“Although some were consumed during the experiment in the first two days, three megaPokémons continuously produced responses. The accumulated Mega Evolution waves should last for 13 minutes at the previous consumption rate.”

Psychic Personality answered with a smile.

The overbearing feature of the Mega Evolution wave is that it can ignore the fetters and the wishes of Pokémon, and force Pokémon to carry out Mega Evolution with Liang Ren as the absolute leader.

However, because of being too domineering, such Mega evolutions often overdraw the potential and life force of Pokémon.

In order not to damage Pokémon’s body, according to the data obtained through experiments, Liang Ren is currently cooperating with Pokémon to carry out Mega evolution, and his power consumption accounts for 80% and Pidgeot accounts for 20%.

This proportion of consumption will not cause damage to Pidgeot’s body.

However, the three MegaPokémons in Seven Colors Space continuously generate Mega Evolution waves, eliminating part of the consumption during the previous two days of experimentation.

From the Lilycove City Contest Conference semi-finals to the present, the accumulated Mega Evolution waves and Pidgeot Mega evolution can only last for 13 minutes.

“13 minutes? It should be enough.” Liang Ren looked away from the sky’s bright light ball, nodded replied.

In this “Divine Bird’s Blessing”, in order to maximize the profit, Liang Ren and Pidgeot took all their power, depending on the final result, I hope they won’t let him down.

Consciousness exited the Psychic space and glanced at Pidgeot. It was quite clear in my heart what to do next, one person, one pet, and everything was silent.


The challenge on the square continues.

Unlike bird trainers who specialize in bird Pokémon, foreign trainers, like Liang Ren, mostly only have one Pokémon.

Even if Pokémon came over temporarily for the sake of greed, and saw the challenger who was crushed by the divine might and made him collapse, some speculative and clever players who had not yet played, also put out their minds. So as not to make a joke for a while.

“Come on~”

“Come on~”


When the challenge started, the off-site audience I was worried about it, but afterwards, the audience gradually let go.

The trainer stands raise upwards and fights the circle, and the three birds Pokémon flap their wings suddenly, facing the divine might and pressing the moved towards sky Divine Bird illusory shadow.

Whether it is the audience or the rest of the trainers on the square, their gazes are turned away from the challenger below and turn to the real protagonist, the three birds Pokémon on the sky.




The audience raised their hands on the eyebrows to shade , Staring at the three bird shadows rushing on the sky with empty eyes and unwilling to move away.

The impetuous low-level challengers played early in the morning, and the remaining challengers showed even more dazzling strength.

The challengers on the bird trainer lineage here are a group of high-spirited and vigorous, proud and arrogant youngsters. They are all performed by foreign trainers, gradually Liang Ren all around. As a teenager, he also started to bring Pokémon on the court.

The lively atmosphere of the scene is getting higher and higher, and the cheers of the audience are getting more and more enthusiastic.

After you sing, I will appear on the stage. One group retreats, and the other group spontaneously stands up to challenge.

The farther you go to the back, the fewer people are left on the square, and all the trainers who have challenged are concentrated in the rest area at the other end of the square.

Three girls, Liu Hong, Miaomiao, and Yuou, have also challenged them. A Zhe, who had a good chat with him, also invited two fellows of the same race to complete the challenge.

The challenge record is constantly refreshed. The highest altitude record is currently 350 meters, which was set by a middle-aged man from an outside training home.

As Azhe said, adults get much less blessings from participating in the challenge than minors.

Obviously the highest challenge record holder, the blessing beam under the wings of Divine Bird, the color and luster did not even reach Ming Yellow in the Second Rank segment.

“The boy who stood with your Liuqing station is the civilian trainer who was praised by Drake and the Old Guy?”

The remaining challengers on the square The less come, Liang Ren, who stayed with Liu Qing and the others, also attracted the attention of the four Elders next to Liu Sheng.

Four black robes, hair grey-white, a respectable old man, looked at Liang Ren from time to time, whispering and not knowing what he was talking about.

“This Pidgeot breed is really good. I heard that Liu Hong said that it has level 40. It is really the younger generations will surpass us in time.” Liu Sheng nodded the old man next to his right hand.

“This trainer innate talent is indeed surprisingly high. The most valuable thing is that such a genius came from an ordinary commoner family.”

“Speaking of this youngster’s relationship with your family Liu Qing Yes, Great Elder, do you think there is a chance to absorb this boy into our bird trainer family?”

“It is not easy to dig the corner of Alliance. Through the two days of getting along, I can see his The trainer’s approach has matured and it is unrealistic for him to specialize in bird Pokémon.”

“However, although there is no way to get in, it is good to maintain a close and friendly relationship with the other party.” Liu Sheng laughed With shook the head.

After three days of getting along, this youngster seems to him to be very early-minded, and his knowledge and insights about the trainer’s journey are quite out of the ordinary. If you want to absorb the other party and join the bird trainer clan, success.

Since knowing that the result will be like this, they, the Old Guy, might as well do nothing and let the juniors get in touch with each other, so that the relationship with each other will be closer and not utilitarian.


“This kid is ready to challenge. I don’t know how high he can reach.”

