Flexible use of system’s collection function, both TMs can be used.

However, Riolu has not yet evolved into Lucario, and it does not have a Steel type. The system is unable to let Riolu learn “Iron Defense” for the time being, but there is no problem with the ordinary “Piaopiaoquan”.

In addition, under the prompt of Cloyster shaking the Poké Ball, Liang Ren also bought some small things for it. It was a modified “Dive Ball”.

The normal “Dive Ball” function has a higher capture rate for Pokémon living in Underwater, but this “Dive Ball” has been modified to have the small functions of cooling and humidifying.

Of course, in Liang Ren’s eyes, it is only an insignificant small function, but for Cloyster, who often complains about dry skin after landing, such a small function is very attractive to it.

After shopping on the street to the end of the street, Liang Ren finally added some Pokemon food and Pokéblock before he left the breeding street with Riolu.

I left the door at about two o’clock in the afternoon, came to Feeding Street to replenish some supplies and strolled around. It was five o’clock in the blink of an eye, it was twilight.

The sky is full of sunset clouds, the sunset is full, and the western sky appears a gorgeous red.

I will go to the Stadium to play the game in a while. Liang Ren took the subway back to the Pokémon Center and called back Pidgeot and Slowpoke, who were driving high in the sky and watching the clouds.

One person and four pets settled the dinner early, and then asked Joy to help restore the state. Liang Ren took Pidgeot…the four rushed to “Mauville · City Stadium”.

Mauville City, known as the entertainment capital of Hoenn, is just one of the developed video game industries. Mauville City has the largest city in the Hoenn Region, Stadium, even Lilycove City and Ever Grande City are far behind.

And different from other Region cities Stadium, Mauville City City Stadium is more professional, at the same time the competition is more popular and entertaining.

The trainer who plays the game is rarely an’amateur’ free agent.

Mauville City here is more popular with Stadium official signing, signing Celebrity agent company, joining a professional competitive team, or “selling” certain consortium forces.

Whether it is signing with Stadium official, Celebrity brokerage company, consortium, the other party will devote resources to cultivation, image packaging… and so on.

Join a professional competitive team. There are also professional managers and coaches in the team. There will be dedicated people to train Pokémon’s resource acquisition, opponent data analysis before the game, tactical planning and other logistics work.

The trainers in the team only need to concentrate on training for Pokémon and get good results in the game.

The prosperity of the Mauville City Pokémon sports industry is also one of the main reasons Liang Ren left Fortree City and came here.

Whether it is the three main forces of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster, or Riolu, which has entered a rapid growth period, the demand for participating in the competition will increase. Before coming to Mauville City, he had done a certain understanding of the professional trainer circle.

There are many professional teams, many Celebrity trainers, and of course there are also many powerhouses.

For professional teams:

「QGhappy Team」

「RNG Royal Team」

「FPXHo-Oh Team」< /p>

「AG Super Play Club」

「eStar Team」

「EDG Team」

「SKT Team」

< p>“IG Team”


There are quite a few Celebrity trainers through Mauville City Stadium.

. The title of “Electivire, Greninja”-[Great Demon King · faker]

. It turns out that the title of the strongest “Samurott” trainer in Unova Region- [Sword Immortal]

. It became famous after the battle of “Clawitzer, Octillery”——[Bath Jujube Dog·uzi]

. Good at “Scyther”, in a serious and intense atmosphere Unique in the game, with a very humorous and humorous style——【Zhang Daxian】

. It can crush the opponent under the forest field, turning the “Salazzle, Dugtrio” such unpopular Pokemon into extremely powerful and Arrogant’s Celebrity Pokémon’s——【Farmer·Clearlove7】

. Claims to be “Flame Chicken, Dodrio, Grubbin” as his own Life Source.

Because he once performed his personal talent on Stadium and used “sing, jump, rap” to mock judges and referees, he is well-known, but his personal strength is indeed not to be underestimated as an artist trainer——【A Kun】


Mauville City is more than just an “entertainment city”. From Liang Ren’s point of view, it is home to the entire Hoenn and even powerhouses from trainers in many other regions.

At the Fortree City “Divine Bird Festival”, Liang Ren plans to challenge trainers who have the power of Mega evolution.

After posting to the Hoenn trainer circle for help, and after the Bounty Hunter’s Guild released Bounty Mission, Liang Ren quickly got the information he needed.

In Mauville City, the “entertainment capital” where the Pokemon sports industry is prosperous, there are several trainers who have mastered the power of Mega’s evolution.

①Help Pokémon with special training————

②Play a game in Stadium————

③Collect Mega Evolution————

Already not far before the start of school, there is not much time left for him. In the next half a month, Liang Ren will mainly do these three things.

White’s steel dragon drove out of “East City·Pokémon Central Station”, and arrived at “Ain Grande Station” more than ten minutes later.

“Aincrad” is Mauville·City Stadium, which is a magnificent building with cutting-edge technology.

