“Red player, please release the second Pok茅mon to play.” The referee shouted to the silent Sakai Forrest.

“Ah~Yes.” Sakai Forrest hurriedly answered complied by the referee’s voice.

I glanced at Cloyster on the opposite side, hesitated, and finally selected a Pok茅 Ball and threw it out: “Come out, Dusclops.”


Dusclops is an evolution of Duskull. For Dusclops to evolve into the final form “Night Black Fiend”, a kind of strange Items called Reaper Cloth is needed.

The trainer who subdued this series of Pok茅mon can make it evolve to its final form. Very few. Even if there is, it is by chance that Fiend, who has evolved to its final form, was encountered in the wild by chance. Subdue.

Duskull in the hands of the trainer, evolving to Dusclops is the end, but in the Pok茅mon encyclopedia Pok茅dex, Duskull must evolve into Dusclops, and the level must also be Level 37.

Looking at the opposite person who was covered in gray bandages, with only a scarlet one-eyed Pok茅mon on his forehead, a strange color flashed across Liang Ren’s face.

“Is the Level at least Level 37 Dusclops? It seems that the opponent has revealed his hole cards in advance.” Liang Ren muttered to himself.

Sakai Forrest owns such a Dusclops with a level no lower than Cloyster. Although Liang Ren is surprised, the confidence on his face has not diminished.

His Cloyster’s strength is not measurable by Level. It has not yet encountered an opponent that can be matched in the same level.

“The game begins.” Sakai Forrest released the second Pok茅mon, and the referee also announced the official start of the second game.

Sakai Forrest is still the first attack: “Dusclops, use Confuse Ray.”

“Cloyster, the opponent’s level is not low, you can use your full strength.”

Liang Ren did not move slowly. Seeing that the opponent had launched an offensive, Liang Ren gave Cloyster instructions.


Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Cloyster nodded, the crystal icy corner of the shell is shining brilliantly, and the brightly lit Stadium Sky suddenly appeared a gloomy Dark clouds.

鈥渉ong long long 锝炩€?/p>

The lead cloud is like a turbulent black tide. The surging surging will cover the entire Stadium Sky in the blink of an eye. The light on the Stadium will be dark and the temperature will be dark. Plummet.

While the snow clouds spread, in the shocking eyes of the 50,000 spectators in the venue, Cui Green’s watercolor fainted in the dark sky.

The shapes and colors of the aurora formed under different magnetic fields are different. At the Lilycove City Contest Conference, the aurora that appeared in the summon was seven-color curtain-like aurora. At this moment, the aurora that appeared in the Stadium Sky was a green uniform light. Arc aurora.

Different shapes and colors give people different visual feelings.

In Mauville City, the sci-fi entertainment capital, the vivid green pure aurora is more pleasing to the eye than the colorful neon-like aurora.

Of course, it also has some psychological effects. Most of the people present have watched the game between Liang Ren and Drake, knowing that Cloyster can summon the colorful aurora of Mew.

When they think that the seven-color curtain-like aurora will appear for a while, the audience will feel surprises and surprises when the green uniform arc with aurora appears.


“Snowfall, aurora, and extremely cold body” are the innate talent characteristics of Cloyster. It does not require any stockpile preparation time, and the thoughts will turn the aurora , Hail summon came out.

Hail dropping from the sky, the temperature on the field dropped a lot.

“Ou~” Dusclops’ attack also arrived at this time, but the situation made Liang Ren a little surprised with the audience.

Dusclops not at all Use “Confuse Ray” according to Sakai Forrest’s instructions, but directly rushed forward, and a Shadow Punch slammed into Cloyster’s front door.

“Hey… it turned out to be a Pok茅mon that hasn’t been tamed.”

Liang Ren’s face showed a hint of anger. In a serious professional game, the opponent sent one to return There is no tamed Pok茅mon.

For his opponent, there is more or less an insult. It’s no wonder Liang Ren gets angry: “Cloyster, “Rapid Spin + Icy Wind”. “


The thorn armor is combined, Cloyster turns into a thorn Ice Ball and takes the initiative to face Dusclops’ shadow fist, shuttling through the freezing wind among the ice thorns I put on a Hurricane battle clothes for Cloyster.

The ice corners are as sharp as arrows, and the freezing wind is as sharp as a knife.


“Ou Woo! ! “

The snow-white thorn Ice Ball hit the dark Shadow Punch. Amid the dull collision, Dusclops screamed and flew out.

“Bladder night spirit, this game It is very important to me, please follow my instructions to fight. “

“Use, Fire Punch. “

Dusclops has just taken over, and it has sent several Pok茅mon wheels to defeat the opponent. Sakai Forrest can’t command Dusclops at all.


< p>The first round of confrontation was defeated, and Dusclops, who believed in his own strength, reluctantly obeyed Sakai Forrest’s instructions at this moment under the pressure of Cloyster.

On the ground, Dusclops burst out with fists. Crimson flames rushed towards Cloyster again.

“Cloyster, use Blizzard. “On the sidelines, Liang Ren shouted with a cold face.

The opposite party just barely cooperated, how could it be comparable to the tacit understanding of Liang Ren’s side.

The instruction is given and the Rapid Spin landed. The Cloyster used its current strongest attack Ability.

“hong long long……”

Smoke on the land and snow flakes wrapped in the white hair wind, like a furious head The giant beast of ice and snow, with a terrifying big mouth, swallowed Dusclops in one bite.

“Ou! ! “

The flame on the fist is like a match in the violent wind. It was swallowed by Blizzard and then blown out.

Dusclops, trapped in the vortex of wind and snow, for an instant Kung Fu has been beaten by the sharp snow flakes and the sharp Ice Shard.

The painful howling Growl came out, and Sakai Forrest was anxious. However, in the face of such a dilemma, let him think about it. For a while, I couldn鈥檛 find a way to resolve the crisis.



The raging Blizzard faded away, and Dusclops was directly frozen. An ice sculpture. Faced with such an opponent, Liang Ren didn鈥檛 have the slightest idea of 鈥嬧€婬old Back.

Use Rapid Spin鈥檚 Cloyster, once again turned into a thorn Ice Ball, broke through the air. The ice-breaking blow, Dusclops directly Lost the combat capability.

Ding, experience +370

Ding, found the anti-innate talent value +1

Ding, found the special anti-innate talent value +1


“Dusclops can’t fight. This game is won by Blue’s Cloyster. “Seeing that Dusclops fell to the ground and lost its combat capability, the referee announced Cloyster’s victory for the second time.

“This Cloyster is really strong. Although Dusclops doesn’t listen to Sakai’s instructions, it is the power of Level 37. Pok茅mon was solved by Cloyster with three tricks. “

“This is similar to the ending of the last game of Crustle, which was defeated in two or three rounds. “

“That’s right, at first I still envy this guy Sakai, who can match Mumu Liang Ren. At the moment, I should be glad I didn’t meet this guy. “

“Too strong. The two sides are not at the same level. Cloyster can easily defeat Dusclops. I am afraid that Level is at least Level 37. “

“This is impossible…”

There are many people in the waiting hall who don’t want to believe that a 13-year-old boy has been breed a powerful Pok茅mon that exceeds Level 37.

But the fact is right now. Cloyster defeated Dusclops and almost beat the opponent. Level 37 is just a conservative number.

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