The remaining trainers in the square Yue The less came, just as Liu Sheng and the others were talking, after Liang Ren said something to Liu Qing, the two walked towards the challenge position in the middle of the square together.

Along with them, there is a black haired youth who looks in his early 20s in the circle of outside trainers nearby.

“Brother Qing charge charge charge ~”

“Liang Ren, come on…Liang Ren, come on…”

“Tonggu, let them see you black The strength of Eagle Knight.”

Liang Ren——Pidgeot

Liu Qing——Swellow


The three pets in the column walked towards the challenge position, and the rest area and the audience outside the field began to loudly support them.

Liu Qing is the grandson of the Great Elder Liusheng of the bird trainer family, and the leader of the bird trainer New Generation. The people who know him the most on site, and the audience cheering him on.

The second most supporter is Liang Ren, who fought Elite Drake half a month ago. It can be said that the name’Mu Mu Liang Ren’ has become a household name in Hoenn Region.

Unfortunately, during the “Divine Bird Blessing” event, not at all Host will read the name of the challenger. Wearing this heroic and handsome national costume, the audience not at all recognize him .

Although the youngsters of the bird trainer clan in the rest area shouted Liang Ren’s name loudly, the burly Pidgeot also revealed his identity.

But Liang Ren doesn’t care too much. After all, the young man with black clothed black hair next to him, he heard someone cheering him on the spot.

“Hu~” and Liu Qing gave each other encouraging glances, and Liang Ren, standing outside the challenge circle, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Stepping–” Without hesitation, the black haired youth is on the left, Liu Qing is on the right, and Liang Ren is in the center. The three stepped into the challenge circle together.

“Hmm~” Stepped into the challenge circle, just like Liu Qing and black haired youth next to him, a heavy divine might press on him, Liang Ren couldn’t help groaned.

“My courage and fighting spirit belong to you, Staraptor-fly high!!”

Liang Ren was the first to stand upright among the three challengers , But the first challenge for Pokémon was the black clothed black haired youth next to it.

“Swellow, burn our fighting spirit.”

“Pidgeot, I am with you!!!”

Seeing that Staraptor has set off first, Liang Ren followed Liu Qing did not hesitate, and after each gave Pokémon a blow, the two Pokémon also rose into the sky.

Different from the previous challenge bird Pokémon, three Pokémon flying under the pressure of Divine Bird at this time, although the speed was somewhat affected than usual, but not at all showed too difficult.


The Staraptor Dual Wingbeat that took off first broke the wind, and the oblique bangs in front of his forehead, the whole was like a general charging at the forefront, his threatening characteristics were dead. Deadly confrontation with the coercion of Divine Bird.


White belly, blue feather, Swellow follow closely from behind with the tail cut and dipped in red ink, the wings are flat, the whole body is erratic, like a straight up against the wind Paper kite.

Liang Ren was under the pressure of the divine might and it took a while to get through the fetters with Pidgeot, but not at all, how much Staraptor and Swellow are after.

As a transmigrator, within the body lives an adult soul. In addition to awakening Psychic by taking “wisdom spiritual liquid” before, Liang Ren’s Mental Force is far not comparable to Liu Qing and black haired youth .

Recovering from the divine might pressure, Liang Ren switched his senses to Pidgeot. As he just said, he will always be with Pidgeot in this challenge today.

“Beep carving–” Pidgeot crowed.


Expand the wings and slam the fan hard, the wind pours in from the chest ribs on both sides, at the same time Pidgeot crouched and moved towards sky jumped up, the senses switch to Pidgeot Liang Ren on his body felt a strange change in his body.

Just like when Mudsdale carrying a heavy load suddenly unloads the goods on his back, there is a sense of relief of the heavy load, and the whole body becomes lighter.

“hu hu ~”

I forgot the fine divine might pressure on my body, and my ears automatically blocked the cheers of the audience.

At this moment, Liang Ren seems to have turned into a Pidgeot. Through the sharp carved eyes, all he can see is the blue sky, and all he hears is the sound of hu hu left by the wind blowing through his ears.

“Beep Eagle~”

Looking at the Staraptor and Swellow flying towards the Divine Bird in the sky above, Pidgeot vibrated its wings to catch up.

Liang Ren, who is completely immersed in the happiness of Flying, not at all feels the obstruction of Divine Bird’s coercion, even the sadistic winds seem to be very orderly and polite.

The warm wind evenly flows through the Dual Wingbeat, legs and tail feathers. The creamy down feathers on the abdomen are blown tightly against the skin and flesh, fuse together with the skin.

Every time the wide and powerful Dual Wingbeat slaps, a powerful whirlwind is thrown out, and the whirlwind sticks and stays in the shoulder blades, forming a rising force.

“hu hu…”

The wings keep flapping, and the distance between Pidgeot and Staraptor and Swellow above is shrinking.

Up to 146 individual speed values, this high-altitude Fly competition also allowed others to see Pidgeot’s terrifying speed and powerful flying ability.


“My God~”

“Look at the Pidgeot that is behind at first, it flies so fast Ah, I’m going to catch up with Staraptor and Swellow soon.”

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