Pidgeot was standing guard on the big tree next to the camp. The first night of Metasequoia forest was not at all disturbed by Wild Pokémon.

sky first glimmers of light, everything is fascinating, the moonlight fades gradually, and there is a pre-dawn silence in Fragrant Pomelo Village.

It’s the Metasequoia forest where Liang Ren sleeps. Tianma is bright at six in the morning, and the early Pokémon is rustling around.

Two Linones with a group of Zigzagoon dig through the thick fallen leaves in the forest with their paws to look for the fallen Metasequoia fruit, making a crash-bang sound.

“Bzz Bzz…”

“Riolu, Slowpoke, ready to get up for morning exercises.”

Bzz Bzz vibrating mobile phone alarm clock by the pillow, will sleep lightly Liang Ren woke up, shook Slowpoke and Riolu, who were still sleeping together, curled up in the bed, and Liang Ren got up and dressed.

“Ya Duo——(‘-ωก̀)”

“ao 嗷——٩(*´◒`*)۶”

Sleepy eyes The distressed Slowpoke and the energetic Riolu heard Liang Ren’s voice, and both of them did not sleep in bed.

A few days ago, I didn’t sleep well because I was in a hurry, otherwise Slowpoke and Riolu would have already woke up at this time.

There are trainers who lead by example, Liang Ren has no habit of sleeping in bed with the few Pokémons he has.

Pidgeot, who was guarding the branch next to the camp, replaced it with a new nest. The Cloyster of Rest in the modified Dive Ball was called out last night.

After washing with four pets, Liang Ren also started preparing for morning exercises.

“Old rules, wake up first.” Liang Ren climbed onto Pidgeot’s back first, followed by Slowpoke, Riolu, and Cloyster.

Since the previous experience of high-altitude bungee jumping, the Liang Ren team has had a small activity called “Awakening God” before the morning exercise.

“Beep Eagle~”

“hu hu……”

Seeing that Liang Ren and his three companions have been seated firmly on the wide camping clearing, Pidgeot He cleared his throat and let out a sing, then flapped his wings and carried one person and three pets towards the outside of Metasequoia forest.

After autumn, the morning breeze became a little bit cooler.

However, as the sun rises from the mountains in the east, Pidgeot flies higher and higher, Liang Ren on his back is also bathed in the Golden Morning Sun, his body and cheeks become warm.


Riding on the morning breeze, the strong wings rushed out of the mist Barrier of the Metasequoia forest Sky and crossed the high hills and stone hills.

Until they flew into the sea of ​​clouds that was shining golden red by the morning sun, overlooking the Hoenn River below, the ships on the river that had just left the port and set sail at this moment became only a willow leaf size.

“Woo~It’s good to see the scenery on the sea of ​​clouds.”

On the sea of ​​clouds, Liang Ren sitting cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back, his body reflected the morning sun Morning Sun, the whole person Just like the immortals of Xia Shiwu and Feng Xu Yufeng in the previous mythology.

After watching the sunrise in the sea of ​​clouds, one of the three pets looked at each other with excitement and smile, and Liang Ren stood up from Pidgeot’s back on his knees.

“Slowpoke, Riolu, Cloyster, are you ready~”

The 2000m sea of ​​clouds, looking down from the bottom, the scenery on the ground looks extremely small, at this moment Liang Ren moved towards the sea of ​​clouds After looking at it, he turned his head towards Slowpoke, Riolu… and asked.

“Ya duo——(-^〇^-)”

“ao 嗷——(∩ω∩)”

“Kaka—— (^_^)”

“Beep Eagle———(՞ਊ՞)”

“Now that I’m ready, I will count one, two, three, and we will dance together “The smile on Liang Ren’s face became brighter when the four pets answered excitedly.

“One, two, three-jump!!”

At the top of the sea of ​​clouds, on Pidgeot’s back, after the password was shouted, the three Pokémon followed the boy excitedly from 2000 meters high. Jumped down.

