
“My God~”

“Look at the Pidgeot that is behind at first, it flies so fast, it will be soon It’s about to catch up with Staraptor and Swellow.”


“Ah~It surpasses Swellow.”

“Staraptor feels the pressure, it When using Spark, it speeds up.”

“Swellow is also catching up. It has a water blue light film on it. It seems that it uses Agility.”

“Swellow I have caught up with Pidgeot, and the two Pokémon are now on a par with each other, but the Staraptor in front is slowing down. Can I not bear the pressure of Divine Bird?”

“The first section of the height rod on the square is bright Get up, the three birds Pokémon are over 100 meters.”

“Pidgeot and Swellow still go hand in hand, and the speed of the two Pokémons has not slowed down. The leading position of Staraptor is not guaranteed.”

“Come on~ Swellow, let Pidgeot and Staraptor see the backbone of your Hoenn family.”

“Staraptor, you are handsome, come on~”

“Pidgeot, you They are the most handsome, let them eat fart——!!!”


100 meters

< p>150 meters

200 meters

300 meters

Three birds Pokémon, Like three fighter jets, the bird’s beak points to the sky, continuously changing formations to rise to the sky.

The audience’s attention is all attracted by the three birds Pokémon, only Yanagyu and Old Guy, fearing that the trainer will not be able to withstand the pressure of the divine might and will be dangerous, most of the time they will stop at the bottom three training Home.

The battle on Sky is very clear. Staraptor slows down but still maintains the lead. Pidgeot and Swellow are on par, and it is hard to see who has the greater advantage.

However, turning his head to look at the three trainers in the white circle below, the young man with black clothed black hair clenched his teeth and his legs had begun to tremble, and the pressure had almost made him breathless.

Liu Qing on the far right, as the leader of the New Generation of the bird trainer clan, just browses slightly wrinkle and sweats on his forehead. Obviously, he will persist longer than black haired youth.

“This kid Liu Qing is very good.”

“It is indeed a genius of our bird trainer family.”

“Indeed, this time is very promising. Obtained the approval of the bird elders and got a “will inheritance”. “

“Don’t praise him, this kid is far away. “Hearing the praise from the Elders around him, although Liu Sheng didn’t have any expressions on his face, he was actually happy.

But when Liu Sheng turned his attention to Liang Ren in the middle.


“Is this kid a freak? “

“Tsk tsk…The breath is steady, the complexion is as usual, it seems that I don’t feel any pressure at all. “


There is no harm without comparison. It has been nearly five minutes since the three birds, Pokémon, flew into the sky. The divine might pressure that the trainer bears has also become very strong.

Liu Qing, who is very optimistic about the four Elders, is also showing pressure at this moment, but Liang Ren, the youngest, is able to keep calm. , The not-tall body stands firmly in place like a cedar.

The competition of the three Pokémons is not as fierce as at first. The audience gradually turned their attention to the three training below. Home.

The black haired youth sweats like rain, the willow nails are in the flesh, and the teeth are clenched. On the contrary, it is the youngest boy in the middle who looks as usual without any pressure, which makes the audience burst out. There was a heated discussion.

“Who is this boy? How does it look even better than Liu Qing, a genius. “

“What I wear is the traditional costume of our bird trainer family. Whose child is this child, how does it look so face-to-face.” “


“Look, Pidgeot and Swellow have surpassed Staraptor! ! “

Suddenly the crowd was crying out in surprise, and the audience turned their attention to the sky.

The previous leading Staraptor gradually lacked stamina. At this moment, it is obviously lacking in strength and struggling to flap its wings. Reluctantly resist the pressure of the Divine Bird on the sky.

Pidgeot and Swellow, who kept advancing side by side with Agility, once again exerted their strength, the white light flame burst out from the bird’s body, and Spark pushed two Pokémon to accelerate in a flash It surpasses Staraptor.

“Mugu——! ! “The overtaken Staraptor, raised his head and let out an unwilling bird song, but Staraptor was almost exhausted, flapping its wings can only rise at a speed of 400 meters.

