Go to the room upstairs in the Pokémon Center to wash and change into dry clothes. Joy also helped Pidgeot complete their health check.

Traveling in the wild, Liang Ren will help Pidgeot take care of their injuries no matter how small they are after each battle.

So a few pets have been very healthy for a long time. Every time I travel to a city, I ask Joy to help with the checkup. I just add an insurance that’s all.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Riolu are all in good health, please keep on keeping~”

Receiving the tray with four baby balls from Chansey, Joy Looking at the young Pian Pian at the counter, said with a faint smile.

For the trainers who love Pokémon, members of the Joy family will never be stingy with their goodwill and kindness.

“Okay, thank you Nurse Joy.” Liang Ren, who was already hungry, said to Joy, he took his four pets and walked towards the nearby restaurant.

Pokémon Center serves as a rest station for trainers during the trip. The restaurant provides meals at any time of the day.

I took four Pokemon foods with different flavors. Seeing that Pidgeot had already started, Liang Ren went to the window and ordered himself a curry sirloin rice.

“ao ao~”

Riolu is now growing up. Unlike Slowpoke who likes snacks, Riolu has a lot of staple food for three meals.

Soon after eating the special Pokemon food, Little Brat took a small bowl and ran to the meal window to add food. Mashed potatoes are Riolu until now’s favorite.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, there are only a few people in the Pokémon Central Restaurant, which seems to have endured the hardships of a long journey.


“Farewell to the summer camp organized by Professor Birch, Sakai, you received the initial Pokémon and then went Unova to travel. We haven’t seen each other for three years. “

Not far from the table where Liang Ren was eating, two young men, one fat and one thin, were also eating. The talking fat young man stretched out his thick eyebrows and looked very honest with his eyes narrowed.

“It’s true that I haven’t seen you in three years, Tahara, you, I heard that you went to the Johto Region for a trip. Last year you even made the top 32 at the Mt. Silver Conference. Now your old fogey should be fine. Let’s talk about it.”

The tall and thin young man named Sakai also expressed emotion, but soon turned the topic to the fat young man and asked about the other person.

“My breeding house was opened by old fogey’s hard work all his life. Where would he let me go.

Old fogey’s achievements at Mt. Silver Alliance Conference cannot be counted. I won’t be able to get at least the top 32 in the Evergrande Conference next year, so I have to go back to help take care of the breeding house.”

Speaking of my own situation, Tianyuan’s honest youth could not help showing a bitter look on his face.

The starting point of father letting him inherit the feeding house is good, but his dream through childhood is to become a Pokémon trainer. He is eager for world travel adventures and is eager to fight against various trainers and experts. .

Even if he knows that his trainer innate talent is not outstanding, he is really happy.

“Don’t worry, Tahara, we all know how strong your Swampert, Camerupt, Super King, Exploud, and Tropius are. And some time ago I also heard Lanmu say that you are in Johto I found a very strong Pokémon while traveling?”

The tall and thin young man with a mole on the end of his eyebrow comforted.

“Speaking of this is my good luck, I met Donphan in a valley, but it took a lot of effort to conquer it.” Mentioned the newly reaped Pokémon, the honest young man’s face Can’t help but smile happily.

“Donphan, this is a super rare Pokemon, Tahara, you guys are so lucky.” Hearing the word Donphan, the tall and thin young man was surprised and envied.

“haha…you are lucky. I heard that the guy in Haikou said before that you have conquered a Wild Snivy in Unova’s Pinwheel Forest. This is a precious Sanjia.”

“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t say it. I feel bad when I talk about it. When I first found the Snivy, I was very excited. After finally I took it, I realized that it was abandoned by other trainers. “

“And that Snivy was born with a disability, a move on his body will not, wasted a few precious TMs.”

I am happy that my friend has received the rare Pokémon. , The tall and thin young man suddenly clouded his face when thinking about his family.

“”Born disabled, an Ability will not”, this is really a bit difficult to handle, that Snivy, how do you plan to train in the future? “The honest young man asked.

“An Ability will not, how do I train? I returned to Hoenn a year ago and “released” it. “The tall and thin young man laughed at himself and said.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the city to buy some things. Liang Ren also heard the conversation between the two people at the dining table behind him. For the trainer, it was a “free life”, but for Pokémon it was a ruthless “abandonment”.

Professional trainers pursue battle strength, and breeders will accept all kinds of special Pokémon to exercise their ability to breed Pokémon.

I was not careful when conquering. There were many cases where the trainer abandoned Pokémon afterwards, or Pokémon voluntarily defected, but most of the time it was the trainer who abandoned Pokémon.

However, he can’t control other people’s affairs. Liang Ren promises at best not to let this happen to him.

“Are the three of you going out to play by yourself, or accompany me to purchase supplies?” After coming out of the Pokémon Center, Liang Ren released Pidgeot… asked the three pets.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) I want to go for a drive!!”

“Ya Duo——(^0^)I want to go to the sky to see the clouds!!!”< /p>

“Ticket–(^ρ^)The sun is too sun, it is easy to dehydration and dry skin, I will go shopping with the owner!!”

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster each Given the answer, Liang Ren also nodded.

“Don’t play too crazy, you two. Remember to go to Stadium to play the game at night. When the time comes, be careful of the pocket money discount.” Looking at the two guys who have landed on Pidgeot’s back and are about to take off , Liang Ren also warned repeatedly.

“Beep Eagle——received!!”


After the two guys answered complied, Pidgeot slapped Wings, flying towards the sky on the warm afternoon wind.

“Forget it, let these two guys relax before the special training begins.” Liang Ren shook the head and took Cloyster back to the Poké Ball, and then drove Riolu towards the Pokémon Supply Street in the city center. go with.

Mauville City, as the first-tier city of Hoenn, is located in the plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Hoenn River. It rises early and relies on the developed inland waterway to develop its economy, and then slowly develops the ocean transportation industry.

Although the port is not as big as Slateport City and Lilycove City, Mauville Port, built at the mouth of the Hoenn River, is also the third largest port in the Hoenn Region.

In recent years, Mauville City has taken out labor and resource-intensive industries to reduce the economic dependence of Mauville Port’s shipping trade and successfully achieved economic transformation and industrial chain upgrade.

Vigorously develop information technology, electronic high-tech and entertainment industries. Today, Mauville City has the title of entertainment capital and Hoenn’s second largest high-tech city.

The skyscraper row upon row, the glass exterior wall of the office building in the CBD area of ​​the city center, reflects the brilliance of technology in the sun.

The urban light rail line is criss-crossed, the subway extends in all directions, and the vacuum tube super high-speed train is flying like a cloud shuttle among the skyscrapers.

Looking into the distance, the electronic façades of the Game Center buildings, the cool game Mecha warriors, the geisha with heavy makeup… are reflected on them.

Mauville, a Papaveraceae plant of the order Papaveraceae, is also known as Melanoma and Scorpion Flower. The whole plant contains toxins. Mauville City, the entertainment capital with Mauville as the name of the city, also has magical power to sink people.

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