
“Simple Beam”, the change type auxiliary Ability, the opponent feature of the stroke temporarily becomes: simple.

“Simple feature”, Pokémon with this feature, whether it is hit by a boosting move such as “Sword Dance” or being hit by a weakening move such as “Metal Sound”, the ability level changes × 2.


Riolu, whose chaotic state has not been completely removed by Slowpoke, did not know how to dodge, and was directly hit by Delcatty’s Simple Beam.

Fortunately, Simple Beam is not an attacking move. The light pink beam merges into Riolu’s body.

The Mental Force feature, which does not fall into a “fear” state, is directly replaced with a simple feature of ability level change × 2.

On the opposite side, Grumpig, who has the ability to manipulate minds, and Pokémon, the charming cat Delcatty, has a good chance of not launching an attack, but instead uses “Simple Beam” as a bedding.

Liang Ren can guess that the two Pokémons on the opposite side have mastered many moves that weaken the opponent ability almost without thinking.

On the sidelines, Liang Ren didn’t have any panic on his face, and his clear eyes were always full of confidence.

“I accepted your Simple Beam trick. Slowpoke uses “Safeguard” for joint defense, and Riolu uses “Work Up”. “

In the confident gaze of Jumaru, Liang Ren raised the corners of his mouth, and gave instructions to the two pets.

Before the age of 13, Alliance was entertaining and entertaining. I have learned a lot about Pokemon battle games. Help kids understand Pokémon and Pokémon battles.

In games such as “Pokémon · Red/Leaf Green”, “Pokémon · Gold/Silver”, etc., because It’s just to teach and enjoy to popularize combat knowledge, and many of the effects of Ability have been simplified.

“Light Screen” can only reduce the damage of special attacks, and “half reflection” can only resist the damage of Physical Ability. In fact, these all are inaccurate.

There are often video UP owners on bilibiliTynamo, publishing this kind of video to eliminate misunderstandings.

Use the sucker magic puppet to make a Light Screen, then let Strength/Machamp attack; let Starmie use halve the reflection, and let Smeargle use special attack Ability attack.

The result is obvious. The “Light Screen” that reduces the damage of special attacks also has a strong defensive effect against physical attacks. It reduces the “half reflection” of the formidable power of physical attacks and can also resist special attacks.

Just like Slowpoke at this moment, Help Riolu is in defense, use the “Safeguard” Ability.

The effect is not just the same as in the game. It protects Pokémon from falling into “poisoning, hypnosis, burns, freezing, paralysis…” and other Status Conditions within 5 rounds.

In fact, “Safeguard” is also the same as the “Mist” of the ice attribute. By establishing an energy barrier, the protected one’s Pokémon ability level can not be weakened by the opponent.

As a “Top Rank Rare” technique in the defense of Ability, “Safeguard” not only protects Pokémon from negative states and weakened power, it even has the same “Light Screen, halved reflection” Material attack and special attack defense effects.

Of course, compared to Light Screen and halving reflection, Safeguard Ability mainly exempts Status Condition, and its ability to reduce attack damage is not outstanding.

Children who have not yet made their debut as a’trainer’, the world in their eyes is simple.

But as you become a vocational trainer, you will receive more and more complicated information and learn more knowledge, you will find that the world is actually very complicated, and Pokémon battle is not as simple as they thought.

Dream is always beautiful, reality is always cruel, from simple to complicated, and interest becomes career.

People who can truly stand in the professional field of trainers and continue to go on will always be only a handful of people.

Fortunately, Liang Ren, who spent many years in the Celadon City Library before the age of 13, gave him the capital and potential to become this small group of people through his own efforts.

“ao ——!!!”

The chaotic state was eliminated by Slowpoke, and Safeguard’s seven-egg-shell mask flashed vaguely all around Riolu’s body.

With Slowpoke, the Oldest Big Brother assisting, Riolu doesn’t have to worry about being affected by opponent’s negative status Ability.

After the zone defense takes effect, “Simple Beam” is simply a big present for Riolu.

Yangtian let out a Howl full of imposing manner. The game data can increase the level 1 “Work Up” of physical attack and special attack. At this moment, under the action of simple characteristics, the ability improvement effect is directly ×2.


It seems that the frontal buffs of “Iron Defense and Sword Dance” were added at the same time. Liang Ren successfully resolved the two offensives. At this moment, he finally started to counterattack.

While communicating through consciousness, I first arranged a task for Slowpoke in my heart: “Look at Grumpig and don’t let it interfere, and at the same time apply 20 times the Gravity field to Delcatty.”

“Riolu, Jump over to me and attack Delcatty.” Liang Ren then ordered Riolu to attack again.

Seeing Riolu rushing toward Delcatty so boldly, Kikumaru’s face showed a bright smile: “Grumpig, Confusion imprisoned; Delcatty, use Sucker Punch.”

Coordinator performed. Although the previous two offensives were successfully resolved by Liang Ren, there was no loss at all for Grumpig and Delcatty.

Riolu spontaneously used Spark for a flash, kicked the ground with a burst, clenched his fist and launched a charge towards Delcatty.

Grumpig grinned arrogantly, and the two black Pearls on the top of his head increased the Mental Force and turned into a huge Confusion hand and grabbed it at Riolu.


However, the arrogant smile on Grumpig’s face didn’t hold for three seconds, and he froze directly on his face.

Confusion waved its giant hand, and unexpectedly encountered an invisible wall of gas, and a muffled sound echoed in the sea of ​​Grumpig’s spirit.

“How is it possible, this guy who looks like a fool, Mental Force is even stronger than me.”

Confusion’s giant hand is blocked, and the previously arrogant Grumpig looks down on people. At this moment, a shocked and disbelieving roar suddenly broke out in his heart.

For this result, Slowpoke felt that as it should be by rights, Liang Ren, a trainer, was not surprised.

Using Ability Calm Mind and Calm Mind of the sea as the blueprint foundation, comprehending, comprehend his own Mental Force cultivation’cultivation technique'”Calm Mind of the sea”.

Although Slowpoke has a low affinity for Water Type, the Psychic innate talent is praised even by Senior Wang, the hippo on the island of Asia.

Both are Psychic Type Pokémon, and the confrontation of Ability is the confrontation of Mental Force.

Grumpig’s Confusion giant can’t break through the invisible air wall, so it is obvious that Slowpoke’s Mental Force far exceeds the opposite Grumpig in both quantity and quality.


Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s focus is not at all on the incompetent furious Grumpig, doing two things at the same time for Slowpoke It’s a piece of cake.

20 times the Gravity field is suppressed, the light and graceful figure delicate Slowpoke is not the muscular and iron Pidgeot.

Delcatty, who was about to launch a culling at Riolu, was suppressed by the Gravity field and his whole body was crushed to the ground.

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