Pidgeot is classified into the genus of birds of prey by their family of bird trainers. Pidgeot has a powerful body.

Pidgeot’s wings are stronger and stronger than Altaria, the hooked iron beak is sharper than Altaria, and the Ujin hooks are stronger and stronger than Altaria.

Pidgeot is only level 40, and Altaria Level has reached Level 48. It stands to reason that Altaria will have more advantages in this battle.

However, after being forced to join this savage fight, facing Pidgeot’s beak, claws, and wings flapping frantically offensively, Altaria has a sense of being ravaged.

The more I look at it, the more frightened, Winona, who came back to his senses, has a strong desire to get out of this fight: “Altaria, use Cotton Guard.”

” Woo~” Altaria was also aroused by the fierceness. She was obviously bruised all over her body, but she didn’t know the pain like a point.

Fortunately, its sanity is not completely occupied by Primal instinct. After receiving Winona’s order, Altaria no longer pecked Double Team frantically.

“Woo~” Altaria let out a mournful cry, and turned offensively to the defensive, with cloud wings protecting her delicate neck and head.

The two wings are like cotton pockets pierced by an awl, and the cotton batting burst out with a’bang’. Pidgeot’s sight interference tactics are now dealt with by Altaria with a man as he deals with you.

The disheveled cotton entangled his paws. Seeing Pidgeot stopped attacking, Winona was tense and dared not relax.

Faced with an opponent who didn’t say a word but made a sullen attack, he couldn’t predict the opponent’s actions and couldn’t figure out the opponent’s tactical rhythm. The huge mental pressure made Winona very uncomfortable.

“Altaria, use Roost for landing.” Winona’s voice on the opposite podium remained clear, but there was a hint of anxiety unconsciously.

Liang Ren caught the emotional change in Winona’s voice, and when he saw Altaria wanted to get away, Liang Ren could not help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

The enemy retreats, I advance, the enemy is afraid, I am brave, and the enemy is tired. I fight. Liang Ren did not let Altaria go like this: “Pidgeot, use Hurricane to suppress.”

“Beep Eagle— —!!!”

A gust of wind swept across this high platform, and the cotton in the sky was blown away by the wind like a cloud.

Pidgeot, who withdrew from the Double Team, spread out his broad wings, and the silhouette that covered the sky covered the landing Altaria, and was projected on the battlefield below.

Altaria is in a hurry. It is true that the Level reaches LV.48, which means that Pidgeot will not be its opponent as long as it has output space.

However, physical strength and defensive power are the shortcomings of most bird Pokémon, which is particularly prominent in Altaria who takes the special attack route.

In the fight just now, Altaria angrily pecked dozens of Double Teams. Behind the false victory was its body that had been riddled with scars.

The “Roost” at the moment is its last chance to come back. As long as the physical injury recovers, it still has the hope of winning.

Spread the wings and dive straight down, watching the battlefield getting closer and closer, Altaria was somewhat excited.

At this time, it senses a top-down airflow. As long as it rides on this airflow, it can descend to Ground faster and recover its physical strength to treat the injury.

“Woo~” Altaria is very excited, it feels like God is helping it.



A wall of wind was suppressed, and it was clear that the body fell to the ground at a faster speed, Altaria At this moment, I am happy that it does not raise.

It seems that it has fallen on the foot of the mountain with its wings folded, and the towering mountain behind it suddenly landslides Fissure, and chunks of huge rocks smashed at him.

The wings that were trembling with excitement before now turned into tremors of fear.

Winona did not watch Altaria fall to the field, she is still trying to save: “Altaria, use Aerial Ace.”

“Add a sickle to Hurricane.”


Winona’s voice is getting more and more flustered, Liang Ren, who feels that the rhythm has been completely controlled by him, has a smile on his face.

“Beep Eagle——” Hurricane was learned at the Divine Bird Festival last week. Although the proficiency has reached the Top Rank, the training time is too short. If you maintain Hurricane, you can integrate it , Somewhat reluctantly.

But at this moment Pidgeot is gaining momentum, and he is in a downwind situation. Things that can’t be done normally are as difficult as not at all at this moment.

The strong wind pushed the wind wall to suppress it, and the moon white wind blades that fell suddenly appeared particularly conspicuous. Altaria, whose body had lost balance, had to be beaten passively in order for the next Aerial Ace to be successfully used. .

“peng peng peng peng ~” was chopped on the back by the wind blade, Altaria was so painful that the willow eyebrows were pulled into a ball.

But it is holding back, the slightly squinted bird eyes are watching the ground below, it is ready to do the most extreme challenge.


There is a wall of wind on his back, Altaria is landing so fast that Liu Qing off the court and the others only see a blue shadow dropping from the sky the sky.

“It’s now.” Winona and Altaria exclaimed with eloquence.

The wings converging on the breast ribs suddenly spread out like a parachute, flattening the body to increase resistance, and the tail feathers adjust the direction like a rudder to find balance.

Altaria, which landed vertically like Meteorite, raised his neck to lift his body, and the tail section provided forward thrust like a propeller.


The vertical landing turned into a forward gliding dive. At this most critical juncture, Altaria broke through and made extreme operations that could not be done normally.

The blue feather above his head was flying freely in the gusty wind, and his flat body was like a Mantine, almost rushing out against the field.

“Step on Step Step on Step…”

Glide close to the ground and rush out four or five meters, Altaria’s claws dig into the ground, sprinting to stabilize the center of gravity and reduce the forward inertia.

Altaria, who turned a corner and ran an arc on the battlefield, finally stopped.

“Woo~Look, I did it.” At this moment, Altaria, who looks like a big white goose, can’t care about elegance and beauty. It just turned to Winona to ask for credit after Aerial Ace’s extreme escape.

It’s just that it didn’t see Winona’s expression of praising joy, and it didn’t hear the instructions to make it use “Roost” for recovery.

Altaria saw the scene that made it courage entirely to break.


“It’s over, use Divine Bird!!”

The sickle ferret who was crushed by the wind wall and fell down vertically. Sneak attack hit, Altaria’s blood line has fallen to an extremely dangerous point.

In this case, Liang Ren did not give the opponent a chance to turn over with “Roost” and directly issued the final ruling.


Strong and strong body within the body, strands of golden flame burst out from the steel wire-like muscle fibers, like a fighter jet diving down Pidgeot, his body was suddenly wrapped in golden flames.

Altaria glided forward, and Pidgeot, who was around, swooped and chased without fear.

The sharp bird’s song made Liuqing on the sidelines and the others’ eardrums tingling, and Altaria, who stopped her feet, turned her head suddenly, and the joy of rebirth was instantly frozen on her face.

Following is the inexplicable horror, courage entirely to break……


The ferocious bird’s feet cast in gold and iron, like giant The eagle kicked and kicked on Altaria like a prey, and a cracked pit appeared directly on the battlefield.

Altaria lies at the bottom of the pit, and has lost the combat capability before even groaning.

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