“Altaria can’t fight. The challenger’s Pidgeot won the game.”

Looking at Altaria in the pit of the court, who had lost the combat capability, the referee froze for a long time before announcing the result of the game. He didn’t ‘t expect Winona First Stage to lose.

“Come back, Altaria, thank you for your hard work.” Liu Qing off the field and the others have not yet come back to his senses. After taking Altaria back to the baby ball, Winona expression looked at the opposite age with some complexity A teenager in his own little round.

“To be honest, before you, I have also met many trainers who practice “silent commands” to command Pokemon battles, but most of them use some physical movements or special commands. You can find a weak spot if you observe carefully. “

“But like you, you and Pokémon are completely connected with each other, and you are really incomprehensible about communicating instructions through your mind. “

Looking at the handsome boy on the opposite podium, Winona feels a headache. Even she, who is known as the genius of the bird trainer family, feels pressure to fight against such an opponent.

She knew the strength of her own Pokémon. She was defeated at Level 48 at level 40, and even Pidgeot’s Mega evolution had not been forced out.

I had already attached great importance to this opponent, but now it seems that I still I underestimate each other.

Hearing Winona’s admiration, Liang Ren behaved rather modestly: “Pidgeot is my first partner. I have been in harmony with him for the longest time, so they were in a tacit agreement during the battle. “

“In this case, in order to show respect, I will also send my initial Pokémon next, so you are ready to accept the move—”

“Swellow, The second game is up to you. “After that, Winona threw away a baby ball.

A Shiny Swellow with gray and azure feathers and a body larger than Normal Swellow appeared in Stadium Sky.

“Hiss! ——! ! “

As soon as Swellow appeared on the stage, he took off on the updraft. The proud bird eyes stared at Pidgeot on Liang Ren’s side, and made a provocative bird call.

“Different color Swellow? I don’t know if there is any special ability. “Looking up at Swellow, a motionless flying in the air, Liang Ren thought to himself.

In the survival of the fittest in natural selection, Shiny Pokémon with unique body color is not only vulnerable to suffering The exclusion of the ethnic group is also easy to be targeted by predators.

To survive in this cruel environment of being treated differently, Shiny Pokémon either has a stronger strength than its kind, or has some Special skills.

For whatever reason, Shiny Pokémon is very popular among trainers. It’s hard to imagine Winona’s original Pokémon is Shiny.

Is the opponent like him, he went to the wild to subdue himself instead of being assigned by the family.

“The game started. “No one answered this question. The referee has announced the start of the second game.

As a gym trainer, Winona was frustrated by not at all in the last defeat. The appearance of Swellow made her recover. He is confident and elegant at first.

But when faced with an enemy who can command the battle silently, Winona doesn’t know if he has a chance to grab the first hand.

However, Winona is highly focused. Still immediately gave Swellow instructions: “Swellow, Spark flashed. “

“Hiss~” Swellow received the order and moved.

Its speed is amazing. The 10-level level lead makes it not inferior to Pidgeot in speed. It’s even faster.

“Whose–“Cut the tail and break the wind, and the extremely slender wings spread out flat, as if there is no resistance to Normal, the whole is as fast as a gray azure lightning.


Liang Ren’s reaction is not slow. A single thought conveyed the instructions to Pidgeot: “Raise into the sky dodge. “


Swellow is too fast, Liang Ren doesn’t know how proficiency the opponent’s “Spark Flash” has reached, but after Ability is activated, it looks like a stream of arrows. .

Pidgeot doesn’t move slowly, spreading its wings and leaving room to dodge, but Swellow swishes like an arrow and Tackle is on Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——!!!”

Unfortunately, Swellow Tackle was still at the position where Altaria was pecked in the last game, and there was blood in the gap between the broken feathers again. The beads ooze out, and Pidgeot can’t help but scream.

Seeing this situation, Liang Ren, who had just won the next game, was somewhat relaxed, and his expression returned to dignity again.

Winona is not easy to deal with. This Swellow, who has already reached the quasi-Elite 50 level, is even harder to deal with.

“Double Team, Dragon Claw.” Liang Ren hurriedly issued instructions.


Pidgeot, who recovered his nervous state, became more efficient, his body flickered in place, and dozens of “Pidgeot” appeared in the sky.

The brutal melee tactics that ravaged Altaria were used again, and the beak and paw fiercely moved towards Swellow and greeted: “shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

Pidgeot faced Swellow rallied and attacked, and the same situation happened again. This time Winona didn’t have the slightest panic on her face: “The same tactics won’t work for me, Swellow ~ use “Chaos”. “


Swellow, who was trapped by a group of Pidgeot, acted calmly. Winona’s command came. Swellow suddenly incarnation Trumbeak, a sharp bird. The mouth is constantly pierced like lightning.

“Beep Eagle–“


in midair, two Pokémon birds are entangled and killed After getting together, Liu Qing and the others below are stunned again.

