“12 HP Enhancers, 6 Attack Enhancers, 3 Irons, 12 Calcium, 6 Special Defense Enhancers, 6 Carbos.

A total of 45, may I ask you Is there anything else I need?” The staff quickly packed the supplements he wanted in a box, and then asked enthusiastically.

“Do you have “PP Up” in your store? “Seeing that the teller is so enthusiastic, Liang Ren turned around and looked at the rows of shelves in the store, thinking about it and asking.

“PP Up” can tempering impurities and help Pokémon purify power, every time in the store The quota was immediately bought by the trainer. “

“But…” At this point, the clerk suddenly looked embarrassed.

“What’s the matter, is there any difficulty?” “Seeing the expression of the clerk, Liang Ren knew that this store should have what he needs.

“PP Up” is an out-of-stock product in any store, and our store is no exception.

But this month’s quota in our store has just come down, but there are still 10 “PP Max” that have not been ordered or bought, but…”

Young Jin, the staff has the idea of ​​selling things to him, but such a rare resource requires certain conditions to purchase.

“PP Max” has a better effect than “PP Up”, and the price is Higher is also as it should be by rights, but I believe it should still be within my tolerance. “

Seeing that the teller was a little embarrassed, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile and explained to the other party.

“You misunderstood, sir. I’m not saying you can’t afford the fee, but “PP “Max” products require certain permissions to purchase. “

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the teller hurriedly explained.

“What permissions do you need?” “Liang Ren didn’t care.

The resources that are useful to trainers are precious. Not only the Alliance store, but also the hunter’s Guild bounty website to purchase such rare items also require permission.

< p>“If you want to buy “PP Max”, you must have at least one star in the city Stadium, so…” the staff explained.

“No problem, I just meet this condition. “After hearing what the staff said about the permissions, Liang Ren showed a smile on his face.

Pretending to reach into his pocket, he actually realized that he was connected to the system backpack, and took out a translucent crystal card from the inside. The golden stars are particularly eye-catching.

“Ah——! ! “Seeing the record card handed over by Liang Ren, the staff has a surprised expression mixed with shame.

“Sorry, please wait a moment. “You have to win ten consecutive victories in the competitive branch and finally successfully qualify on the battle night in the main venue to become a star trainer.

Under the management of Alliance, only the city Stadium has a star trainer. In order to be recognized as a true professional trainer, trainers without star-level record are all amateurs.

Just like this, seeing that Liang Ren is so young as Stadium’s star-level trainer, the teller’s attitude has changed. I have to be more respectful and humble. After all, she is just an ordinary person.

“Sir, there are 10 “PP Max” in our store. How many do you want? After checking the record card information, the clerk asked again.

“What is the price of one? “

“The official price is 10W, but the Stadium one-star record card can have a 10% discount. “The clerk replied.

“That’s it, I want all 10 of them. “Usually, his own expenses are very small. Although he has traveled from school for a while, he still has about 540W in his card.

“Okay, sir, wait a moment. “Seeing Liang Ren rich and imposing purchasing 10 of them, the teller smiled.

“45 enhancers, 10 PP Max, a total of 1.4 million and five thousand, one-star record card Enjoy a 10% discount, so you will receive 1,264,500 Alliance coins. “


“Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to visit next time. “The discount of the record card is a means for Alliance to cultivate and win over trainers. Their salespersons are commissioned based on the original price.

As I watched Liang Ren, who had spent nearly 1.5 million in the store leave, the salesperson smiled. It’s sour.

The feudal monarchy ended, and the Alliance council was replaced by the Alliance to manage each region.

Strict urban and rural population planning and household registration management systems have little binding force on the special group of trainers. .

“Traveling, adventurous, and challenging everywhere” is the normal life of the trainer group. It is highly mobile and can be said to be running around the world.

In addition, ancient knights were forbidden by martial arts. Nowadays, trainers who control battle strength like Pokémon have a high crime rate.

For the special social group of trainers, each Region Alliance is also trying to manage it.

Trainers with criminal records cannot enjoy the medical services of the Pokémon Center. For example, the official certified store that Liang Ren went to just now, such trainers cannot buy any goods.


Maybe the circumstances are serious, he was directly arrested by Jenny, and then sent to the Alliance Prison.

As for trainers with innocent backgrounds like Liang Ren, they will enjoy higher privileges than ordinary citizens, whether it is for study, employment, travel… All aspects of Alliance will provide convenience.

This is a positive incentive given to outstanding citizens in the special group of trainers at the entire social level.

Military force uses benefits to induce at the same time as deterrence, and uses both soft and hard to achieve the purpose of reducing the crime rate of trainers and maintaining social order.

Liang Ren He has no thoughts of committing crimes or being bad guys, and he has no paranoid thoughts of “ruling the world and destroying the world”. He enjoys the convenience provided by Alliance in all aspects.


After enrolling at the beginning of the year, I was promoted to a one-star vocational trainer at Stadium in Saffron City.

At that time, considering that the number of Pokémon on hand was too small and the strength of the three main pets was not enough to impact higher stars, he put more energy on helping Pokémon do training.

After half a year, we have experienced events one after another. Now the strength of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster is no longer comparable.

Although the number of Pokémon is still small, it is too big a problem for Liang Ren not at all to hit higher stars.

“Take advantage of this half a month, and see if you can be promoted to two stars.” I found a corner where no one noticed and put the supplements I just purchased into the system backpack. Liang Ren took Riolu again. Wandered on the feeding street.

Just now, I went straight to the official pharmacy of Alliance, and now Liang Ren is much more casual.

Liang Ren is not stingy when he sees delicious things. He buys some large and small bags for Pidgeot…they are snacks.

“Boss, bring me two Castelia ice cream Ryō.” Passing by an ice cream cart, I saw Riolu staring at something and wanted to eat. Liang Ren noticed this and stopped and bought two. .

Licking ice cream, Ryō wandered aimlessly in the street alone, one pet.

I said it was not for the purpose, because every time he went to a small stall set up by the trainer, he would stop to see if there was any “bad-quality TM” for sale.

Walking all the way, Liang Ren saw a lot of inferior TM, and there were only two bargaining transactions.

An incomplete Steel Type Defense Ability: “Iron Defense”, and a low-quality normal attacking move: “Piao Piao Fist”.

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