On the homepage of the Gym website, Winona is dressed as a flying member every day. Today in this traditional bird trainer festival, this beautiful girl who is a little older than her Old Brother is also a traditional costume.

The colorful folded skirts, headscarves and embroidered shoes make her look full of ethnic customs and very attractive.

“Drake Elite kind of expert, even if it is to lower my strength and release water, I am not an opponent. I dare not hide my strength.” Hearing Winona’s words, Liang Ren shook the head with a wry smile.

“Pidgeot was able to evolve Mega, and it was only completed during the rainforest experience recently.” Liang Ren explained again.

“It turned out to be the case, but no matter what the reason, I am full of expectations for the next Gym battle~” Winona smiled playfully.

“I am also looking forward to it.”


At the end of the banquet, a lot of bonfires lit up in the open space at night.

Young girls hold hands, dancing around the bonfire, and the whole square is full of happy laughter and cheerful voices.

What Liang Ren didn’t know was that in the ancestral hall of the bird trainer family, several Elders were arguing fiercely about him.


“I admit that this kid is an innate talent, even more than Liu Qing, but no matter how genius he is, he is nothing before he grows up.”


“Since there is no way to absorb our bird trainer family, it is enough for the juniors to have a good relationship with him. The “Eagle” is the strongest Guardian of our bird trainer family. How can his inheritance give outsider. “

“That is, unless this kid is willing to join our family of bird trainers, otherwise the inheritance of “Eagle Lord” can never give him an outsider. “

The bird trainer family is good at breed bird Pokémon. Different surnames focus on breed Pokémon. They are roughly divided into five major branches.

Great Elder (Liu Family)— —Swellow

Second Elder (ran family)——Xatu

Third Elder (Tie Family)——Skarmory

Fourth Elder (Mo family)——Gentleman Crow

Fifth Elder (House of the Court)——Altaria

In the dim and solemn ancestral hall at this moment, regarding Liang Ren’s selection by the Champion Guardian “Eagle” in the Forest of the Elders, Several Great Elders expressed their opposition.

Yagio, the Great Elder in the main seat, did not speak, but the opinions of the other four Elders were quite clear.

As one of the strongest Guardians of the bird trainer family, “Eagle Lord”, its inheritance cannot be handed over to External Race people.

“Of course I understand what you mean, but the problem now is that the “Eagle Lord” has selected Pidgeot as the inheritor, and we have no right to defy the Eagle Lord’s wishes. “

Yagyu lifts the head and glanced at the four Elders on the long table, lightly stating this fact.


< p>There was a fierce quarrel just now, but when I heard what Liu Sheng said, the four emotional elderly people were silent for a while.

After the trainer passed away, Pokémon has regained his freedom, not at All the obligation to protect their relatives, staying in the Forest of the Elderly and continuing to live is completely voluntary.

From the perspective of generation, many birds in the Forest of the Elder are Pokémon, even their old fogey. Swellow and Braviary, who hold the gift of juniors, and have reached the championship level, are many generations higher than them.

Yingzun chose Pidgeot as his inheritance. They have no power and qualifications to question, only Blame the disappointing younger descendants of my own clan for not being favored by the other party.

“Hey…” Thinking of this, the four Elder sighed, even if they don’t want to, there is nothing to do.

” Well, the long-term inheritance of a Great Family depends not on the shade of the ancestors, but on the continuous hard work of the younger generations. “

“Even if the inheritance of “Eagle Venerable” is not given to outsiders, it is still hard to say whether the younger generations in our clan can reach the championship level. In the end, it may be wasted. “

“Through these two days of getting along, Liang Ren, the young man, is impeccable in terms of talent, hard work, and character. At the age of 13 he has trained the three main forces to level 40, even if there is no Yingzun. Inheritance, it is very possible to reach the championship level in the future. “

“Eagle’s inheritance stays in the clan to achieve at most an Elite expert, which is given to Liang Ren, a youngster, which is regarded as an early investment in a champion powerhouse.

If the two brothers Mumu Taoya and Mumu Liang Ren stay in the Hoenn Alliance in the future, this will also be of great benefit to the development of our bird trainer family. “

Seeing that the four Elders were depressed, Liu Sheng couldn’t help but speak comforted. Since Ying Zun’s will can’t be disobeyed, it’s better to accept it generously.

Not to mention, although Ying Zun’s Inheritance is given to outsiders, but the champion inheritance of “Yan Zun” is not reserved for the descendants of the race.

“Hey~Great Elder, you can arrange the rest.”

“…” Upon persuasion, the four Elder sighed accepted it. Now even if it is to blame, I can only blame the younger generation in my own clan for not being as competitive as Liu Qing.

“In this case, I will arrange Pidgeot and Swellow to enter the Forest of the Elders to receive inheritance.” Yanagi nodded said.


On the side of the Sacrifice Square, the Divine Bird Festival celebration falls to Veilstone, and the young girls on the square sway the hormones of youth to their heart’s content, until the bonfire Burn Up on the open space Extinguished.

Take Pidgeot to the Pokémon Center for recovery, check the body and make sure to use Psychic for Mega evolution in the afternoon, not at all, after causing damage to Pidgeot’s body, Liang Ren returned with Liu Qing and Liu Hong siblings manor.

“What blessings did Liang Ren Junior Brother get during the challenge this afternoon?” Sitting in the car, Liu Qing saw Liang Ren’s face not at all depressed, so he asked with confidence .

“Flying Type Big Unique Ability “Hurricane”. “Liang Ren, who was feeding grapes to Slowpoke in his arms, heard Liu Qing’s words, he was not at all confidential, and honestly replied.

“Flying Type big trick Hurricane, I really envy my Fletchinder. The blessing is Ability “Aerial Ace”. “

“By the way, what blessings did you Swellow get?” “Liu Hong turned his head and asked curiously.

“What I got was the secret technique “Fly”. “Liu Qing said.

“Is the secret technique Fly with a damage value of 90?” It’s also very good. “Liu Hong’s face is full of envy.

“By the way, Liang Ren, when will you challenge Gym? I will call Shang Yuou and Miao Miao to cheer for you. “

“Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, this mainly depends on when the Winona Gym Leader is free. “Liang Ren thought for a while and said.

Being a guest at Liu Family and participating in this Divine Bird Festival celebration, Liang Ren has stayed in Fortree City for four days. After the challenge of Flying Gym, he is also time We set off to continue our journey.

The extended sedan drove slowly into the manor, and finally stopped outside a single-family villa.

“Eldest Young Master, Liang Ren Young Master, Master Jean After you come back, go to the study. “Outside the car, Steward in the manor opened the door for them, and said respectfully.

In the two days as guests of Liu Family, the servants in the manor respected him very much, which made Liang Ren very much. It’s emotional.

Before this, he had also entered two luxury manors. They were at Chu Mushan’s house and gave him his younger brother Kuroki as a tutor, and the second time was at You Teng Family. Yutoyuki works as a tutor.

“Has grandfather returned? “

“After the afternoon sacrificial activities, the master has already returned. “

“Well, then we will go over immediately. “Although I don’t know what grandfather asked him and Liang Ren alone, but Liu Qing didn’t think too much.

It was Liang Ren on the side. Hearing Liu Sheng approached him, he thought a lot for a while.

“Is it the evolution of Pidgeot Mega? I deliberately sent out the message of bond evolution, the other party It shouldn’t be to explore the question of’where to get the Mega Evolution stone’. “Liang Ren thought.

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