After coming out of the subway station, Liang Ren saw this huge tower that stands up to the sky like a spinning top.

The glass outer wall reflects the sunset glow of the western sky, which is red as flame and bright as gold.

Like Liang Ren, there are many people under the “Ain Grande station”. All kinds of people come to the city Stadium either to watch the competition or to participate in the competition like Liang Ren.

Mauville City Stadium, with 24 branch venues, 3 main venues, and 1 Peak Stadium.

The branch field is the stage for ordinary trainers to hit the stars. The main venue is where star-rated professional trainers like Zhang Liang Ren compete, and Peak Stadium must be promoted to a 3-star record before they can enter.

Most of the time, Peak Stadium is used by Celebrity trainers and professional team trainers to play matches. Liang Ren is currently not at all eligible for Peak Stadium matches.

“ao ao~”

“haha…Yes, I believe we will be able to play in Peak Stadium soon.”

Chao Hongwei As the huge city Stadium walked to, Liang Ren also explained to Riolu the rules of Stadium playing.

When they mentioned that they were not qualified to play in the “Peak Stadium”, the newborn Tauros was not afraid of the roaring tiger Riolu, his expression was full of high morale.

In Stadium, although the main venue and Peak vs. Battlefield are open at night, the branch venue is open all day.

At this moment, under the magnificent Lingjing building, a large number of spectators and trainers have begun to enter the venue one after another through their respective passages.

Looking at Liang Ren holding a Slowpoke and Riolu next to him, the spectators checking in and the trainers waiting in line for registration, first glanced at him curiously, and then suddenly he was suddenly excited. Emoji.

“Look, the boy holding Slowpoke over there, is he the one who played against the Elite Four at the Lilycove City Contest Conference before.”

“It’s him, before me I have watched the game live, and I remember his name is “Mu Mu Liang Ren”. “

“Tsk tsk… His “Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster” are really strong. Afterwards, I went to Baidu and checked his information. Guess what, he was only 13 years old, or Intermediate rank Pokémon school freshman. “

“Oh my god-he looks so handsome and delicious when he is only 13 years old, how can he get a little bit older? Look at the muscle lines on his arms, ah~ I’m wet! ! “


“In the afternoon, I saw on Weibo and Moments that I didn’t believe this guy when he came to our Mauville City. Didn’t expect it to be true. . “

“It seems that he is also ready to make a big splash in our Mauville City City Stadium, but it is not easy to maintain ten consecutive victories and be promoted to star trainer, as long as he loses a game in the middle, he will start all over again. “

“Indeed, this guy is very good, but our Mauville City City Stadium expert as clouds, last time I won six straight in the branch, and I met the “WE team” youth training team The members were abused in the end. “

“The information you collected is too backward. My cousin is also studying in Kanto Region Saffron City. He said that his “Mu Mu Liang Ren” is already a one-star professional trainer. “

“No way, I became a one-star professional trainer when I was 13 years old. It’s a shock. “

“Saffron City City Stadium should not be as high as our Mauville City City Stadium, or else…”

“You are afraid that you are thinking of eating farts, Saffron City is Kanto The metropolis is a top-tier city in the world. Although my cousin said that Saffron City Stadium is not popular to sign professional teams for competitions, the level of trainers is beyond doubt. “

“Listening to what you said, I decided not to participate in the game tonight. I will go to watch this guy’s game later. “

“I will go too, if I can see his “Faye Slowpoke” tonight, and I hope he won’t meet those perverts of professional teams in the game tonight~”< /p>

“You don’t want the crow’s mouth…”


The senses have been strengthened by Psychic, and Liang is queuing in Ren naturally heard the whispers of the trainers around him, and the pointing fingers of the spectators outside the ticket gates in the distance.

But Liang Ren not at all cares too much. He has been playing games at Stadium for a long time. He is often because of his age. He has received special attention for his appearance, appearance and strength.

When he was in Celadon City Stadium for the first time, he would still feel very uncomfortable in the face of the special attention of the people around him and the attention of tens of thousands of spectators in the venue. Comfortable, but now he is used to it.

Walking into the Stadium lobby, Liang Ren at the service registration desk, first registered for Riolu for a doubles match, and then helped Pidgeot…three reservations for a match Qualifying.

The reason why he reported to Riolu for the doubles match was mainly because he considered that Little Brat had no experience playing in Stadium for the first time.

With Slowpoke, they took care of them. It can reduce the risk of losing.

Liang Ren doesn’t want Riolu to lose the first time he plays. This can easily give rise to frustration. As a trainer, he needs to consider these things as much as possible.

“Sorry has kept you waiting. The two matches have been registered. The doubles match will be held in the No. 24 branch after 15 minutes. Your qualifying will be arranged at the No. 3 main venue in the evening. “

“Okay, thank you~”

Receiving the record card handed back by the staff, Liang Ren smiled and thanked him, then held the Slowpoke and led Riolu Walk towards the No. 24 branch.

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