“si si ~”

Although he is confident of his speed, he can feel that the four Pokémons in the camp are very powerful.

It has the idea of ​​charge ahead to grab food from the opponent, but it is rationally told that it cannot do so. Of course, there is another reason why it didn’t even notice it.

He is physically disabled and weak and has low self-esteem. He does not want this young man to see his appearance, and at the same time, he does not want to leave a bad impression on him.


After lunch, Liang Ren took Pidgeot and went down Hoenn Henan, flew to the sea for a while, and lay on Pidgeot’s back to sleep. It took a short nap for half an hour.

The sun shines on the body warm, the tight muscles relax, and the hard bones seem to become soft and weak.

The sea breeze hu hu and the waves hua hua, and Wingull, which shuttles between the waves, screams “gulls and gulls”, everything is hypnotic.

The spring is sleepy and the autumn is tired, and the summer takes a nap.

Being sleepy is not simply a seasonal phenomenon, it is more of the lazy nature of people themselves, which cannot be changed.

But the reason why people are human is because there is an even more commendable rationality on the perceptual level.

There will be training in the afternoon. One person and three pets don’t at all sleep for too long. After 20 minutes, the mobile phone alarm in the pocket rang, and Liang Ren woke up.


Without Liang Ren’s reminder and supervision, Cloyster greeted him and rolled off Pidgeot’s back, sinking into the invisible shadow of the blue sea below trace.

“Ah duo——(‘-ωก̀)I went to training, and I also hope that the opponent of the Stadium qualifying night will be stronger. If the bird brother is like my Beibei last night, then I don’t have a chance to play again.”

“ao 嗷——(•͈ᴗ•͈ૢૢ) Dumb brother, you can form a team with me, we will participate in doubles matches together.”

“Ya duo——(´・ω・)ノ(._.`) Xiaolu, you are really tooyoungtoosimple.

“Don’t think about doubles matches. The reason why you teamed up with you for doubles yesterday, It was Liang Ren who was afraid that losing the game on the first day would hurt your confidence, and you brat yourself in the next game. “

Touched the head of Riolu’s puppy, Riolu with a smirk on his face, floating in the air, flew towards the sea of ​​sky clouds with a whistling sound.

“ao 嗷——o( (⊙﹏⊙))o It turned out to be like this. “After hearing Slowpoke’s words, Riolu has a shocked expression.

Seeing Riolu’s emotional depression, Liang Ren couldn’t help but laugh, and said comforted: “Well, don’t worry.

“I asked DaDa to team up with you yesterday, not because I didn’t believe in your strength, but because I wanted to participate in the qualifying match at night, so I wanted to win the next game to win the prize.

“Level 10 is the minimum requirement to participate in the city Stadium. The strength of the ordinary trainer in the branch is also around Level 20. The one-star professional trainer expert in the main venue, Pokémon is only at level 30. fluctuation. “

“The first time I played in Stadium, your bird brother was still a 1Level 2 Pidgey, and the result was not a leapfrog victory over a Level 23 Fearow. “

“You are now at Level 21 and can be regarded as a small expert in the branch field, so you must have confidence in your own strength. “

Liang Ren crossed Riolu’s neck and smiled comforted.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Xiaolu You are a male dog, so you have to be male, bird Brother, I will always support you. “

“ao 嗷——(^v^) good brother bird, I will cheer. “

Although Riolu is serious and pragmatic, he is also a typical stuffy character. Fortunately, after being comforted by Liang Ren Pidgeot, it rekindled his fighting spirit.

Slowpoke, Cloyster this The young couples have already started training. After Pidgeot sent Liang Ren and Riolu back to the Metasequoia camp, they flew to the north mountain beam again and started the afternoon exercise.

“Riolu, let’s start too. “Liang Ren said.

“ao ao~” Riolu is full of fighting spirit.



Afternoon training It is not the connection of “fist, foot, knee and elbow” moves, Liang Ren has another arrangement here.

When purchasing materials in Mauville City yesterday, in addition to the “enhancement tonic” that enhances all aspects of Pokémon’s quality, and the “PP Max” that tempering and purifying power.

Liang Ren also bought “Paw Strengthening Medicine” specifically for Riolu, and bought two TMs of “Iron Defense and Piaopiaoquan” after shopping.

Paw strengthening medicine is prepared for training “alloy claws”. Iron Defense currently does not have a steel type in Riolu, so there is no way to learn it. However, Riolu can learn from “Piaopiaoquan”.

In this afternoon’s training, Riolu’s task is to master the “Piaopiao Boxing” and to further enhance the formidable power of “Alloy Claw”.

Alloy claw Riolu has learned it when he was in Lilycove City, and the training on alloy claw has not fallen for a while.

There is no problem with the use of attack skills. The reason why I can’t continue to improve is because of the current development of Riolu’s claws.

Now with the aid of “claw strengthening medicine”, the formidable power of alloy claw is a step up, not at all.

As for the learning of “Piaopiaoquan”, there is the power of the system, and there are not all difficulties in it.

However, before the formal study, Liang Ren still needs to explain the principle of Piaopiaoquan to Riolu, which will help to further master this ability.

