“Damn it, why didn’t I play against that kid? This is a great opportunity to be famous.”

“Tsk tusk…Sakai guy, luck is really good, just abuse it in this game Boy, it is possible to fight to become famous.”



A main venue has only one player waiting in the battle hall, High-spirited and vigorous tall and thin young people, thump-chested melon trainer, everyone’s performance Liang Ren taking in the entire scene.

Seeing many people looking at him frequently, Liang Ren couldn’t help but laugh, and thought to himself: “Do these people really think that I’m going to eat me? I hope I won’t be disappointed later.”< /p>

trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. If there is no strong power to match, everyone wants to step on it. This is the characteristic of the general public.

Liang Ren understands this in his heart, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind.

He is not keen on fame and wealth, but he doesn’t mean that he doesn’t even need the respect of others. He murmurs a few words secretly, as long as he doesn’t let him hear him, he doesn’t bother to care about it.

In front of him, despise, provoke, ridicule, and despise people. Whoever gives you the confidence, the clay figurines still have three points of anger, really when he is young to be deceived.

“hmph ——!!!”

Liang Ren, who took Riolu back the baby ball and walked towards the entrance aisle with Slowpoke, after a few training sessions just chewing his tongue. At home, Liang Ren winked at Slowpoke.


Ten times the Gravity field was suppressed, and then suddenly retracted, although there is only one breath between retracting and releasing , But a few Hoothoot trainers were caught off guard and still sat on the floor embarrassedly.

A few trainers haven’t reacted yet, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke, like a okay person, has entered the entrance passage.

“Hehe…this kid.”

Look at Liang Ren’s hand, a few in the waiting hall apparently seem to be stronger and have more professional ethics training. Home.

Looking at Liang Ren’s disappearing back, he glanced at his face and couldn’t help but reveal a funny and weird smile.



Before the start of the game, the commentator sold off his appetite. After a burst of cheers, the audience For the performance of this game more and more expectations.

The trainers of the two sides took to the stage on the lifting platform. Player information and portrait photos were also enlarged and displayed on the circular background walls on both sides.

The photographer knew who the audience wanted to see at the moment. When Liang Ren appeared immediately with Slowpoke, the photographer focused the lens on the left half and gave Liang Ren a close-up.

“Yeah! This little brother is so handsome. The scouts from the artist company come here soon.”

“Compared to live broadcast, it’s a totally different feeling to be there in person. From a distance, it really is like Mr. Drake said, Heroes come out from the Youth.”

“The younger sister fan is here, guarding Liang Ren little brother~”

” The elder sister fan is here, wild women are not allowed to approach my younger brother!!!”

“Mother fan is here, I want to spoil this cub!!”

“… ……”


“hmph ~ Enjoy the final stage lighting. After this battle, your fame will be mine.”


Looking at the handsome boy under the light and the lens focused, Sakai Forrest’s mouth hooked, with a fiery ambition in his eyes.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. Everyone will not escape fame and fortune in their entire life, even Liang Ren himself is no exception.

Feeling the fiery gaze from the tall and thin young man on the opposite side of the red team halftime, Liang Ren turned his head and looked at him, his expression stunned.

Because it was far away in the waiting hall just now, seeing the other side’s face clearly at the moment, didn’t expect he was still an acquaintance.

Arrive at Mauville City at noon. When having lunch at the “East City·Pokémon Center” restaurant, he happened to meet each other.

This tall and thin young man with a mole on his eyebrows and tail is the same trainer who conquered only the disabled “Snivy” and finally abandoned him.

“Is it called Sakai Forrest?” Liang Ren glanced at the background wall and remembered the other person’s name.

“One-star professional trainer qualifying, the rule is “3v3″. Pokémon can not be changed more than three times in a single game. Unless both parties can fly Pokémon, the height of the Pokémon Flying in the air cannot exceed 10 M…”

“The players from both sides are invited to release Pokémon who are ready to play for the first time. “Qualifying matches have more rules than matching matches. Seeing that both players have already appeared, the referee announced the rules of the match.

“The first game will be handed over to you, Crustle. “

“Cloyster, prepare to fight. “Without hesitation, Liang Ren and Sakai, who received the referee’s signal, released Pokémon together.

A crab and a shell are literally aquatic creatures on both sides, but both Pokémon are both. It is a creature on the shore.

Two Pokémon appear at the same time. Although Crustle is a Pokémon unique to Unova, Cloyster is not uncommon in Hoenn, where the waters are rich.

But from the perspective of appearance, it is obvious Liang Ren’s Cloyster, with its snow-white shell and ice-blue body, is even more eye-catching.

Is the Crustle of the “worm + Rock” Attribute? “Looking at the Pokémon with a reddish-brown body on the opposite side carrying a huge cube Rock like lasagna, Liang Ren muttered to himself.

Rock Kebing, look at Liang Ren from the Attribute. The edge is obviously not dominant, but Liang Ren’s focus is not on Attribute.

The three main forces are all able to stand alone, even in the face of opponent and Cloyster of the “Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel” Attribute Not afraid.

Liang Ren cares about the level of Pokémon opposite.

In the pre-strength battle, [Attribute restraint>Level suppression], after the Pokémon battle strength reaches the level of 30, it becomes [Level suppression>Attribute restraint].

Tonight, this qualifying match is also a test for him. If the level of the one-star professional trainer in Mauville City Stadium is generally high.

With the number of Pokémon he currently owns, then he will qualify for Quash.

When Riolu evolves into Lucario, the team will add one more General and then play qualifying, strive for 10 consecutive victories and then be promoted to a 2-star professional trainer.

However, after feeling the breath of Crustle on the other side, Liang Ren couldn’t help but quietly disappear.

“The crab shell is bright and the rock is hard. The Pokémon breed is pretty good.

“However, from the imposing manner that was put out, at most 30 levels, is the power transformation finished? Johto is hard to say, this strength is also arrogant and conceited and wants to step on me. “

Liang Ren, who has always been very mild-tempered, looked at the ambitious young man in his eyes. Liang Ren was a little annoyed and laughed.

In the end, he is two lives, living in his body. Liang Ren, who is the soul of an adult, is a manifestation of his mature and stable personality.

Sakai Forrest is naturally not clear about Liang Ren’s thoughts at the moment. As Liang Ren has become famous, It’s no secret that Cloyster is pure ice attribute Pokémon.

Ice attribute is restrained by Rock Type. See Liang Ren not at all’s plan to replace Pokémon.

Forrest’s Sakai, a look of contempt flashed across his face, and he became more confident about defeating the opposite boy and gaining the opponent’s fame.

The referee did not make the audience wait too much, and the green corner flag in his hand raised and announced. :”Game start. “

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