
The sun has quickly risen to the center of the sky, and the Metasequoia forest wet with overnight dew has been roasted and dried, and my feet are stepped on the crisp fallen leaves There was a rustling sound.

The mountain beam trained by Pidgeot is in the north of the Metasequoia forest, not at all roads in the middle. Liang Ren and Riolu climbed the mountain beam for a while.

The wind on the mountain beam is very strong, and the sun is also very strong. Standing on the mountain beam that is bare and not covered by vegetation, the skin on the cheeks, neck, and arms is hot from the sun.


It is obviously not only Liang Ren who has this feeling. He walks through the slopes, rocks, shrubs and thorns one by one, hearing the sound of footsteps. A rumbling pheasant, oh la la flapped its wings in the grass nest and flew up.

Although Astonish flutters its wings in the bushes and grass nests on the hillside, when the body leaves the ground, a male and a female two rumbling pheasants are transformed into sky’s Pokemon .

The dark golden bird eyes are full of passion, the colorful bird feathers reflect the metallic luster in the sun, and the vast sky can fascinate every bird Pokémon.

Longlong pheasant is a kind of bird, Pokémon, which is good at flying. At this moment, two figures moved towards sky, and the huge sun flies away.

They shouted’Hoothoot Long’ along the way, flying free and forgetting, like a group of children spoiled by nature.

Willful and mischievous chasing each other in the air, they flew towards the sun directly above, and cast a string of round and full tweets.

However, at this moment, there was a clear carving sound from the empty and high sky.

“Beep Diao——!!!”

This is Pidgeot’s voice. After getting along for a long time, Liang Ren can hear the strong ridicule in Pidgeot Growl.

The string of birdsong is full of sarcasm and contempt. It is a kind of Growl like the peacock mocking the crow, the eagle mocking the grass chicken, and the lion mocking the hyena.

Liang Ren, who was standing on the ridge with Riolu, heard Pidgeot’s voice and looked up. It turned out that the two rumbling pheasants that fluttered to face the sun just now turned back.

Two rumbling pheasants screamed loudly, half-squinting their eyes, their backs facing the blazing sun, seemingly unable to stand the dazzling brilliance of the sun, seemingly unable to embrace the vast clear sky.

They fell back to the distant hillside and plunged into the lush bushes. There was no sunlight in the bushes, and the chaos of night remained in the grass nest.

In the circle, the trainers have drawn various levels for Pokémon, not only according to the rarity, Species Strength, but also the level of Pokemon’s own life form.

Liang Ren read a biography in the Celadon City library before. The author of that book is a Flying Type trainer who is dedicated to training Pidgeot, Braviary, and Staraptor.

Different from Liu Qing and his family of bird trainers, who have great love for all birds Pokémon, the trainer only likes Pidgeot, Braviary and Staraptor three birds Pokémon.

For the Pokémon of other families, most of them hold a contemptuous attitude. In the chain of contempt by the other party, the rumbling pheasant, the Unova family bird Pokémon, is at the bottom.

Longlong pheasant is a kind of unpromising grass bird——

Longlong pheasant, such weak birds, are not worthy of flying against the sun. They are small and lacking. The glorious eyes cannot stand the direct rays of the sun.

Their feathers are flamboyant and beautiful in the eyes of some people, but in fact they are not tenacious enough to withstand the strong and overbearing caress of the sun.

Their muscles are too tender and they are afraid of being roasted by the sun, and their souls are too monotonous, and they are afraid of losing themselves in the ever-changing ocean of light.

Longlong pheasants are a kind of unpromising grass bird——

Although they also yearn for the sky and the bright world composed of colorful sunlight, they have no guts and no Fly towards the sun with courage.

Even if they flew towards the sun on a whim, they often return halfway and just taste it.

They love the sun, but they are afraid of the sun; they hate the night, but they are attached to the night.

They chase the sun, but it’s just a game, a kind of embellishment of life. A dull guy like them, they only accompany hiding in the grass nest, pecking insects and eating grass seeds.

But, Pidgeot…different.

Pidgeot is a bird of prey, the king of sky, and a bird with a proud soul, Pokémon.

Pidgeot has a completely different style from the slender grass bird like Rumble Pheasant. Whenever the rosy morning light rises on the eastern horizon in the early morning, Pidgeot goes from the misty sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces. Or take off from the top of a towering giant tree.

With the boredom of the long night and the yearning for the day, moved towards gradually raised morning sun and flew away.

Pidgeot…has the brightest and sharpest eyes, the strongest wings, and the most brilliant feathers among all the birds of Pokémon.

I plunged into the early morning mist and flew away in the dazzling sun———

The huge wings were wet by the heavy mist, and then dried by the sun. Wet, wet and dry, just like steel knives repeatedly forging and quenching in the hearth and cold spring, each time it repetitively strengthens the wings and feathers and becomes tougher.

The sun is a huge Fireball, and it emits light like billions of golden arrows at all birds Pokémon trying to fly towards it.