“Piaopiaoquan, also known as “Dizzy Punch, stun punch”, it is a normal type of movement, the punch contains a shock of dark power, hitting the opponent can make the opponent into chaos . “

“This is the first Ability trained by Kanto Region trainers. You have also played “Pokemon Red/Green” installed in your PSP game console. This is Kangaskhan’s unique Ability. “

” Although the game explains that only 20% of the probability makes the opponent into chaos, in actual combat, as long as the two fists attack at the same time and attack like Comet Punch, it can completely make the opponent 100%. Get into chaos to play the control effect. “

While explaining to Riolu the principle of fist moves, Liang Ren will demonstrate for Riolu himself.

He doesn’t know how to fist, but how to play 100% chaotic control behind him The effect, these technical things, he sees very transparently.

“ao 嗷——”

Training family traditions, hand-to-hand teaching, and Riolu perception is very high, After practicing Riolu several times, it will be done.

Of course, this meeting, just talking about the skills of the moves and routines, will be the concussion and dark energy contained in “Piaopiaoquan” itself, Riolu not at all clues, also not at all master.

This Liang Ren is not surprised. Pokémon has the power of all kinds of strange things, and many Ability moves are born.

But in fact, going back in time, Pokémon has mastered various powers that amaze human beings. It is not bad to use various Ability moves, but the ability to master can actually be counted on one’s fingers.

The ultra-ancient Ninetales may be “Ember, Flamethrower…”, but they may not be “big characters”;

The ultra-ancient Incineroar may be “Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Throat Chop……”, but not necessarily “DD Golden Hook Arm”.

In the long course of history, many Ability moves were developed by Pokémon and the trainer working together.

Predecessors planted trees, and later generations enjoy the shade. The power of Genetic has enabled Pokémon to master a variety of moves. There are also many Ability templates for learning.

Predecessors have spent much time researching the dark energy that can make opponent into chaos through physical contact. Liang Ren doesn’t know, but it will take a long time to come.

Perhaps in a long time, the first trainer to develop the “Piaopiaoquan” Ability moves also enjoys a very high reputation in the circle.

Just like the Martial Artist in the historical wuxia novel that Liang Ren reads in his leisure time:

Suo Feng Knife-Xiahou Dun

Yiyang Finger-Duan Zhixing

From the palace man-Yue Buqun


Today’s Ability moves for trainers and Pokémon to choose and learn are real long, long ago Unique Ability, every powerful move will give birth to a true powerhouse.

Under normal circumstances, with the help of the Ability learning device, Pokémon has to realize the shock and dark power in “Piaopiaoquan” at least a few months or more, and it may not be successful.

But Liang Ren owns the system, and this difficult and complicated learning process was directly reduced to an instant.

Seeing that Riolu has mastered the skills he talked about, and is also familiar with the principles of boxing moves, Liang Ren is aware of the communication system backpack and finds the grid that stores the TM “Piao Piao Quan” and clicks to use it.






Liang Ren clicked to use it and looked at Riolu with a serious expression, suddenly frowned and fell into thought.

After a few minutes, a flash of light flashed, Riolu eyes opened, his eyes shone, and a clear comprehension suddenly appeared in my heart.

In just a few minutes, it has realized that it takes several months or even six months to master the shock fist strength.

“Have you mastered it?” Seeing the joy on Riolu’s face, Liang Ren also knew that he had mastered the essence of “Piaopiaoquan”.


Riolu didn’t respond. It answered Liang Ren’s question with action.

Similar to Ability “Force Palm”, but in fact it is just an ordinary inch fist use, which oscillates the dark power and blesses the fist.

A piece of Metasequoia leaves that happened to fall from the branch, as soon as it touched Riolu’s small fist, it was directly destroyed by the fist strength of the concussion, and the fibrous tissue structure of the veins was destroyed, and it fell down like it fell apart.

“Yes, this is indeed the shock and dark energy contained in “Piaopiaoquan”. “Seeing the falling Metasequoia leaves, Liang Ren nodded said happily.

“However, this is just a preliminary understanding. This afternoon we will not do the “alloy claw” training for the time being, and concentrate on the “piaopiaoquan”. Master, and strive to reach the level of practical use before the Stadium tonight. “

“ao ao~” Riolu replied full of fighting spirit.



Riolu is indeed a practice A good seedling of Fighting technique, 5 hours in the afternoon, half an hour of exercise and a few minutes of rest.

In fact, after only 4 hours of practice, Riolu’s mastery of “Piaopiaoquan” has reached the level of application. To the extent of actual combat.

A new Ability move, from learning to being used in actual combat, took only an afternoon of effort. No one would believe it, but Liang Ren and Riolu did it.

【Riolu 】♂

Level :21


Character: Energetic and loyal

Feature: Mental Force

Stamina: 48【D】Green

Attack: 87【C】Blue

Defense: 45【D】

Special attack: 35[D]

Special defense: 45[D]

Speed: 73[C] blue

Comprehensive: 333


(Fake Attack, Force Palm, Spark Flash, Counter, Work Up) [Top Rank]

(Extrreme Speed, Endure, Alloy Claw, Aura Sphere 、Piaopiaoquan)【intermediate rank 】


I have learned fighting technique systematically, and the solid Riolu practiced this afternoon, “Piaopiaoquan” The proficiency has reached the intermediate rank.

Liang Ren is looking forward to Riolu’s performance in the Stadium night.

Call back Pidgeot and Slowpoke through the bond link, and then let Slowpoke call Cloyster back.

Western Mountain is thinning, the rippling Hoenn River reflects the orange red sunset on the horizon, Liang Ren in the Metasequoia forest has already begun to prepare dinner.

Several Pokémon rested to relieve physical fatigue and regain strength, while making final preparations for the night game.


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