Leave the phone to Slowpoke, and the two Pokémon will go back to the room to play by themselves, and Liang Ren will go upstairs with Liu Qing, guessing Liu Sheng’s purpose in finding him.

There is no need to explain how important items such as the Mega Evolution stone are to trainers who pursue strength.

even more how Liang Ren has made it clear that he does not have a Pidgeot Mega Evolution stone in order to reduce trouble, so what can Liu Sheng do if he asks him?

“knock knock ~grandfather, it’s me.”

Liang Ren hasn’t figured out why, Liu Qing, who came to the study, has already knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Liu Sheng’s old but steady and majestic voice came from the study.

Pushing in, Liu Sheng, who has changed his casual clothes, is sitting on a chair behind the desk and reading with glasses.

“You two sit down first, I have something to tell you.”

Seeing Liang Ren coming in with Liu Qing, Liu Sheng put down the book in his hand and pointed in front of him Said the chair.

“Oh~” Liang Ren sat down with Liu Qing and looked at the hair grey-white in front of him, but he kept it neat and tidy.

The weather-beaten face is full of traces carved by the years, and the deep and bright old man with sunken eyes, Liang Ren doesn’t know what the other party is going to talk about next.

“I’m looking for you to come over, what I want to say is the challenge this afternoon.”

“The Divine Bird Festival is held every five years. The number of people participating in the challenge this year is not Less, but can withstand the pressure of Divine Bird’s imposing manner. Only you two have successfully broken through 500 meters. I am very proud of you both.”

“But are you very confused? Why did the challenge exceed 500 meters? Liang Ren, your Pidgeot even reached a good score of 700 meters, but did not get the blessing of “inheritance of will” in the end. “

Although it was aimed at him and Liu Qing, Liu Sheng’s gaze skipped Liu Qing and fell on Liang Ren.

“At first, I was a little confused. But Liu Qing Senior, they all said, even if they exceed 500 meters, they cannot be 100% guaranteed to get the reward of will inheritance. This is a simple probability problem. “

“Of course, it is also possible that my Pidgeot is not good enough. “After that, Liang Ren added another sentence.

“haha…you are wrong, the truth is exactly the opposite of what you thought.

Only the younger generations of the bird trainers are allowed to participate in the Divine Bird Festival blessing challenge. In the past hundred years, you are the only one who can reach 700 meters in height. “

Hearing Liang Ren’s answer, Liu Sheng was instantly happy, and said with a smile on his face.

“That…” Liang Ren didn’t know what Liu Sheng wanted to express. But he was keenly aware that there might be some hidden secrets that he didn’t know. Liu Qing hadn’t spoken next to him. Obviously he knew it.

“In fact, this is what happened.

“The Divine Bird blessing challenge event was originally a ceremony for our bird trainers to assess the younger generations and choose the heirs for the bird elders in the forest of the elders.

“After Pokémon reaches the quasi-Elite level, only by finding its own way and condensing its own will can it truly enter the Elite level, and will inheritance is a shortcut.

“But “inheritance of will” is related to the development and continuation of our bird trainer family, so although we released the news that the challenger will have a probability as long as the height exceeds 500 meters and be blessed by the inheritance of will, in fact Not really.

“Whoever is selected can obtain the Elite-level will inheritance. Before the Divine Bird Festival celebration officially begins, after the grave sweeping team enters the Elder Forest, the bird elders have passed a series of tests to determine the candidate. .

“However, because girls cannot join the grave sweeping team according to the clan rules, the challenge activity at the Divine Bird Festival is an opportunity for the girls in the clan. External Race people perform in the challenge activity again. Excellent, will not be rewarded by inheritance of will. “

Reading Liang Ren’s doubts, Liu Sheng explained frankly.

However, after listening to Liu Sheng’s words, Liang Ren became even more confused. The other party told him, an outsider, about this. What are the secrets of this clan?

Although according to Liu Sheng, Divine Bird blessed and challenged and inherited such a precious reward for the will not to the External Race people. Although Liang Ren was a little disappointed, he could think about it. Understand.

Since a “inheritance of will” can allow Quasi Elite Pokémon to break through without bottleneck, why should such a good thing be given to outsiders for nothing, and he will definitely leave it to the younger generation in his own clan.

Moreover, he didn’t pay any price for this afternoon’s event, so he grabbed a “big red envelope” for nothing. The Flying Type’s big trick “Hurricane” must be at least 100w on the Hunter’s Guild resource website, and There is no market.

The most intimate thing is that this Divine Bird blessing not only allows Pidgeot to learn Ability “Hurricane”, but the accompanying experience and insights directly promoted Ability’s proficiency to the Top Rank.

Such gains have made Liang Ren very happy. He has no obsession with “inheritance of will”. What’s more, he doesn’t find it difficult at all for breakthrough Elite.

Although this is a bit arrogant and conceited, he is confident in himself and Pokémon, and he has cheat to increase Pokémon innate talent.

“But Moe, why are you telling me this?” Liang Ren asked with some incomprehension.

“Because you and Pidgeot behaved very dazzlingly today, an elder bird in the Forest of the Elders broke the rule and selected your Pidgeot as the inheritance.”

Liu Sheng face There was a gentle smile on it, but Liang Ren was taken aback by what he said.

“Pidgeot!? But I am not from the bird trainer clan.” Liang Ren frowned.

He was selected, what does Liu Sheng mean by asking him to come over? It implies that he himself took Pidgeot to the Elder’s Forest to reject the bird elder, or let him swear to join the bird trainer clan.

“You don’t need to think about it. Although the bird elders in the Forest of the Elders used to be Pokémon of our clan bird trainer, after the trainer passed away, these bird elders were free.< /p>

Our bird trainers have no right to interfere with their lives, let alone who they choose as their successor, so you can rest assured that Pidgeot can enter the Forest of the Elders and accept inheritance.”

Even the other four Elders in the clan have accepted this fact, and Liu Sheng also said so generously at this moment, which makes people admire his broad mind.

“It turns out that this is the case, do I need to pay any price?” Liang Ren thought for a while and asked.

There is no free lunch in the world. The relationship between him and Liu Qing’s Senior Junior Brother is just a personal relationship. On the level of a family, Liang Ren feels that the other party has no reason to give him such benefits for nothing.

“You are so worried, you don’t need to pay any price, but~” Liu Sheng gave a relieved expression, and then showed a hesitant expression.

“Moe, you don’t have to worry about it. If you have any difficulties, you can just say it. Today’s challenge has allowed my Pidgeot to learn Ability Hurricane, for which I am very grateful.

I feel embarrassed for some reasons. I can give up this Elite will inheritance.”

Looking at Liu Sheng’s embarrassed expression, Liang Ren was very open-minded.

“Liang Ren, don’t worry about it, that is, the elder bird who chose you, his identity is so special.”

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