At first, all other birds, Pokémon, who were attracted by the magnificent sunrise like Pidgeot…, were finally frustrated by the dazzling light, and then squinted their eyes and squatted their wings to draw a beautiful sky The circle, griefly, retreated back the same way.

Only Pidgeot…without fear of the strong sun rays, the deep and bright pupils are like dry sponges, absorbing this dazzling light happily.

Even if the eyes are sore that tears are shed, Pidgeot…this haughty bird of prey can endure the pain in the eyes, soar in the face of the sun, and drop muddy tears on the wild mountains. .

Among that many birds Pokémon, only Pidgeot… has withstood the test of the sun and flew bravely into the world of brilliant light composed of colorful sunlight.

Absorbed a lot of sunlight, Pidgeot’s eyes became bright and sharp, shining with gem-like brilliance all the time.

Pidgeot’s wings have absorbed enough sunlight. After repeated tempering and forging, it’s like repainting the tones of the sun. The wings become stronger and stronger, and the feathers become stronger and sharper. Glamorous.

Pidgeot is the most beautiful bird in the world. Although the author of that book also accepted Pokémon, Braviary and Staraptor.

There is no lack of praise and praise for these two birds, Pokémon, but the author of that book clearly surpassed the latter’s evaluation of Pidgeot.

Pidgeot this bird Pokémon ———

It has the arrogant soul of Staraptor, but it is not as arrogant and arrogant as Staraptor; it has the courage of Braviary, but it does not have the reckless and violent character of Braviary. .

Pidgeot has the most Contest appearance, but also has the best quality.

In the Sky Palace, Ho-Oh and the three Divine Birds are only suitable to be carved into statues and painted on Totem pillars to be admired. Braviary can be a brave warrior and Staraptor can be a commander.

But in the Sky Palace, the most noble throne, only Pidgeot, a beautiful, powerful, and wise bird, can sit on it.

The reason why he chose Pidgey as his initial Pokémon, Liang Ren asked himself, it was probably because he had read this book.


The autumn sky is clear and vast. Above the high sky, Pidgeot’s burly body can only see a little shadow.

Pidgeot has very good eyesight. Golden Fire Eyes, forged by the sun, can spot Ground’s prey at an altitude of several kilometers.

Seeing Liang Ren taking Riolu to the mountain beam to see him, Pidgeot raised his neck and let out a clear bird song, and the solemn, sacred, domineering golden flame suddenly burst out of Pidgeot’s body.

The golden flame Divine Bird swooped down from the high sky. On the exposed mountain beam, the young man’s eyes were full of admiration.

“It was only a morning of special training. Didn’t expect “Divine Bird” to increase its power so much. It seems that Pidgeot will be able to get started soon, relying on Eagle’s inheritance to begin to attack Elite. “Liang Ren muttered.

“Beep Eagle——”

The Divine Bird golden flame was collected within the body, the burly Pidgeot landed with a gust of wind.

“Pidgeot, I have been training hard. After taking a break, we will go back to the forest and prepare lunch. “

On the bare mountain ridge, the handsome young man in sneakers, knee-length shorts, and a white tank top hugged Pidgeot’s neck with his sturdy arms.

That breath Pokémon, a huge bird that is powerful and several heads higher than the young man, also lowered its proud head tenderly and rubbed it affectionately on the young man’s cheek.

The strong wind swept across the mountain ridge, and the thin, yellow autumn grass on the slope was It blew to the side and made a rustle.

Ranked and landed on Pidgeot’s back, Liang Ren and Riolu rode Pidgeot back to the yellow metasequoia forest camp under the mountain beam.

“Ya Duo ——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren I’m hungry! ! “

“Ticket–Master, I’m also hungry. “

Pidgeot landed at the camp in the forest. Slowpoke and Cloyster, who had finished training, have returned. Liang Ren jumped off Pidgeot’s back and heard two guys shouting hungry.

< p>“Okay, I will cook immediately. “Looking at Slowpoke, who was lying on the picnic mat in large print, rolling around weakly, Liang Ren’s face was full of petting smiles.

But he was not idle either. High-intensity training consumes a lot of money. , So it’s very important to eat a big meal to supplement the nutrition after the training.

There is a saying in the circle of trainers, Pokémon wants to improve its strength, “seven points by eating, three points by training” and It is not without scientific basis.


After training for a whole morning, although several Pokémons were very tired, they did not let Liang Ren work alone.

Slowpoke helps to wash the vegetables, Pidgeot helps to collect firewood, Riolu helps to watch the fire.

August is the last season for tigers to wreak havoc in autumn. The weather becomes repetitive and the temperature is sometimes even hotter than summer.

At this time, it is particularly important to have an ice attribute Pokémon that can help with frozen drinks.

Cloyster, a portable portable refrigerator, quickly cools down. The “Sprite, Coke, soda, juice…” that Liang Ren handed over to it quickly became cold.

The dry forest wind blows through, and the aroma of the food on the campsite is floating so that every corner of the forest can be smelled.

A certain Pokemon who was hiding in the bushes came to peek again, and began to salivate in his mouth.

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