【Riolu 】♂

Level :21


Character: Energetic and loyal

Feature: Mental Force

Stamina: 48【D】Green

Attack: 87【C】Blue

Defense: 45【D】

Special attack :35【D】

Special defense: 45【D】

Speed: 73【C】Blue

Comprehensive: 333


(Fake Attack, Force Palm, Spark Flash, Counter, Work Up) [Top Rank]

(Extrreme Speed, Endure, Alloy Claw, Aura Sphere) [intermediate rank 】


In half a month, Riolu made a breakthrough, and Level has reached Level 21.

“Extrreme Speed, Endure, Alloy Claw” these moves are limited by Riolu’s own development and physical fitness, but skills like “Fake Attack, Force Palm…” these skills have improved their proficiency To the Top Rank.

However, after all, the simple Attribute panel cannot fully reveal the changes in strength. After all, most of Riolu’s battle strength at this stage depends on Fighting, and it happens that the Attribute panel does not display this information.

Riolu now has the ability to compete in the Stadium, instead of playing in the Pokémon center battle hall, setting Level restrictions to play against Pokémon of the Rookie trainer.


Waiting for a ferry to Mauville City at the ferry, sunning themselves on the white painted railings one by one.

The silhouette of the skyscrapers on the opposite bank of the Hoenn River became clearer and clearer, and Liang Ren could even hear the sound of the city light rail passing by.

“Riolu, do you see the city across the river? Next half a month, you will not only have to train hard—

You will also be in this city In the center, you are playing in a mega-city gymnasium that can accommodate 10W spectators. Prepare yourself~”

Twist your head and glance at Riolu, who is next to him, lying on the railing, There was a relieved smile on Liang Ren’s face.

Riolu was hatched by his hands, watching Little Brat, who had been unstable from standing, slowly learned to walk and run everywhere.

Watching Riolu little by little grow taller and replace her baby teeth one by one, Heaven and Earth becomes stronger one day.

From the basic skills of “standing, lowering the waist, kicking, pressing the shoulders, piercing the horse…” to the “fist, knee and elbow” fighting skills.

From scratch, from what will not to now it is almost finished apprenticeship, Riolu’s progress and changes, Liang Ren clearly sees and remembers.

He is very pleased and very happy. He has the mentality of a granddaddy of a grown-up child and a master mentality of a discipline finished apprenticeship.

No matter what, the emotional bond between him and Riolu’s father, teacher, and brother had already ended at the moment of “submission”.

The trainer watched Pokémon’s continuous improvement, and Pokémon also witnessed the trainer’s growth, the inextricable fetters, and each other have fully integrated into each other’s lives.

Now life is constantly improving, whether it is for Riolu or Liang Ren, it is something to be happy about, because the future is more and more worth looking forward to.

“ao 嗷……”

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Riolu twisted his head and looked at him with Fuchsia-colored eyes. There was no nervousness on his face, but full of fighting spirit. look forward to.

Looking at Riolu’s expression, Liang Ren couldn’t help but laughed and said: “Since you are such an impatient, should I take you to the Stadium to try the water tonight?”

“ao ao~” Did not hear the ridicule between Liang Ren’s words, instead, the tail behind Riolu swept happily. Nodded said he would participate in the Stadium competition in the evening.

“Okay, I will take you to the game tonight.” Seeing Riolu wanting to play the game so much, Liang Ren simply agreed.


The ferry stopped at the ferry on the west bank of the Hoenn River. There were many black cars soliciting passengers outside. Liang Ren summoned Pidgeot flying on the sky and entangled in a few Under the eyes of the endless black car driver, he rode Pidgeot towards the city center.

At the sunny afternoon, the golden sun burns lazily all over, and Pidgeot’s generous back is enough for Liang Ren, Slowpoke, and Riolu to lie down on Rest.

Pidgeot, who was a little hungry, soared to the sky, his sharp bird eyes searched for the Poké Ball logo in the center of Pokémon below, and then swooped down like a bomber.


A gust of wind hits, huge bird shadows are projected on the square outside the Pokémon Center, and several trainers walking fast are frightened. After a jump, I saw the huge Pidgeot land down.

“Thanks for your hard work, Pidgeot, come back first.” Without paying attention to the few whispering trainers not far away, Liang Ren took Pidgeot back and turned directly and walked towards the Pokémon Center.

After several days, I have endured the hardships of a long journey. Although it’s not counted, it’s still a bit tired, and I haven’t had lunch soon.

What Liang Ren doesn’t know is that now he is more famous in the circle of Hoenn young trainers than he thought.

In the previous Lilycove City Contest Conference with Drake, although there were only 10w spectators, it was broadcast live on the Internet.

Leading to Alliance Elite, the number of viewers of the live broadcast of this game is breakthrough Skyrim. Even if the news is not well informed, I will watch the replay or recording when I know it later.

It’s been a while since Lilycove City Contest Conference ended, and then the matter has been fermented, and the name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” may not be found in Hoenn Coordinator and trainers circles.

The giant Pidgeot, the combatable Slowpoke, and the snow-white heterochromatic Cloyster, these three Pokémon can be said to have become Liang Ren’s identity tags.

Liang Ren just walked into the Pokémon Center on his front foot, and after a few Moments, posts, talks, and Weibo on his back foot, the news of his arrival in Mauville City spread quickly.

The young local trainer in Mauville City even called Peng Huanyou to come and challenge him. Of course, Liang Ren didn’t know these things.

“Nurse Joy, my Pokémon will take care of you.” Putting four Poké Balls on the tray at the front desk, Liang Ren said to Joy who was busy.

“Okay, give it to me without worry.” Upon hearing the voice, Joy lifts the head, who was operating on the computer, came and replied with a smile.

“By the way~Nurse Joy, can I borrow the room upstairs to take a shower?” Suddenly seeing himself in a travel outfit, Liang Ren asked Joy again.

“There are still many empty rooms upstairs. If you need it, it’s okay to register for lodging.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Joy replied in a daze.

“You don’t need to borrow the night, I just borrow the room to wash and change clothes.” Seeing that Joy would be wrong, Liang Ren explained.

“Well, no problem, this is the key to room 205.”


Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Riolu, four Pokémon is not simply restoring energy.

I spent a period of time sleeping in the open air meal. Whenever I went to a city, Liang Ren had the habit of helping Pokémon’s general health check. This time was no exception.

Joy needs to be busy for a while. Liang Ren just took a bath and changed into clean clothes. After dinner, he will go to the city to purchase special training materials in the afternoon.

Like Riolu, if you want to exercise “alloy claws”, if you cooperate with “claws to strengthen medicinal liquid”, you can achieve the effect of twice the results for half the effort.

Having the experience of helping Pidgeot exercise the “claw, dragon’s claw” ability, Liang Ren can do these things easily.

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