
“Puff puff~”

It is not the first time to come to Stadium to play a game. Delcatty and Grumpig, who appeared on the stage, heard the cheering of the audience outside, Not only did he not feel nervous, but he seemed quite contented.

Grumpig is Hoenn’s unique “Psychic Type” Pokémon. The torso skin is purple and the limbs and ears are Black.

The black Pearl on the top of the head and the belly button, which has the power to manipulate the mind, and the spring tail that pink can use to “jump and fly” are the unique features of Grumpig.

Standing side by side with Grumpig is Delcatty, a cream-colored soft and shiny fur with purple eyes. The purple shawl on her body makes it look elegant and poised.

Because there are large areas of purple fur on the body, a pig and a cat stand together, the style of painting is not only non-conflicting, but complements each other very harmoniously.

“Here is coming, Kikumaru’s team cooperates with the most tacit doubles combination.”

“I thought that Kikumaru would send Pokémon to partner with Dashi: Volbeat, Plusle, didn’t expect He sent his Trump Card directly.”

“Grumpig’s Psychic control + Delcatty’s charm offensive, I don’t know how this trainer named Mumu Liang Ren will respond.”

“Kikumaru, Pokémon’s difficulty, I believe everyone in the Stadium mixed doubles zone has personally experienced it. Grumpig’s mental control and Delcatty’s Captivate offensive are simply insoluble.”

“Indeed, the opposite Mumu Liang Ren Slowpoke battle strength is good, but this Riolu, there is a rumor that it only started actual combat training in Lilycove City.”

“putting it that way, is Kikumaru’s advantage over here?”

“Does this still need to be said, for sure.”


Seeing the Pokémon sent by Liang Ren, the audience cheered The hotter it gets, whether it is Slowpoke or Riolu, it is rare in Mauville City Stadium.

However, after comparing the Pokémon lineups of both sides, in the waiting hall of Stadium player No. 24, the rest of the players are not so optimistic about Liang Ren.

For the first time, although Lilycove City Contest Conference has become famous in the circle for a while, the trainers are obviously more optimistic about the latter than the signature of Kikumaru’s “Golden Doubles”.

On the battlefield, Liang Ren did not consider that many.

Being watched by Grumpig’s arrogant, Delcatty’s gentle gaze, Liang Ren’s Slowpoke and Riolu did not react too much.

“Kikumaru Eiji…Kikumaru Eiji…”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……Wooden Liang Ren……”

“………… “


“The game begins!!” Amid the excitement of the audience, the referee gave the start signal.

As a member of the “Golden Doubles” team, Eiji Kikumaru is known for his excellent reflexes and a strong sense of fighting rhythm.

“Grumpig, Teeter Dance.”

At this moment, Liang Ren also felt the reaction of the opponent. Just as the referee started the signal, the reddish-brown middle-head boy unexpectedly took the lead Instructions.

Ordinary trainers play the “1·2” doubles mode, and they habitually command two Pokémon “to advance and retreat together” at the same time. This is a habitual thinking.

In fact, a true professional doubles trainer would not do this, because commanding two Pokémon at the same time is very slow.

Finding the role of each Pokémon and directing a Pokémon to make appropriate and effective actions at the right time is the essence of doubles matches.

As a member of the “Golden Doubles” group, Kikumaru has shown a high level of doubles trainer quality.

Grumpig used “Teeter Dance” to disrupt Liang Ren’s rhythm, and at the same time let Slowpoke and Riolu fall into chaos first, while Delcatty spontaneously ran on the Stadium, waiting for opportunities, looking for opportunities to attack.

The opponent’s super high quality made Liang Ren quickly enter the game state.

The clear maroon eyes, observing the actions of Pokémon on both sides of the enemy and us, the moment Kikumaru spoke, Liang Ren also gave orders in a reflexive manner.

“Disperse your positions, Protect your mind.” Liang Ren’s voice was sonorous, and he gave orders very decisively and confidently, without any drag.

“Ao 嗷——”

“ao 嗷——”

“Teeter Dance” is effective through brain waves like “Hypnosis” and is also applied In a negative state, the former uses body movements to guide the line of sight, while the latter directly activates it through eye contact.

In the face of such a mental disturbance offensive, the best way to deal with it is to protect your mind and distract yourself through some other actions.

Psychic and Aura both have the effect of keeping the mind stable. Separating positions makes the mental brainwave energy of “Teeter Dance” more dispersed, and the negative effects of chaos are suddenly reduced.

Seeing the trick, Liang Ren, who thinks he has broken the offensive on the opposite side, is also calling Slowpoke in his heart: “Slowpoke, fetters link.”

But at this moment , The mutation emerges suddenly on the court.

“ao ao~” moved towards Slowpoke Riolu, who ran away in the opposite direction, his eyes suddenly lost consciousness, and then he clenched his fists and moved towards hitting his cheek.

“Oops, Grumpig’s “Teeter Dance” offensive was not at all dispersed. From the very beginning, it was Riolu. “

Seeing Riolu using Aura to keep his mind in chaos, Liang Ren immediately noticed the opponent’s tactics.

“Psychic is powerful, blue volume is strong, and Teleport uses Major Perfection”, The name Mumu Liang Ren has been very popular in Hoenn circles recently, and Liang Ren’s “Slowpoke” is also very popular.

The players in the waiting hall can see that Liang Ren’s lineup is strong and weak.

As an opponent, Kikumaru immediately after Liang Ren released Pokémon, also formulated a tactic with Riolu as the breakthrough port.

Target one of them and then break them one by one. This is also the essence and usual tactics of doubles matches. Moreover, in Liang Ren’s lineup, Riolu’s strength is weaker than Slowpoke, and the persimmons have to pick a soft pinch.

Seeing Riolu’s move, Liang Ren, who had already established a bond with Slowpoke, hurriedly issued a command through his consciousness: “Slowpoke, use “mental transfer” towards Riolu. “

“Ah Duo——”

Negative state is not immediately imposed on oneself, Slowpoke cannot transfer the “chaos” to Grumpig.

However, it is not a problem to transfer the negative state of chaos to oneself. After all, Slowpoke with the “Oblivious” characteristic will immediately remove the chaotic effect on it.

Jumaru knew that Liang Ren could silently direct his Pokémon to fight, and when he saw Slowpoke turned and raised his claws, pink’s Psychic halo appeared on Riolu, he knew Liang Ren had acted accordingly.

Although I don’t know what Slowpoke will do, Kikumaru did not waste this great offensive opportunity: “Now, Delcatty, use Simple Beam against Riolu.”

“Meow~”< /p>

Delcatty, who has a delicate posture and light footsteps, is waiting for an opportunity to circle the Stadium. The moment he receives the instruction, the cat’s mouth opens and a light beam that resembles a visible sound beam blasts towards Riolu.

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