For the “Mauville · City Stadium” that focuses on viewing and entertaining, Liang Ren, who is not at all who is not at all, is rightly arranged for the Stadium game at the bottom of the serial number.

Whether it is a short doubles match or an appointment for a qualifying match at night.

But Liang Ren is not at all concerned about this, whether it is at Stadium No. 1 or Stadium No. 24, it’s just playing a game.

After registering in the lobby, Liang Ren took Slowpoke and Riolu to look at the sign indicating the way, as if he had entered a movie theater looking for a screening room.

Soon, at the end of the aisle filled with various professional team makeup photos and Celebrity trainer photo posters, I found the player waiting room on the 24th branch.

Pushing in, most of the players are watching the game through the huge crystal panel on the wall, not at all notice Liang Ren entering the waiting hall.

But things are not absolute, some people in the waiting hall still notice Liang Ren.

Whether it’s holding a Slowpoke in his arms or following an extremely rare Aura Pokémon: Riolu, Liang Ren is a high-profile presence on any occasion.

“Slowpoke, Riolu ~ how do I feel that this kid is a bit familiar.”

In the waiting hall, a trainer who looks like his early twenties wearing a gray and black denim jacket He whispered to the people around him.

“Listening to what you said, I suddenly felt this way, as if I had seen it somewhere.” The companion at the side looked at Liang Ren’s face with a doubtful expression behind his eyes.

“Wait~ I remember, it was the guy who played against Drake Elite at the Lilycove City Contest Conference some time ago.”

“It turned out to be him, I just said he The Slowpoke in my arms is a bit familiar.”


I didn’t care about the few whispering trainers, Liang Ren looked for each minding their own business I sat down in an empty seat, and watched the game with Riolu while discussing plans for a doubles match with Slowpoke for a while.

The strength of Slowpoke is unquestionable. As one of his three main forces at the moment, Liang Ren is naturally confident in it.

However, Riolu is the real protagonist of the doubles match that was temporarily reported today. The next half a month will basically be spent in the two events of “special training and playing games.”

As the first shot to open the door, it must not only be fired, but also be prosperous and in a trance.

In Stadium’s first battle, if it ends with a disastrous defeat, Riolu will inevitably have a great sense of frustration psychologically, and it will be very detrimental to the next plan.

But if the first round competition wins beautifully, Riolu will build up enough self-confidence in his heart. In the next half a month, even after many losses in the game, the impact on Riolu will be Will be very small.

Clear the relationship between primary and secondary, and after a while in the doubles match, I aggrieved Slowpoke Role Play for a secondary role, leaving the limelight to Riolu as much as possible.


“Ah duo——(*˘︶˘*) Don’t worry, the younger brother’s debut battle, this dad, the big brother, must give full face. “To convey the thoughts in his heart, Slowpoke also patted his chest to make sure.

And Riolu next to him didn’t know that Liang Ren and Slowpoke had arranged everything for it. At this moment, it was watching the game intently.

“know yourself and know your enemy, fight every battle without defeat”, although it is not the opponent that it will face in a while.

However, we can see something. They are all playing in the same branch, so the player’s strength will not be too different.



On Stadium, at this moment, “Zangoose and Crawdaunt” are undergoing a fierce 1v1 duel. Crabhammer and Crush Claw continuously faced off head-on, making the 2w audience in the venue extremely excited.

Zangoose is very agile and has an absolute advantage in the first half.

However, after opponent used “Harden” several times to increase defensive power, Zangoose’s Crush Claw only left one after another white scratch on the shell of Crawdaunt red.

With the exhaustion of physical strength, Zangoose’s running and jumping speed slowed down in the second half, and Crawdaunt began to use long-range abilities like Bubble Beam to force the palace.

Zangoose and its trainer did not want to be slowly consumed, so they decided to stake all on one throw and fight Crawdaunt in close combat.

In nature, any creature with pliers is not easy to provoke, and Crawdaunt wants Zangoose to fight it close.

“Crabhammer”, “Crush Claw” you come and greet the opponent——-

Zangoose’s disadvantage of excessive physical exertion in the first half gradually emerged, and Crawdaunt, who kept the cloud open and saw Yueming, finally ushered in its period of strong force.

Zangoose, who was slower, showed a weak spot during the fighting between the two sides. Crawdaunt was very decisive.

The pliers struck out like lightning, tightly holding Vice Grip Zangoose’s claws, and then connected to a “Hydro Pump” which directly made Zangoose lose the combat capability.


The city Stadium is not comparable to the Pokémon battle hall. The battle hall in the Pokémon Center is mostly novice and amateur trainers, while the city Stadium is basically professional trainers.

Whether it is Pokémon’s strength and the level of the trainers are quite high, but just like this, he and Pokémon can grow up by playing against these trainers.