Will Pidgeot defeat Swellow? It’s like the final outcome of the last game of Altaria.

“Beep Eagle~ “


Two Pidgeot Swellow fighting together, like a black thundercloud, a violent lightning snake swaying freely in between , Venting full of anger.

The pieces of broken feathers are like flakes in the wind, swirling and falling continuously.

This fight is not at all performed as in the previous one. Going down, Swellow who took the sensitive attack route was different from the Altaria who took the special attack route. “Chaos” is also more fierce and unstoppable than simply “pecking”.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ~” on the sky, Double Team’s bang bang was heard endlessly.

There is interference from the Double Team. Swellow’s attack on Smack Down is rare on Pidgeot, but Swellow’s one blow can be worth Pidgeot’s ten attacks.

Pidgeot has fallen into a disadvantage. Pidgeot, who has already experienced a battle, and was injured, has already painted on his body at this moment: “Beep Eagle——!!!”

Fighting not at all lasted for too long. When Liang Ren realized that Pidgeot was not taking advantage, he immediately changed his tactics: “Pidgeot, stop fighting, use Steel Wings to hit it for me.”

“Zhan——” Upon receiving Liang Ren’s order, Pidgeot’s pair of messy feathered wings resembled hundred-forged steel knives unsheathed, and all the suffocating air in his heart was attached to this attack.

Faced with an opponent who can command silently, even if he has gained the upper hand Winona, he dare not relax at all.

The moment when Pidgeot’s wings flashed with metallic luster, Winona immediately issued a response command: “Swellow, use “Yongbird”. “

“Hiss~” The courageous blue flame gushes out from Swellow within the body, facing the Kamisori Steel Wing who wants to cut it off, Swellow brings the heroism of cutting off one’s means of retreat , Ran into Pidgeot without blinking.

“Boom—Beep Eagle! ! “Dual Wingbeat Pidgeot, who was like a cold knife, hit the blue flame-wrapped Swellow, fierce and unafraid of death. After a dull Tackle sound, Pidgeot screamed.

The battery car hit After driving a heavy truck, the Dongzhong truck was hit and flew.

Pidgeot, who was nearly four times the size of Swellow, was knocked out by Swellow. For this LV.50 Swellow, whose strength reached Quasi-Elite, Liang Ren has a clearer understanding.

Without any hesitation, Liang Ren who suffered a loss immediately reacted: “Pidgeot, “Double Team” retreated. “

“oh la la~pupu” Pidgeot immediately reacted after receiving instructions from Liang Ren.

At this moment, the’Pidgeot Group’ that had gathered around Swellow to attack As if he had received something Astonish, oh la la suddenly turned into birds and beasts with a sound.

“Swellow, Spark caught up in a flash. “On the empty platform, Winona’s imposing manner sound echoed.







The small size allows Swellow to show that Liang’s chase Ren’s flexibility is shocked.

Swellow under “Spark Flash” is like a butterfly wearing flowers. Every time a “Pidgeot” flashes past, a “Pidgeot” will be pecked and exploded. .

Swellow’s speed is too fast, the attack is too sharp, the short and pointed Yellow bird’s beak pecked on Pidgeot, the blood bar will fall back, and Pidgeot’s angry counterattack will always be affected by this flexible Swallow to dodge.

Looking at the situation on the field, Liang Ren frowned and deepened, but at this time he must do something: “Pidgeot, fly high.”

I don’t know. Is it because Swellow is petite, or because Pidgeot’s “vaudeville” can’t get home, Pidgeot, who has always been elegant and flexible, seems a bit clumsy compared to Swellow at this moment.








It’s not that Pidgeot has slowed down or his body is not flexible enough, Liu Qing from the sidelines and the others stunned expressions It can be seen that Swellow is actually too fast and too flexible.

“Beep Eagle———” Pidgeot let out a tweet.

The huge size sacrifices flexibility, but it also brings higher defense, stronger physical strength, and stronger sustained flying ability.

Flying high is correct. Liang Ren wants to use Pidgeot’s superior ability to open the gap with the opponent.

Winona didn’t give up the pursuit, and the other side dared not fight with her. As long as Swellow can keep on holding on, the victory must belong to her in the end.

The more confident Winona’s face became, he almost gave instructions without hesitation: “Swellow, use Aerial Ace.”

“Hiss–” Pidgeot fell away Escape made Swellow more motivated, flew sideways, and then suddenly accelerated and crashed into Pidgeot.





” Bang~”

This tine-nosed and fork-tailed swallow is so fast that it soars to get rid of the opponent’s Pidgeot by flying high. At this moment, the injury in Swellow’s harassment attack has reached a very dangerous situation.

“Damn it, it seems that we can only use Mega Evolution for the last fight.”

Liang Ren, who has made up his mind, no longer hesitates, and directly mobilizes the Mega Evolution wave within the body. , At the same time shouted: “The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, break the limit~ Pidgeot, Mega evolves!!”

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