Stadium’s lights are dazzling, the spectator stand is boiling, and the electronic background wall panels project the faces of two high-spirited and vigorous trainers on the field.

Liang Ren and Cloyster enter a fighting state, their auras coordinate with each other and gradually become consistent, calm, calm, and confident.

The imposing manner of one person, one pet, seems to transform into a towering and cold Great Snow Mountain behind him, giving opponent a mental shock.

Unfortunately, Sakai Forrest, who has a preconceived view, has a contemptuous attitude towards Liang Ren from the very beginning.

Not at all aware of the threat at this moment, otherwise he will be vigilant if he feels this terrifying imposing manner.

Hearing the start signal from the referee, Sakai did not hesitate at all, and launched an offensive impatiently: “Crustle, use “Rock Blast”. “


The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. Although it can be clearly felt that the opponent Pokémon is not as strong as his own Cloyster, Liang Ren is still not relaxed. .

Seeing that Crustle received the instruction, he began to crawl the Stockpile sideways, Liang Ren also converged, and challenged him according to the tactics that he and Cloyster used to “kick first and hit later”.

“Cloyster, the front is next.” Watching the blasting rock formation out of thin air in front of Crustle, Liang Ren quickly issued a response order.


A huge explosion sounded like a quarry is undergoing blasting work, rustling stone chips, pounding powder flying, Santuo The huge stone screamed, and moved towards Cloyster broke through the air.

Rock Kebing saw three Rock blasts smashing towards him, Cloyster was expressionless, and his heart was calm as still water.


“peng~ peng~ peng~ ……”

A combination of two-layer hard and shock-resistant spiked armor, Cloyster is like Ingrain motionless stands on the opposing battlefield.

Under the surprised and worried eyes of dozens of players in the 5w audience and the waiting hall, Cloyster directly took the three-round Rock blast from Crustle.

“Ticks~” The stone chips and dust shook off to the ground, Cloyster opened the shell with a peaceful expression.

There were three Rock blasts from the front. Not only was there nothing, but he didn’t even take a step back.

Sakai Forrest, who is confident in this offensive and has high hopes, his face is red and white at the moment, and his confidence has been hit quite hard.

“It’s so amazing, I took it from the front, and it looks like nothing.”

“This shellder of different colors has outstanding defensive ability.”


Most spectators in this game were more optimistic about Liang Ren’s side. Seeing that Cloyster received the attack from the front but was safe, the worry on his face turned into amazement.

“Impossible is not hurt at all, this kid must have pretended to be.” After Sakai was surprised, he didn’t believe it more.

“Crustle, continue to use Rock blasting.” Sakai Forrest unbelievably launched an offensive again.


The attack just now was taken down by Cloyster unharmed, and Crustle, whose self-confidence was also dampened, played supernormally this time and continued to blow Four Rock Blasts.


Liang Ren expressionless, he still doesn’t look at the face-to-face attack, which makes Sakai Forrest gnash the teeth with anger.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

Cloyster didn’t evade, and again injured four Rock blasts and hit him head-on. This time Sakai Forrest opened his eyes wide.

It seems that Detect Cloyster just looks impressive but is worthless. Behind the strong and calm expression, he has actually been seriously injured, and acting indifferently is just trying to be strong.

Under Attribute restraint, as long as the level difference between the two sides is not too big, the two waves of attacks will do their best—

Even if you can’t let Cloyster lose the combat capability, at least it is about to lose The edge of combat capability.

However, he was still disappointed.


Once again, four Rock blasts were hard-wired. Cloyster opened the shell, still nothing at all.

“The ice attribute was restrained by Rock Type, and it was hit by Rock blasting twice on the front. Impossible is nothing at all, unless the Alloyster Level is higher than the Crustle.”

“Ipossible ~Cloyster Level Impossible is taller than my Crustle. This kid is only 13 years old. How could it be possible to breed a Pokémon with a higher level than my main force.”

“It must be pretending, he must be pretending.” Thought of a possibility, but Sakai Forrest directly rejected it.

“Attack, continue to attack…”

“Crustle, use “X-Scissor”. “



“Crustle, use the “Rock Giant Cannon”. “

First carry, then fight, shake opponent’s self-confidence before launching a strong counterattack. Cloyster’s material defense capability was rated as S-Rank by the system, which is Liang Ren’s confidence.

Sakai Forrest from the very beginning held a contemptuous attitude towards Liang Ren, thinking that after defeating him strongly, he would gain his fame.

The greater the hope in his heart, when things did not develop according to his expectations , The greater the disappointment.

At this moment, Liang Ren not only shakes opponent’s self-confidence, but under the strong psychological gap, Sakai Forrest has gone wild.

“Cannon”, the great Unique Ability that Crustle was lucky enough to learn at the beginning, couldn’t help but Cloyster. Looking at the indifferent teenager on the opposite side, Sakai Forrest felt like he had become a joke.

Defeat the opponent and gain his reputation? hehe ~

At this moment, it seems that I should be reduced to a stepping stone for the other party, so that the talented youngster who can’t see the depth on the other side has a higher reputation in the Mauville City Stadium.

