【Pidgeot 】♂


Stamina: 90【C】Blue

Attack: 110【B】Purple

Defense: 65【C】

Special Attack: 100【B】Purple

Special Defense: 65【C】

Speed: 146 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: “576”


Stamina: 90【C】Blue

< p>Attack: 110[B] Purple

Defense: 70[C]

Special attack: 165[A]Red

Special defense: 75[C]

Speed: 166 [A] Red

Comprehensive: “676”


Level: 40

Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: Proud, Defiant

Feature: Keen Eye, strong chest muscle

Ability —— —

“Attack”: Catch, Peck, Tackle, Hurricane, Scythe, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Juggling, Heat Wave, Air Slash, Steel Wing, Dragon Claw, Wing Slap, High Altitude Attack

“Supplementary”: Shunfeng, Roost, Foresight, Black Eyes, Spark Flash, Agility, Double Team, Mirror Move


Liang Ren finished the challenge, and there were not many trainers left in the square. After chatting with Liu Qing and the others about the fetters, the challenge on the square unconsciously ended.

Although Divine Bird’s blessing does not need to pay any price, it is a pie in the sky, as long as everyone participates in the event, everyone will gain.

However, once anything is compared, people’s hearts will be somewhat imbalanced. Therefore, the expressions of the challengers staying on the scene are envious and disappointed…it can be said that all beings are diverse.

Liang Ren retreated to the stands outside the square with Liu Hong and the other girls, while the rest of the teenagers in Liu Qinghe’s clan stayed in the square to complete today’s final thanksgiving ceremony.

While no one was pestering him at this moment, Liang Ren called up Pidgeot’s Attribute panel to see what blessings he had received.

Does the “Flying Type” trick “Hurricane”? I didn’t expect the proficiency to directly rise to the Top Rank. It seems that the blessing also includes the experience and perception of this trick. “

Liang Ren, who has calmed his mind and no longer expects will inheritance, saw Pidgeot attending the celebration and learned a flying type big trick for nothing. He was also very happy in his heart.


After Pidgeot completes the Mega evolution, there is an additional subpage “Mega Evolution” in the lower right corner of the Attribute panel. Click it to see that it is the data after the evolution of Pidgeot Mega.

Pidgeot Species Strength in Pokémon Pokédex is 479. After long-term innate talent red coin addition, Pidgeot’s individual value has reached an astonishing 576, which is higher than Species Strength by 97 points.

Now that Mega has evolved, (defense +5, special attack +65, special defense +10, speed +20) the total individual value has increased by 100, reaching a terrifying 676.

Although the panel does not show how much the strength level has risen after Mega.

But Liang Ren, who shared the senses of Pidgeot during the evolution, can clearly feel that the power of Pidgeot Mega has increased two or three times after the evolution.

“Unfortunately, the efficiency of the three MegaPokémon projections to generate Mega Evolution waves is too low. From the Lilycove City Contest Conference to the present, nearly 20 days, the accumulated power is only enough for Pidgeot to maintain 13 minutes of Mega Evolution.”< /p>

“The output can’t keep up with the consumption at all. It seems that the plan to collect the Mega evolution type has to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.”

Chirp chirp twitter of several girls beside Liu Hong The voice of twitter chatting turned a deaf ear, and Liang Ren thought to himself, watching the ceremonial dance in the square.

As the LV.1 vocational trainer of City Stadium, Liang Ren is already qualified to join certain online communities.

With the silver level hunter permission from the bounty guild, it is actually not difficult for Liang Ren to search for information about the strength trainer who has mastered the Mega Evolution.

Although Mega Evolution was first discovered in Kalos, it was also the first research on Mega Evolution by the Bratalo Professor in Kalos Region.

But with the continuous development of research, the number of Mega Evolution stones found in Hoenn Continent is far more than Kalos, and even the academic view that Hoenn is the real Place of Origin of Mega Evolution has also gained more More and more Scholar recognition.

In the second part of “Special Chapter: The Strongest Mega Evolution”, the ancient “Huge Stone” that contains huge Primal energy and is regarded as the root of Mega Evolution was first discovered in Hoenn.

Kalos Alliance champion (Diantha), Elite Four (Paqila, Zhimi, Yan Kai, Drasna) indeed all mastered the power of Mega evolution.

But the Trump Card under the former champion of Hoenn Ever Grande Alliance (Zvrzy Steven) and Elite Four (Drake, Glacia, Sidney, Phoebe) can also be Mega evolved.

In addition, Hoenn Region Royal Sanjia can be Mega-evolved, and Hoenn Region legendary sky Divine Dragon-Rayquaza can be Mega-evolved, which makes “Hoenn is the true origin of Mega Evolution” view more credible.

Of course Liang Ren doesn’t care about these academic topics. He only knows the Hoenn Region. There are definitely many trainers who have mastered the power of Mega evolution.

“It seems that Mega Evolution can be collected a lot in Hoenn Region, and there is no collection later. When you go to Kalos Region to participate in the P1world Fighting Championship next year, you can also find opportunities to collect them.”

After clarifying his thoughts, Liang Ren’s sense of urgency in his mind is slightly reduced.

The incident between Drake and Hunter J has put a lot of pressure on Liang Ren, and his desire for strength has become stronger than when he was in school before, but Liang Ren also knows that many things can’t be rushed.

The progress of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, the three main forces is not slow, and now Pidgeot has also been able to Mega evolve.

Even if you meet Hunter J again, with Slowpoke’s Psychic perception, Teleport, Riolu’s Aura, and Pidgeot Mega’s evolved Flying speed, Liang Ren can run even if he can’t beat him.

Moreover, the strength of Riolu, Little Brat, has increased very quickly, and now the Level has reached LV.16

In addition to the agreement made with the Interpol called “Black Times” two days ago, Liang Ren is confident that Riolu will master Hereditary Ability “Aura Sphere” before it evolves to Lucario.


The celebration of “Divine Bird Festival” after a busy day ended with the sun setting.

The glow faded in the western sky, and the twilight began to envelope Fortree City, a vibrant natural city.

The bird Pokémon, which has been active all day, also flaps its tired wings, returns to its lair or finds its own Pokémon.

The tourists all around the square gradually dispersed, and there was a splendid dam banquet on the open space. There was a place in the middle for a lot of wood, and there was a lively bonfire party at night.

If “Divine Bird Festival” is a serious sacrifice in the morning and Good Fortune who is grateful to Divine Bird in the afternoon, then the bonfire party in the evening will ignite the youth and romance in the hearts of young girls.

“Liang Ren, let me introduce to you, this is the role model for all the girls of our bird trainer family, Fortree City Flying Gym Leader-Winona.”

At the banquet, Liang Ren was chatting with Liu Qing and Azhe. Liu Hong took a beautiful girl with light purple hair and came over and shouted.

“Sister Winona~”

“Hello, sister Winona”


Seeing the person, talk to Liang The youngsters at Ren’s table all greeted them respectfully, and even Liu Qing, the leader of the New Generation of the bird trainer clan, saw the people coming with respect.

“You are Liang Ren. I also watched your game against Drake Elite half a month ago. Whether it is Slowpoke, Pidgeot or Cloyster, they are all well-trained.

Just I didn’t expect you to hide your strength in the previous game. During the challenge this afternoon, when I saw Pidgeot’s Mega evolution, I was shocked.”

Winona has a pair of shallow Purple’s eyes looked up and down the boy in front of him with interest.

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