There are many wild grasses and Bug Type Pokemon in the tall grass belt, Liang Ren not at all at night to disturb people’s dreams.

Looking at the Metasequoia forest deeper in the tall grass, Slowpoke Psychic wrapped Liang Ren and Riolu, and teleported directly.


The cold wind blowing in the middle of the night made the tall grass sway, little Tail Glow jumped on the tip of the grass, dark clouds covered the moon, all around looked gloomy and weird.

The young man holding Pokémon stood still in front of the black grass tomb, and a few middle-aged men who had just returned home from get off work stood curiously under the dim yellow street lamppost and looked at them.

However, at this moment, something terrible happened.

Standing in the waist-level waste grass beach, the only visible figure of the young black, Black, suddenly twisted and flickered like a ghost, and then disappeared from the face of the earth.


The few middle-aged men who happened to see this scene had their hair standing upright, and a chill came from the sole of their feet to the top of the head.

The middle-aged people looked at each other and confirmed that they were not the only ones who saw this scene. They suddenly called out strangely, and ran away with their briefcases in them.

Liang Ren didn’t know his own small move, so Xiangyou Village will spread the horrible ghost story of “Ghosts in the Wild Grass Beach”.


Liang Ren, who has entered the Metasequoia forest, is now starting to camp with a few Pokémon.

“Slowpoke, I’ll set up a tent. You spray some insect-controlling agent all around the camp.” Taking out the camping tools from the system warehouse, Liang Ren threw a bottle of insect-controlling spray to Slowpoke. .

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`)”

“ao 嗷——I will help too.”

“……”< /p>

Metasequoia is a deciduous tree with straight and tall trunks. Branches that are not at all too large are basically opposite branches.

The leaves of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are very similar to mimosa. The leaves are linear, opposite each other, and are pinnately compound leaves. They are green in spring and summer, and turn yellow after autumn, and some are even red.

In autumn, Metasequoia will lose its leaves. In the originally moist Metasequoia forest, this season has accumulated thick leaves, like a huge cushion.

Pidgeot and Cloyster helped guard the guard, Slowpoke sprayed insect-controlling agents all around the camp, and Riolu helped him set up a tent together.

Many people are powerful, and with Pokémon’s help, a campsite soon appeared in the Metasequoia forest.

Early dinner in the afternoon. After playing two games at the Stadium, Cloyster, Riolu… began to cry out again.

Liang Ren never criticizes anything when he eats it. After all, Pokémon has better physical fitness, digestion and metabolism.

High-intensity exercise and battle will consume a lot of physical strength, not to mention Riolu is now the time to grow his body.

Hearing Pokémon shouting hungry, Liang Ren decisively took out the cooking utensils, ingredients, and firewood from the system warehouse, and began to prepare supper.



In front of the camp, a lot of fire soon lit up, all around the darkness Was also dispersed.

The dry wood burned and made the sound of “crackle, beep…”, and the three pets crowded together around the fire could smell a soothing Resin fragrance.

From Fortree City, Liang Ren collected a lot of fresh mushrooms and wild vegetables along the way. At this moment, after washing, he cooked a pot of thick wild vegetable porridge.

“Eat Pokemon food before eating this.” Looking at the four pets with eager faces and constantly swallowed saliva, Liang Ren said irritably.

For two generations, Liang Ren’s culinary skills have always been very good.

Different from the Pokémon accepted by other trainers, only Pokemon food is eaten. Pidgeot, Slowpoke… They are the Pokémon in Liang Ren’s hands, which can be said to be very tasty.

When the thick porridge with fresh mushrooms and wild vegetables is cooked, some simple oils, salt and other seasonings are added. The taste is very rich and delicious. Riolu, Little Brat, eats bowl after bowl.

Looking at the fire burning, Liang Ren took out another iron plate and placed it on the shelf. He took out the “Rage Candy Bar” he bought a few afternoons and put it on the iron plate to heat it up.

The bright fire light, the smell of food, and the darkness of Metasequoia forest here draw a pair of covetous and prying eyes.

“si si ~”

In a short bush not far from the fire, a pair of maroon’s gloomy snake pupils looked at the talking and surrounding the fire in a complicated way. One person and three pets laughing.

As a Pokémon abandoned by two trainers before and after, the owner of these gloomy snake eyes has become distrustful of human trainers, even Spite.

But looking at the fire, I was holding a small bowl and feeding a big bird and shell Pokemon by myself. His face was full of gentle and petting teenagers, and his eyes suddenly became sour in his nose.

The two trainers who have subdued it have never treated it with pleasure. After discovering that it is physically disabled, unable to learn Ability moves, and completely unbearable, their attitude towards it has changed from severe Become disgusted.

“Ya Duo——٩(*´◒`*)۶”

I opened my mouth and took the Rage Candy Bar, which Liang Ren grilled and broke into small pieces and fed it with Slowpoke, who shook his head like Riolu, was eating deliciously, suddenly turned his head and looked at the bushes not far away.

Mental Force is powerful. I just felt a strong mood swing from the bushes, pain, sorrow, hatred, envy…


In the bushes, the Pokémon who was immersed in personal emotions suddenly and sensitively noticed that Slowpoke was looking at it. Unconsciously, he hurriedly twisted the snake’s body and flew into the darkness with a swish and disappeared. Trace.

“What’s the matter? Slowpoke.” Seeing Slowpoke looking towards the bushes, Liang Ren thought it had noticed some danger, and his expression became serious.

“Ah duo—it’s okay. I just felt Wild Pokemon peeking in the bushes, but now it has left.”

See Liang Ren suddenly so solemn, Slowpoke He waved his hand and explained quickly, so that Liang Ren didn’t have to be so nervous.

It has been almost a year since it was taken over at the dried fish farm on the beach of Cerulean City. At first, it just followed Liang Ren with a free meal ticket mentality.

However, as I get along longer, I admire Slowpoke very much for myself as a trainer, whether it is dealing with people, studying and exercising.

I’m not old, but the mature, steady, and wise… all peers can’t compare. Slowpoke, who faces a silly thief, is gradually impressed by Liang Ren’s personality charm.

To accompany Liang Ren to grow up, fight for Liang Ren, entrust all his trust and loyalty to him, go forward alone and courageously, and chase the seemingly remote but brilliant The dream of a brilliant powerhouse.

“Now, I have the ability to keep you safe, my companion, my master, and my trainer.”

See you who returned to smile after listening to it. Liang Ren, Slowpoke’s rice-sized pupil, flashed a touch of deep attachment and dependence.

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