

“How about, how long can the accumulated Mega Evolution waves allow Pidgeot to maintain the Mega Evolution?” Liang Ren raised his head and glanced at the bright colorful ball of sky like the sun.

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