
The dazzling golden crown of light emerged from the Pidgeot within the body, which was flying high, and looked like a golden sun from a distance.


The energy link rushing straight into the sky, the energy of Nine Heavens falling down the unrolled bolt of white silk, two golden lightnings of the same nature entangled in the sky and then transformed.

The pieces of gold foil peel off, revealing the bright but not glaring white light of evolution. The golden sun tied by the kite string has now turned into a milky white light cocoon.

The whole process may seem complicated, but it was actually completed in the blink of an eye.

A colorful double-edged spiral dart pattern became larger and dispersed outside the light cocoon, and Pidgeot, who completed the Mega evolution, also emerged.


The long feathers of Contest above the head are dancing in the violent wind, and the clear eagle howls reverberate in the blue sky. At this moment, Pidgeot is full of the king of sky. The boldness.

Swellow is not afraid, and he makes provocations from time to time: “Hiss~”

The strength of Pidgeot Mega has been greatly increased after the evolution, but Swellow, which has a 10 level advantage, is strong. Still better than Pidgeot.

Cut the tail and swept the wind, Swellow Frillish danced all around Pidgeot’s body, but every time he approached, the sharp beak would leave a scar on Pidgeot.

Liang Ren became more and more frightened as he watched, and hurriedly ordered: “Pidgeot, Double Team is covering and retreating, Hurricane is suppressing.”

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰——” already Pidgeot, who was bothered by Swellow, was full of anger in his indifferent bird eyes.


Double Team made Swellow temporarily lose his target. Pidgeot’s broad and powerful wings flapped fiercely, and the terrifying Hurricane rolled towards Swellow, as if he wanted to talk about the other party. broken.

Swellow can learn not many special attacks, and he suddenly fell into the Hurricane whirlpool under the hot pursuit. Winona willow brows slightly wrinkle ordered loudly: “Swellow, use praying for rain.”

< p>In Hurricane, Swellow, who is small and Frillish, is trapped, Liang Ren did not give up this great opportunity to fight back: “Pidgeot, use Air Slash.”



The trainers on both sides have their own plans. In the Hurricane whirlpool, Swellow, who is struggling to balance his body’s center of gravity, opened his mouth and moved towards the blue sky and spit out a white mist flare .

The Pidgeot Instruct gust of wind, which takes the advantage of high altitude, stretched the distance, flicked the dazzling and colorful crown, and a long azure crescent wind blade fluttered from the Pidgeot wings.

“Bang——!!!” The storm full of tearing suction locked Swellow’s body, and the moon arc wind blade that fell from a high altitude fiercely slashed on the vicious prisoner’s back.

The broken feathers fell from the sky, and Swellow cracked a hideous wound from his shoulder blades to his back.

At this moment, on the battlefield below, the rain of blood shed leaves red spots and broken feathers everywhere.

Wait for Pidgeot to continue to attack, Swellow’s rain-praying light bombs also burst in the air, and the overlapping dark clouds began to gather.

In the blink of an eye—it started in the sky, uh, heavy rain! !


“Qiyu unexpectedly had a heavy rainstorm in summon. I am sure that this is a Swellow, not a Water Type Pokémon.” Liang Ren wrote on his face. Full of surprise.

At the same time, he knew that the next battle would be a bit difficult.

The MegaPidgeot, which is as large as a bomber, is now a rain pan in the sky. Although the feathers are not wet, the Pidgeot flaps its wings in the rain and it becomes more difficult.

On the other side of Swellow, the raindrops slipped from the shiny feathers, and Swellow’s body in the rain screen looked vague and unreal.

Seeing Liang Ren and Pidgeot in trouble, Winona, who had anticipated this scene without hesitation, launched an offensive again: “Swellow, use Aerial Ace to attack.”

“Hiss~ “The dark shadows in the rain screen moved, and the silhouette flickered so that people could not see the flying track.

Swellow, who took the agile attack route, exercised his “kill in the rain” stunt. In the school air competition, Liu Qing and Yulong Tianxiang also used this tactic.

I don’t know if Liu Qing is Mimic’s Winona. At this moment, Winona, the sharp-nosed Swift in the rain, really let Liang Ren see the powerful tactics of attack and kill in the rain.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Li! !”

Swellow appear and disappear unpredictably in the rain curtain, like a shadow, stunned in Liang Ren Pidgeot has been attacked and killed several times within a short period of time.

Liang Ren couldn’t sit still anymore, and his mind turned to find a way to crack: “Pidgeot, fly high and give me breakthrough rain clouds.”

“唳——”< /p>

Pidgeot, who had experienced a battle, was not in good condition. After Winona sent this quasi-Elite Swellow, he did not take advantage of it.

One week ago, the Divine Bird Festival challenge was not exhausted. With this week’s reply, the accumulated Mega Evolution wave is only enough for Pidgeot to maintain 5 minutes of Mega Evolution.

Once Mega’s evolution is over, Pidgeot, who has burst into the final power, will lose almost no room for maneuver.


Liang Ren’s heart is sinking to the bottom at the moment. Pidgeot is going to break through this situation now. Nimbus is impossible, and his Mega Evolution wave within the body is about to run out.

When the Mega Evolution wave is completely exhausted, if the Mega Evolution state is still maintained, Pidgeot’s life force and potential will be burned. For a museum battle where the defeat is already obvious, Liang Ren will naturally not do it. Make this decision to hurt Pidgeot’s body.

Clearing his clues, Liang Ren’s eyes flashed with the determination to stake all on one throw, and at the same time he gave Pidgeot an order: “Even if you lose, you must make opponent pay enough, turn around and use “Divine Bird”. “

Swellow bullied him again, Pidgeot’s pair of bird eyes flashed with determination, and a harrier turned over and ran into Swellow on his own initiative.

In the rain curtain, Pidgeot’s body resembled a little The wet match head, the golden flames on his body are always extinguished.

“He~” Suddenly, Pidgeot seemed to set all his anger on fire, and his body burst out with golden flames, like a flame. Meteorite suddenly turned around and ran into Swellow.

“Is it like a fight to the death?” Then as you wish. “

Although I could not hear Liang Ren’s command, but the moment Divine Bird Jin Yan gushed out of Pidgeot, Winona already understood what Liang Ren was playing.

There was no back. Withdraw, of course, it was too late to dodge at this time. Winona decisively ordered a frontal attack: “Swellow, use Hyper Beam! ! “



The golden flame Divine Bird swooping down screamed, and originally wanted to launch a sneak attack Swellow, at the moment, the bird eye is also full of courage to fight to the death, and the “Hyper Beam” full of destruction aura blasts towards the Divine Bird.


In the rain, the dazzling flame of explosion flashed for a while, and it took a long time for a dull explosion to roar.

The raindrops fluttered chaotically, the black rain clouds on the sky were torn apart by the blast waves, and the wet platform was once again shrouded by golden sunlight.

“Bang~” exited the Mega evolution. At this moment, Pidgeot, who has lost the combat capability, fell heavily on the battlefield.

But Swellow is not doing well at the moment, his feathers are messy, and the hideous wounds on his back are whitened by the rain.

In the last confrontation just now, Hyper Beam directly caused Pidgeot to lose the combat capability, but Pidgeot also used his unwillingness to forcibly pour all the lethality of Divine Bird on Swellow.


In midair Swellow flapping his wings, Both eyes are spiritless looking at Pidgeot on the field below which has lost the combat capability, the beak is like a breath The same constant opening and closing, it seems that the physical strength has also bottomed out.

Pidgeot was defeated, but Swellow also paid a heavy price for it.

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