“Great sky, please give me wings, please give me a powerful force that will not fall in the wind.

Then, guide me forward in this vast blue world——-“


Facing a challenger like Liang Ren who needs to be taken seriously, before the game officially started, Winona solemnly knelt on one knee and said solemnly to sky Wish.

Women have a lower status in the clan. With the bird trainer using Divine Bird as the Guardian God, Winona considers the vast sky as her Guardian God in her heart.

The podium was raised, and Winona’s clear voice echoed across the open platform against the battlefield Sky.

“My side played first, it was Altaria.” After the prayer ended, Winona got up and released the first Pokémon first.

“Although it will be more advantageous to let Cloyster play, but today is your home court, let’s face it——Pidgeot!!!”

Liang Ren didn’t hesitate, First Stage directly dispatched his subordinates. Pidgeot with the highest level.

“Beep Eagle~”

The platform at the top of the altar has a very strong advantage on the battlefield.

Pidgeot came out of the baby ball, flicked Contest’s crown, his broad wings spread flat, and flew directly in the wind.

Pidgeot is larger than Altaria, and more deterrent, flying on the updraft to the sky higher than Altaria.

A pair of sharp and indifferent bird eyes looked down at the blue bird of paradise with white cloud wings, and a sing echoed in the sky, as if Altaria’s level advantage was nothing in front of it.

The whole body is filled with a domineering aura of giving up to me. This is the temperament change after accepting the inheritance of “Eagle Venerable”.

“The game begins.”

The people in the appearance match looked attentively and stopped talking. Below they raised the green flag in their hands to the referee on the battlefield and decisively issued the start signal.

Winona preemptive strike: “Altaria, preemptive strike, use Peck.”

“Woo~” The cloud wings clearly perceive the changes in the airflow. Altaria, who received the command, tilted her body slightly and quickly The land moved towards Pidgeot approached.

The short-pointed white bird’s beak becomes sharp in the white light, like a steel essence arrow at the tip of a feather arrow.

“Double Team, Heat Wave.” Liang Ren did not speak, and the action instructions were immediately communicated to Pidgeot after opening the bond link.

“Swish swish…”

Pidgeot, who was burly like a fighter jet, twisted his body and instantly appeared dozens of identical silhouettes in the air.

We did not give Winona and Altaria Foresight a chance to be in real life, and their broad and powerful wings fiercely.

“hu hu……” The hot and dry’Heat Wave’ blows the air into red and twisted fish scales.

Liang Ren’s little trick is not at all confusing to Winona. She didn’t follow the normal thinking to find Pidgeot’s true body.

The expression was full of strong trust in Altaria, and he directly issued the command: “dodge, dragon breath attack.”

Altaria’s flying ability is not as good as Pidgeot, but like clouds His wings have an unusually keen perception of changes in airflow.

Surrounded by dozens of animals, the scorching waves moved towards Altaria rushed away. The scene seemed magnificent and dangerous, but Pidgeot’s actual attack was actually effortlessly noticed by Altaria To.

“Woo-bang!” After receiving the instruction, Altaria ignored 99% of the attacks, flapped her wings and quickly lifted off, turned her head and moved towards the opposite direction from the blue feathers above her head, and opened her mouth. A pillar of Dragon Breath breathed out.

See the Altaria Foresight Double Team, Liang Ren is a little surprised, but the rhythm of the battle is not at all disturbed: “Spark flashed past, use dragon claws.”

“Beep Eagle–” Pidgeot retracted his wings, twisted and dived down.

Like a wyvern circling the beam, Green’s breath of dragon is flexibly avoided by Pidgeot.

Two sturdy and powerful black golden claws that can tear off the thick trunk of the thigh, at this moment, under the arm of the dragon flame scales, they have become hideous and huge.

The indifferent birdeyes of Lock On opponent shone fiercely, Spark rushed forward, and at the moment when he passed Altaria, the dragon claw suddenly attacked.

“shua shua ~” The two hooks overlapped shua shua and tore, and then the texture of the claws entering the flesh was not at all.

The wings are mostly made of fluffy feathers. They hit Pidgeot, which caused Altaria’s wings to be injured and noticed. The sharp claws only ripped off a bunch of feathers.

Winona did not miss this great opportunity, and decisively launched a counterattack: “Altaria, fight back with a peck.”

Altaria moves very quickly, with a flexible neck that stretches rapidly, and a short-pointed beak. Fiercely pecked at Pidgeot: “Peng peng peng peng ~”

“Beep eagle——!!!”

The distance between the two sides is too close, and Pidgeot, who has missed the attack, can’t dodge at all. .

The tenacious feathers on the breast ribs were pecked by Altaria to be broken in pieces, drips of bright red blood oozing out from the gaps in the feathers, and the attacked Pidgeot let out a painful cry.

Liang Ren who shared the senses of Pidgeot was able to experience the painful pain, but he did not follow the instinct to avoid danger.

Pidgeot’s aroused ferocity affected his consciousness, and Liang Ren became excited: “Double Team, Dragon Claw.”

“Beep Eagle——”< /p>

On the battlefield Sky in silence, Liang Ren did not make any commands, but Pidgeot’s actions were seen by Liu Qing from outside the field.

“His, Liang Ren and Pidgeot played so fiercely.”

“After being injured, not only did not retreat and stretch the distance, but instead killed a sudden thrust.”


The empty Stadium platform has completely become a spectator stand, and the battlefield of two Pokémon birds is in the air.

Pidgeot’s body was like a balloon pecked by Altaria. It exploded with a’bang’ face to face, and a corpse of’Double Team’ even passed through Altaria’s body.

Winona, the experienced, elegant and beautiful Altaria, has experienced such thrilling scenes, but Liang Ren’s visual disturbance effect of Double Team has indeed been brought to the extreme.


“Beep carving——”

Use Double Team face to face, Altaria, who has disturbed the airflow, can no longer rely on her own innate The talent is aware of Pidgeot’s real body.

Two different bird sounds echoed in the sky. The fierce Pidgeot’s voice was aroused, and the fierce dragon’s claws wrapped in Blue Flare continuously grabbed Altaria’s body.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ……”

Altaria also did not passively be beaten, and followed the counterattack instinct of creatures when they were attacked. The neck stretched and the sharp beak fiercely pecked all around. Pidgeot.

For a time, the engagement show on the sky became more and more brutal.

“Beep carving——!!!”


A group of Pidgeots besieged an elegant and beautiful Altaria, with paws caught Altaria’s feathers flew, and Altaria also pecked Pidgeot’s body burst.

Pidgeot, who no longer stared at Wing Attack, also left more and more scars on Altaria. The Liu Qing below and the others were completely stunned with their mouths open.

The number of Double Teams is getting less and less. Liang Ren, who has an absolute advantage in this fight, has no plans to close it: “Pidgeot, Double Team again.”

Winona was also frightened by Liang Ren and Pidgeot’s brutal play. She couldn’t hear Liang Ren’s instructions, but she saw Pidgeot use Double Team again.

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