However, relying on Spark to sprint to catch up. The height of Pidgeot and Swellow has risen to 450 meters.

“It is 450 meters. Can Liu Qing and Liang Ren challenge the height of 500 meters. “

” Pokémon, who has not had a challenger for a long time, can reach 500 meters against Divine Bird, but this time I see Liu Qing and Liang Ren have a good chance. “

“Come on, Qing brother, Liang Ren, come on~”

“ao ao ao……”

During the “Divine Bird Blessing” challenge, the bird Pokémon As long as you fly against the pressure of Divine Bird over 500 meters, you have a certain chance to win the “Inheritance of Will” award.

At this moment, the momentum of Pidgeot and Swellow has successfully made the trainers of the bird trainer family excited. One by one looked up to the sky and looked forward to whether the two Pokémon could reach a height of 500 meters.

Liang Ren didn’t know the reaction of the outside world. At this moment, his spirit was synchronized with Pidgeot, and his consciousness was completely immersed in the challenge of flying against the wind.

In the past, he also used Pidgeot’s perspective to conduct reconnaissance, but he has carefully felt the basic details of Pidgeot’s flying wings, Liang Ren not at all.

Now that I have a closer understanding, Liang Ren found that this feels very strange, this is a thrill that humans without wings can never experience.

“Beep Diao~”


Liang Ren doesn’t know how high Pidgeot has flown, he only knows that Pidgeot is completely exhausted Before, he would accompany Pidgeot to flap his wings.

Staraptor has outstanding physical attack ability and Swellow has excellent speed ability.

At first, Staraptor, who maintained the lead, was far behind, and Swellow was still flying upward against the pressure of Divine Bird.

However, Swellow’s self-confidence has not been maintained for too long. Pidgeot has always kept pace with it, and it can’t get rid of the opponent no matter how much it accelerates.

However, just when Swellow accepted this fact and planned to’fly with each other’ all the time.

It found that Pidgeot had begun to accelerate, and Swellow was accelerating subconsciously. However, it discovered that it could not keep up with Pidgeot’s speed, a sense of powerlessness spontaneously.

“Gosh, the height rod has been lit for five knots, and Pidgeot and Swellow have challenged 500 meters.”


Resume The youngsters of the Ou bird trainer clan, staring with wide eyes and wide mouths, staring at the height rod in a daze, Pidgeot and Swellow on the sky have become very small.


Pidgeot used Spark again to speed up, and Swellow’s eyes were thrown away. Fighting spirits were raging in the eyes of Swellow’s birds. He opened his mouth and let out a mute swallow, and the blue flame suddenly Gushing out from Swellow within the body.

“Pidgeot threw Swellow away.”

“Look, Swellow didn’t give up. It uses “the brave bird” to chase Pidgeot. “


Swellow, who has a little stamina, used the last Unique Ability “Brave Bird” as planned by Liu Qing at first. The blue light and flame penetrated the body. At the moment, Swellow’s speed rose again, causing the audience below to exclaim again and again.

However, at the moment when the Blue Flame Yongniao launched a charge, Pidgeot in front of him also showed his full strength.


A clear bird song was uploaded from the blue sky dome, and the next second, the sacred and bright brilliance also sprayed out from the Pidgeot bird body.

Two times the size of Swellow, Contest’s crown is full of kingly Pidgeot. At this moment, it is like the Divine Bird of Nirvana Rebirth in the flames. The domineering bird’s body flies high into the sky at a speed far exceeding the Swellow.


Fly higher. Divine Bird’s divine might have the strongest pressure. The blue flame of the brave bird faded from Swellow, completing the final sprint of Swellow. His face stopped 550 meters unwillingly, and vigorously shaking his wings could only keep him from being crushed by the pressure and falling.

“Beep Eagle——”

The situation of Pidgeot is similar, the golden Divine Bird’s flame dissipated, and Pidgeot stayed at 570 meters for a long time and couldn’t rise another half meter.

However, just as the audience and the other challengers thought that when the competition was over, something happened that made the bird trainers startled to fall the chin.

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