“Is it the limit?” Liang Ren thought secretly.

Liang Ren, who has consciousness attached to Pidgeot and shares Pidgeot’s physical senses, can feel the difficulty of flying at the moment.

At an altitude of 570 meters, the divine might pressure of the Divine Bird Phantom almost made Pidgeot breathless.

The “Divine Bird” Ability effect on his body faded, and Liang Ren felt that Pidgeot was pressing on a mountain on his back. No matter how hard it flapped its wings, it couldn’t rise again.

“Huh~” doing two things at the same time, separated a part of consciousness and returned to the body on the square, glanced at the five-section height measuring rod next to it, Liang Ren vomited heavily Tone.

Pidgeot has broken the record, surpassing Staraptor and Swellow in the same group, and the height has exceeded 500 meters.

But Liang Ren already knows that the “Divine Bird Blessing” challenge is a ceremony for the bird elders in the forest of the elders to choose the successor. The probability that his External Race people will be favored by the opponent is Far below the younger generations of the bird trainer lineage.

Contrary to the pressure of Divine Bird, challenging a height of more than 500 meters is just a chance to be fancy, and then obtain “will inheritance”, but this is not 100% certain.

“Divine Bird’s Blessing” is a challenge and a rare opportunity.

He still has more energy, he can fight another wave, and Pidgeot can be even more dazzling.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane-Pidgeot, break the limit, Mega evolves!!!”

I adjusted my breathing, and didn’t care about the audience and the rest area trainer. During the discussion, Liang Ren raised his head and stared at Pidgeot, who was still struggling to flutter his wings high in the sky. The vigorous and pure voice spread throughout the sacrificial square.

In an instant, a strange force gushed from Liang Ren’s eyebrows.


The black haired youth and Liu Qing who are still struggling to hear Liang Ren shouting out loudly have not reacted yet, Liang Ren’s body flashes suddenly A golden crown of light.


“What’s the matter, how is Shiny on the boy in the middle.”

“Who can tell me what happened? What.”

“Is this a special effect made with holographic projection?”

“Boom~” At this moment, Liang Ren’s body curled up and turned into a light The brilliant golden light shoots towards the sky.

When Liang Ren called the Mega Evolution wave, sky Pidgeot also had a strange golden light flashing.

The golden light on Liang Ren’s body rushes straight into the sky, while the rays of light on Pidgeot’s body are attracted, and also turn into a beam of energy unrolled bolt of white silk to drop down Nine Heavens, and two golden lasers collide point by point together.

When the wind blows, the straight beam suddenly twists and flutters like a kite string in the weak wind. The Mega Evolution wave of Liang Ren within the body follows the energy unrolled bolt of white silk into Pidgeot within the body.

The dazzling golden light turned into a soft white light. In the blink of an eye, Pidgeot’s whole body on the sky was wrapped in a white light cocoon.

“This…this is Mega evolution.” Looking at the light of evolution on sky Pidgeot, the four Elders next to Yanagi raised their heads and looked up at the sky, their faces full of surprise.

“It is indeed Pidgeot’s Mega Evolution.” Looking at the upright and loose young man in the square, Liu Sheng was secretly speechless, and his eyes were no less surprised than the four people next to him.


The evolutionary cocoon was broken, exposing the figure of Pidgeot.

Mega Evolution is a high-end force in the circle of trainers. Not everyone knows. At this moment, there are many tourists and citizens outside the square who have not yet realized what happened.

Only a group of trainers in the rest area, with their mouths wide open to squeeze a fist, looked at the calm Liang Ren in the square, and looked at the fuzzy bird shadow on the sky. Time speechless.

At this moment, not only the trainers in the square, Pidgeot suddenly undergoes Mega evolution.

The consciousness gathered together, and the tens of thousands of bird elders who watched this challenge through the eyes of the Divine Bird on the sky were also very surprised. Then they were full of love and talent. heart.

“Pidgeot, continue to challenge.” The perspective turned to Pidgeot again, and Liang Ren gave orders through the bond link.


After Mega evolved, all aspects of strength have doubled several times. Pidgeot feels in exceptionally good condition at the moment. Divine Bird at 570 meters can no longer be under pressure. Stop it from rising.

“Huh~” slammed Dual Wingbeat, and Pidgeot’s whole body turned into an arrow from the string, rising again at high speed.




MegaPidgeot is flying higher and higher. There is no helicopter in the air for live broadcast. The audience below can no longer see Pidgeot’s figure, and what MegaPidgeot looks like is even more unclear.

Not too much of Liang Ren, who is aware of Pidgeot, can clearly see the change in Pidgeot’s appearance at the moment.

Compared with the previous evolution, the appearance of Pidgeot Mega has changed a lot. The most intuitive thing is that Pidgeot’s body has become larger, and its feathers have become stronger and more beautiful.

Liang Ren’s Pidgeot is taller than its peers. After completing the Mega evolution at this moment, the MegaPidgeot that appeared in Liang Ren’s eyes is simply the giant eagle in the is legend story.

Height is at least three meters visually, the wide and powerful Dual Wingbeat unfolds, the whole is as large as a fighter jet.

The cream-colored feathers on the chest and abdomen became pure white, and the feathers on the tail and the end of the wings were dyed with beautiful blue. The black and sharp bird eyes also became indifferent red eyes and white kernels.

But these changes are considered small. After Mega’s evolution of Pidgeot, the originally very luxurious crown on the head has now become more and more dazzling.