“Shuang Ahhh~(tremolo)”

“Wow yeah~ (tremolo)”

“Beep Eagle——Boss, I’m here~ La ~ la ~ la ~ la ~ la ~”

Seeing a person with three pets jumping down, Pidgeot also retracted its wings, and his body was like an arrow from the string moved towards Piercing the sea of ​​clouds, chasing Liang excitedly Ren and they fell down.



I saw Ghost at the Wild Grass Beach last night, and one of the timid middle-aged man did not sleep all night Well, I get up too late in the morning and rushed to the ferry before breakfast.

Just halfway out of Xiangyou Village, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a little urinary urgency. He looked around, then turned into a low wall beside the main road and solved it on the spot.

The warm morning sun shines on the water pipes, the clogged canals are opened to release water, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, with a briefcase under his arm, whistling, and the water hua hua flows right. Smooth.

However, at this moment, a strange and terrifying Growl came from the sky above the head from far and near.

The middle-aged man looked up. After hitting a ghost last night, he saw a horrible scene that he would never forget for a lifetime.

A young man with pale face, bulging eyes and scarlet gums, like a white corpse, fell from the sky. He raised his head to meet the young man’s hideous and terrifying face.

The middle-aged man who is hiding behind the wall of long grass and letting water, with his cold hair standing upright and a shivered body, hua hua’s faucet that let out the water swishes back and his pants are full of unclean drops. Both.


The middle-aged man screamed strangely, pulling on his trousers chain while holding the briefcase, and panicked and ran towards the road outside.


“Slowpoke, it’s up to you.” Unprotected bungee jumping from a height of 2,000 meters in the sea of ​​clouds, he was about to fall into the wild grass beach and die.

Liang Ren with his hair messed up, his mouth filled with wind, his upper and lower lips puffed up, revealing his mouth full of teeth and gums, shouted to Slowpoke next to him.


The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment in the previous life, which is the proof of the Galileo Sky Drop experiment.

Two objects with different weights are dropped at the same height, because different air resistances are different, and it is not that the heavy object falls on the Ground first.

At this moment, Liang Ren and the four Pokémons proved this again. Pidgeot, whose convergent wings swooped down like an arrow, received the least air resistance, so the latter came first and rushed to the front of Liang Ren. .

The ranked second is Cloyster, which is micro-sealed, followed by Liang Ren, Riolu, and Slowpoke.

Slowpoke, who was about to fall into the wild grass beach, screamed with excitement, suddenly burst into pink energy flames, surging Psychic gushing out, and falling to death on the spot not at all happened.

The four pets of one person were supported by Psychic when they were about to fall to Ground, and the wild grass growing underneath was staggered by the strong wind from top to bottom.

Have a Pidgeot capable of manning a flying, plus Slowpoke needs to watch the cloud cultivation “Calm Mind Surgery”. So far, the Liang Ren team doesn’t know when they have been to the sea of ​​clouds to watch the sunrise and sunset every day habit.

Of course, it is not only to watch the sunrise and sunset, but sometimes to the sea of ​​clouds, let Pidgeot carry them for a nap, drive, bungee jumping, eat snacks, dry clothes, and occasionally watch the moon and count the stars.

Compared with the three-point line when I was in school, my life is undoubtedly more colorful when I travel with Pokémon.

Liang Ren didn’t know the activity of “Awakening God” just now, and he also helped a middle-aged office worker to wake up, but the price was almost shrinking.

I finished watching the sunrise, and my sleepiness was completely gone. After returning to the Metasequoia forest, Liang Ren also began his morning exercises with his four pets.

“Pidgeot is practicing obstacle avoidance in the woods, Cloyster uses Mist to interfere with the line of sight while attacking Pidgeot.”

“Slowpoke helps Riolu and me apply the Gravity field while you yourself Doing two things at the same time for Calm Mind.”

“Riolu, you warm up with me first, and then do a morning run in the woods.”

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