“Today’s 1v1 match is over. Next is the “1.2” doubles match. “Mu Mu Liang Ren” is ready to play. ”

There are two modes of doubles competition———

One is “1.2”, that is, a trainer directs two Pokémon to compete at the same time.

Another type of “2·1” is that two trainers work as a team of doubles partners and each send a Pokémon to fight.

The battle between his eldest brother Momoa and Tsukijo Snow Rabbit in the Battle Tower in the “Larus City” before and the Mossdeeep Gym sister and brother belonged to the “2.1” doubles mode.

Liang Ren naturally no one teamed up with him. Of course, he didn’t need someone to team up with him. He reported the doubles of “1.2” mode.


Liang Ren didn’t expect himself to be the first to play, and was called out by the staff in the waiting hall. After he answered complied, he also brought The two pets walked towards the entrance passage.

As the “Old Fox” of the city Stadium, these things do not require coaching by others.

Looking at Liang Ren getting up from the back of the chair, the trainer in the waiting hall noticed him.

The name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” has been quite popular among Hoenn Coordinator and trainers during this time.

With the addition of Slowpoke, the iconic Pokémon, at first the players in the waiting hall who did not notice him at the moment all recognized his identity.

“Before the Lilycove City Contest Conference was over, this guy suddenly disappeared from the public’s sight. Didn’t expect came to our Mauville City silently.”

” This kid became famous because of Drake Elite. It is estimated that many people want to step on him to become famous. Next, our Mauville City is probably a bit lively.”

“haha…don’t wait for the next step. , Do you guys see who is the opponent of this kid in this game?”

“I’ll go~ this kid finished apprenticeship is not good. I came to Mauville City Stadium to play in the First Stage doubles match, but I encountered Qingxue “Golden Eiji Kikumaru in “Doubles Combination”. “

“Things suddenly become interesting…”


Qingxue, Pokémon intermediate rank school in Verdanturf·”Youth School” Short for “.

“Golden Doubles Combination”, the Trump Card doubles in the Youth Academy team, once achieved dazzling results in the Hoenn Region Academy League.

Verdanturf City is very close to Mauville City. The “Golden Doubles Combination” is located in Stadium in Mauville City. It also relies on its excellent strength to achieve this title.


Liang Ren, who walked into the passageway, naturally did not know what happened in the waiting hall after he left.

At the same time, because of his new arrival, Liang Ren didn’t know much about the “golden doubles combination” discussed by the players in the lobby.

However, even if he knows, Liang Ren will not react too much. He understands the truth of innocence under the prestigious reputation, but it is not his style to be timid before fighting.


Miki Liang Ren vs Kikumaru Eiji



The portraits of both sides are clearly projected on the electronic walls on both sides of the Stadium.

The names of the trainers who are opponent to each other also carry red flame and blue Spark special effects, which are displayed on the big screen of the spectator seat like metal collision normal.



Riding on the lifting round platform, both players enter the stadium at the same time, according to the Stadium For the color, Liang Ren was assigned to the blue side, while his opponent was assigned to the red side.

“Kikumaru Eiji…Kikumaru Eiji…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

There will be many audiences To support opponent, Liang Ren had anticipated this situation a long time ago, but to his surprise, there were many audiences cheering for him.

“Is it because the audience is of high quality and can’t bear to watch my cold field, or Liu Qing they know that I’m here and give me the childcare in advance~”

Listen to the appearance of the battlefield With the cheers, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile.

Currently in the game, Liang Ren not at all takes this kind of trivial matter seriously. At the moment, he is more concerned about the opponent of this game.

This is a teenager with a reddish-brown split head and a white band-aid on the bottom right of his cheek.

The opponent seems to be a bit older than him, but at the worst, it is likely to be like Liu Qing, but a student who is two grades higher than him.

When Liang Ren looked at the opponent, the opposite boy also looked at him up and down. Liang Ren saw a touch of interest in the opponent’s eyes.

“Is he the very hot “Mu Mu Liang Ren” during this time? I didn’t expect because the guy Dashi returned home during the summer vacation, and I was only able to report for the “1.2” doubles, but I ran into this guy at the Stadium. “

“The rules of the game are “1·2″… Please send the Pokémon to the field. “

The spectators bought tickets to watch the game, and there was not much time left for the trainers of both sides to prepare after going on the field. The referee quickly issued a preparatory signal.

Received the referee’s prompt, Liang Ren and the red-brown haired boy on the opposite side also immediately retracted their gazes, and then unanimously took out two Poké Balls from their pockets.

“Slowpoke, Riolu, ready to fight. “Liang Ren didn’t hesitate and released Pokémon directly.

“Grumpig, Delcatty, it’s time for you to appear. “The opposite boy threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

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