A large cluster of bright yellow feathers grows three clusters of fresh red feathers, the middle one is even longer than its body. At this moment, as Pidgeot spreads its wings, the long feathers are flying high. Zhongpiaowu looks exceptionally chic.


A vigorous eagle’s whistle blasted the squally wind, reverberating in the blue sky.

The tone of the voice reveals the spirit of the king of sky, which makes the audience who can’t see Pidgeot’s figure in the square below, the whole heart is like being grabbed by Skitty, one by one raised their heads and stretched their necks, and their hearts became more and more Curiosity.


Almost five minutes later, the eagerly awaited citizens, tourists and trainers, looked at the sky and looked at them, but Pidgeot has not stopped the challenge. .

The height measuring rod on the square has been lit for seven knots, which means that Pidgeot’s flying height has exceeded 700 meters at the moment.

Under normal circumstances, this is an ordinary but still worthwhile value, but under the pressure of Divine Bird, it looks extremely frightening.

“Is this the limit?” Only half of 13 minutes passed, but the pressure of all around made Pidgeot unable to continue to rise.

Liang Ren followed Pidgeot’s gaze to see the huge and illusory Divine Bird in the sky, like a towering mountain that could never be climbed, Liang Ren could feel Pidgeot’s unwillingness.

“Well~how do you feel that Divine Bird’s gaze is so clever and energetic?” The higher you fly and the closer you are to Divine Bird, the clearer the image of Divine Bird in Liang Ren’s mind.

Divine Bird illusory shadow is too large, Liang Ren can’t find the corresponding Pokemon and Divine Beast, but it seems that every bird Pokémon feature he knows can be found in this Divine Bird .

It seems that the image of this Divine Bird was formed by mixing the characteristics of all known birds, Pokémon.

When confronted with Divine Bird, one blue and one gold two bird eyes, Liang Ren has a strange feeling, as if the other person is also looking at him.

This Divine Bird illusory shadow is not a dead thing, but seems to have its own consciousness and soul. The other party is indeed looking at it, or Pidgeot after Mega’s evolution.

Liang Ren also saw appreciation and recognition in the eyes of Divine Bird.

“Can this prove that Pidgeot has been taken by a certain cultivation base profound bird elder in the Forest of the Elders, and the other party is willing to let Pidgeot inheritance the mantle.” Thinking of this, he was suddenly agitated .

Liang Ren not at all guessed wrong, the leader of the New Generation of the bird trainer family, and the strongest Trump Card Swellow of Liu Qing, the grandson of the Great Elder Liu Sheng, have been compared. Pidgeot’s performance is amazing.

The spirit willpower of the tens of thousands of bird elders in the Divine Bird Phantom is also very noisy at this moment.

For an ordinary person or Pokémon, the continuation of life and the reproduction of race are the most important, and for the true powerhouse, it is the most meaningful thing to inherit one’s own “Orthodoxy”.

In order to inherit the mantle, the talent of dísciple is particularly important. For a good seed like Pidgeot, no one wants to miss it.

Among the tens of thousands of bird elders, hundreds of them have reached the Elite level, and two of them have reached the top of Pokémon world-the champion level.

『Divine Bird Spiritual Space』

What the curling tobacco has no shape is the spiritual consciousness below the Elite level, the number is the largest, and no one dares to speak out at this moment.

The quarrel is that one after another has already condense the consciousness of the form, Swellow, Xatu, Noctowl, Arrow Flycatcher, Staraptor…, it is the same as Normal, but the consciousness form has no color , All are gray.

In the quarreling gray “birds”, there are two more conspicuous existences, compared with the all around gray Elite mental forms.

One of the two bird shadows is wrapped in blue light flames, and the other is burning with golden light flames. Although it is not clear which bird Pokémon is, it still appears a crane in a flock in this spiritual space of chickens.

These are the two Trump Cards relied on by the bird trainer family, Mega powerhouse that can be ranked among the champions.

“Yan Zun, the junior of your clan is the successor you choose.”

When the elders of the birds were red-faced, from the beginning to the end. Among the two champion-level elders who have not spoken before, the golden bird shadow opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, when today’s challenge ceremony is over, it will be arranged to enter the forest of the elders to secretly accept my inheritance.” The blue flame bird shadow said in a cold voice.

“Just didn’t expect a Pidgeot with a higher Aptitude innate talent, but unfortunately not from the bird trainer clan.” Blue Flame Bird Ying sighed and added.

“haha…At our level, what’s the point of sticking to one’s own people and outsiders? My limit is coming soon. Today the festival is over and let this Pidgeot come to the Forest of the Elders. A trip.”

Hearing the words of her companion, Jin Yanniaoying let out a bohemian laugh, shook the head said.

“Eagle respects you…”


I tried several times, but I still can’t rise up again. Although Pidgeot Some are unwilling, but they can’t do things and have to give up.


Pidgeot decisively turned around and flew towards the square below with an eagle roar.

Sky Divine Bird illusory shadow flapped its wings, and the blessing beams of the three Dao Ming Yellow fell from the sky, and injected Staraptor, Swellow and Pidgeot within the body under the eyes of the audience.


“What’s the matter? Pidgeot and Swellow are obviously over 500 meters, why are they still the blessing of the second level.”

“Hey~ Didn’t you get the blessing of “inheritance of will”? “The three girls, Liu Hong, Miaomiao, and Yuou, are full of disappointment.

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