“Fighting enough, then I’m about to fight back.” Seeing Sakai Forrest’s frustrated face, Liang Ren raised the corner of his mouth and said loudly.

“Cloyster, use combo skills.” The sharp sword was frustrated by a strong shield. It is not a challenge to defeat such an opponent.


“Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin”, the thorn armor covered with stone dust became as clean as Shell Smash use. new.

“Angularization” polishes the spikes on the thorn armor to make it sharper, “Rapid Spin” use, Cloyster turns into a thorn Ice Ball, and smashes through the air moved towards Crustle .

Although Sakai Forrest has lost his confidence, as a professional trainer, he is not at all and just sits and waits.

Seeing that Cloyster finally launched an offensive, he wanted to end the battle quickly and didn’t want to continue to suffer here. Out of the last point of pride in his heart, he still gave Pokémon a head-on command.

“Crustle, use “Protect”. “Sakai Forrest yelled.


tone barely fell, the Ice Ball that Cloyster turned into has rushed in front of him. Fortunately, Crustle did not fall at all at a critical moment. Chain.

Reddish-brown’s crab claws crossed in front of you, and an eggshell-shaped light green shield blocked Cloyster from the outside.

“Crustle, good job Pretty. “Seeing Crustle blocking Cloyster’s attack, Sakai Forrest, who has no hope of this battle, can’t help but feel happy.

However, the joy on his face did not last for three seconds. Frozen.

“ka ka ~”

There is Absolute Defense’s “Protect” in the game. At this moment, it looks like a laminated glass car window that has been hit hard, sending out’ka ka’. The cracking sound of heavy burden.



The light shield finally reached its limit. After a crisp bang, it became fragmented, hiding behind Crustle was also knocked to the ground by Cloyster.

However, Crustle’s reaction was also astute. At the moment before the light shield shattered, it had retracted its body into the rock crust.

“Crustle, use sandstorms.”

“Meteorite will come from the sky, solve it for me!!”

The defensive power of the rock on Crustle’s back is amazing , But Crustle made the hole at the bottom of the block rock.

At this moment, turning his back on the ground, Crustle opened the empty door wide, exposing the weakest part of his defensive power in front of Cloyster, Liang Ren was naturally not polite.


Turning the body into the air, and then soaring into the sky like a Meteorite.

With a weight of more than 260 kilograms under Zhuan Zhuan + Gravity potential energy, he suddenly fell from a high altitude, and the sandstorm of Crustle use did not play a role in blocking it.

At the beginning of the Lilycove City Contest Conference, the’Meteorite Fall’, which destroyed the stage, hit Crustle’s abdomen, which was only protected by a thin rock shell.

The ground under him was cracked and sunken, and the Crustle shrank into the rock shell. Before he even screamed, he had lost the combat capability.

“Crustle can’t fight. In the first game, Blue’s Cloyster won.” The referee decisively pronounced the result.

“Lost…Lost~” Although there was no hope for a long time, but seeing Crustle, who lost the combat capability after only two rounds under Cloyster, Sakai Forrest still lost consciousness for an instant. .




“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”


In the first half, he did not dodge or dodge, and he carried Crustle’s attack aggressively. When the confidence of opponent was shaken, he officially started to counterattack.

“In the two rounds, Crustle was killed by Cloyster after only persisting for two rounds. This kid absolutely hides his strength. He is not a one-star professional trainer.”

” Believe…”

Respect powerhouse, pursue powerhouse, worship powerhouse, the supremacy of strength is the survival rule of Stadium.

At first, seeing the female companions around me cheering on the teenagers off the court with bright eyes, I still muttered’pretty boy’ in my heart. The male audience was very disdainful.

At this moment, seeing Liang Ren and Cloyster defeating opponent so aggressively, they changed their attitudes in an instant, and stood up from their seats with the people around them, cheering excitedly by the name of the teenager off the court.

Music and art…If you see more works, you will naturally have the ability to appreciate art.

I have watched more games at Stadium and paid more attention to professional trainers. The audience has gradually developed a certain degree of’discrimination and identification’ ability for trainers.

Off the field, this boy will definitely shine in Stadium in Mauville City. It will be a matter of time before Fengshen becomes the extremely powerful and arrogant Celebrity in the circle of professional trainers.


Ding, experience +300

Ding, found the attack Attribute value + 1

Ding, found the physical defense Attribute value +1

Ding, the value of the innate talent found +1


Liang Ren doesn’t know what the audience thinks, at this moment he has been Crustle within The body sputtered three Attribute coins of “one red and two white” to attract attention.

Before Sakai Forrest took Crustle back the baby ball, Liang Ren waved quietly to collect Attribute coins and experience fog.

It’s been a long time since I picked up the “innate talent red coin”, at first Liang Ren, who was still unhappy with Sakai Forrest, was a little grateful at this moment.

“Sure enough, there is no Pokémon innate talent carefully breeded by the trainer in Wild Pokémon——

“Mauville City Stadium is really here, I hope I can meet more in the future High-level trainer. “Liang Ren said elated heartily.

“Red player, please release the second Pokémon to play. “The referee shouted at the silent Sakai Forrest.

“Ah~Yes. “

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