Riolu is very discerning. He usually uses the Gravity field to exercise his body. When he sees Delcatty lying on the ground, he knows that it is Big Brother Slowpoke.

Without any politeness, Spark burst into Riolu in a flash, punching his face with a straight fist, topping the jaw with an uppercut, swinging his fists with wide opening and closing, and slammed the bow fiercely on Delcatty’s cheeks.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

at first, the excited audience saw a very strange battle at this moment.

The intensity of the doubles match has always been more than 1v1. At this moment, Slowpoke was floating in the air. On the other side, Grumpig exerted his strength, and the purple Psychic rays of light flickered frequently on the black Pearl above his head.

Like something blocked, Grumpig was confined to the spot, and Delcatty on the other side was also pressed on the ground by mysterious moves, facing Riolu’s attack without any strength to fight back.

The outsiders watch the lively, the insiders watch the doorways, Slowpoke is full of pink Psychic flames, and Grumpig’s Pearl purple light flickers.

The trainers in the waiting hall know that these are two Psychic Pokémons fighting with Mental Force. Of course, the audience is not stupid. There is still some insight.

Delcatty has a bee waist and fat buttocks, with a fascinating charm between his eyebrows and eyes. The characteristic is very likely to be “Attract body.”

But I don’t know if it is Slowpoke’s Safeguard joint defense, or cats and dogs’ innate inaction, or Aura’s role.

Riolu, who was riding on Delcatty, fisted to the flesh to attack, not at all fell into the Captivate state.

Fighting Type restrained the normal system. Although Delcatty was obviously stronger than Riolu, it was suppressed by Slowpoke’s 20 times the Gravity field, and Delcatty was beaten with no power to fight back.

“peng peng peng peng……”

“Delcatty, use wild Volt.” At first, the confident Kikumaru also showed anxious expression on his face.

“Slowpoke, mention it in midair; Riolu, use Aura Sphere.”

“Wild Volt” is Hoenn’s name, in Kanto Region, the trainer Call this attack of taking down with thunder and lightning as “High Voltage Thunder Shock”.

I saw Delcatty resisting the suppression of the Gravity field, arching the cat’s back with explosive fur, and thunderbolt Spark flashing between the vertical fur.

Liang Ren did not hesitate at all, and directly let Slowpoke use Confusion to capture Delcatty in midair.

“Should…” The violent current is like a needle prick on a chestnut shell, moving towards all directions to launch an attack, like a golden little sun.

The flying electric current fell on the field, and the electric debut made a dark scorch mark. A carp raised up Riolu ran flexibly, not at all affected by the electric current.

“This is…Aura Sphere!!!”

“It’s a lie, how can Riolu condense Aura Sphere.”

“hiss~ this one Riolu’s Aura innate talent is a bit scary. It hasn’t evolved into Lucario, but it has been able to use Aura Sphere.”


I saw Riolu holding his palms on his waist. A light blue energy bomb the size of a grapefruit fruit is condense.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene, whether it was the audience or the trainer in the waiting hall, showed incredible expressions.

Everyone explained to them how Riolu did it. In Kikumaru’s surprised gaze, Aura Sphere from the condense between Riolu’s palms and Delcatty moved towards midair beat them away.


“Meow——!” As a purely ordinary Pokemon, Delcatty was severely restrained by Fighting Type. At this moment, it was hit by “Aura Sphere” and just vented. The angry Delcatty could not help but let out a stern cat cry.

“Asshole, Delcatty, use the shadow ball to counterattack.” Seeing his Pokémon being hung and beaten, Kikumaru couldn’t help sending out an angry roar.

“Riolu, continue the Aura Sphere attack.” Liang Ren ordered.



Slowpoke Confusion’s giant hand grabbed and shook, Delcatty’s shadow Absorb Bulb couldn’t hit it and ran around. Riolu.

When Riolu’s Aura Sphere Stockpile was completed, Delcatty was confined to a fixed target by Slowpoke.


Slowpoke doing two things at the same time. After stopping Grumpig, this is destined to be a two-on-one battle.

However, there is no unfairness in Stadium, only strength. Slowpoke is strong enough, so even if Riolu Level is not as high as Delcatty, Slowpoke can fully drive it.

The game at first was a bit Undella discount, but after Slowpoke showed strong strength, the situation began to develop along the script that Liang Ren had envisioned.

Being destroyed by the power of Slowpoke, in the face of Riolu’s repeated attacks, Delcatty was defeated without persisting for a few rounds.

I lost a Delcatty, leaving a Psychic less than Slowpoke’s Grumpig. Slowpoke and Riolu are two to one. The outcome is not difficult to predict.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Wood Mu Liang Ren …… Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

Lilycove City Contest Conference, both Liang Ren and Cloyster performed very well, otherwise they would not be able to reach the semi-finals at the conference where the elites gather. .

But what really made Liang Ren famous was the last three exhibition games with Drake.

Although we lost the game 0-3, who is Drake? Drake is the veteran Elite of the Ever Grande Alliance. In the Hoenn Region, the trainer in mind can be worthy of the words “highly respected”.

He was a 13-year-old boy. He was not ashamed of losing to Drake Elite, but because of the outstanding performance of Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster, he was finally remembered by the trainers in Hoenn Region.

Of course, the dishes are still difficult to adjust, and people are naturally impossible to make everyone like it.

Because of the famous Lilycove City Contest Conference Liang Ren, he has also been denigrated by many trainers, saying that he has lost the popularity of Drake Elite, and his strength is not that good. He can go to him… Yunyun .

For this doubles match this afternoon, Liang Ren himself was not at all worried because of Slowpoke’s escort.

He has been a one-star professional trainer for a long time, although there are not many main players who can be alone.

But he has the courage to hit a higher star. Such a branch doubles match is naturally not difficult for him.

What Liang Ren didn’t know was that when his name appeared on the big screen of the venue and was recognized by the rest of the trainers and the audience, the meaning of the battle became a bit different.

A 13-year-old boy with a well-known reputation, a newcomer…, and at the same time matched the member of the “Golden Doubles” group Eiji Kikumaru, the winning or losing of this game will affect the rest of the trainer circle. His opinion.

It’s okay to win, you can give yourself a small name, but once you lose, all kinds of frigid irony and scorching satire public opinions hiding the sky and covering the earth will come to him, although Usually he himself does not pay attention to these comments.

This is a crushing game. As a newcomer, he used his powerful strength to win the respect of the audience and trainers.

“Who would have thought that this guy would have won this game.”

“Tsk…the strong and the weak, a game for training purposes, even the golden doubles will be given. It’s done torture.”

“His Slowpoke is really abnormal, water + Psychic Attribute and it hasn’t evolved yet. Mental Force is actually stronger than Grumpig, which has evolved to the final form of pure Psychic Type, and can win this game. The game can be said to rely on Slowpoke.”

“This guy’s Riolu is also very abnormal. He has mastered the Aura Sphere move without evolution.”

“Yes, no I know how strong this Riolu will be when it evolves into Lucario, if it evolves in Mega…”

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