In the mid-autumn of August, the daylight is gradually shortening, “18:00” the sky is completely dark, Liang Ren has just had dinner here, and the time has come to “17:30”.

The sun has set, and the burning clouds hanging upside down on the western horizon reflect the reed velvet flowers on the banks of the Hoenn River, as if there are bright red sparks beating.


When we arrived at the ferry, a ferry just about to return to the West Bank, Liang Ren hurriedly bought tickets with Slowpoke and Riolu to rush up.

The sunset glow is shining on the river, and the sparkling waves are also dyed red, which is very beautiful.

“Gull gull~”

This section of the Hoenn River is close to the mouth of the sea, and there are several Wingulls flying against the river surface.

Looking into the distance, from time to time you can see a few over-energy Magikarp leaping out of the water, with a string of water drops on the tail of the tail, shining brilliantly in the sunset glow.

Ten minutes later, the ferry stopped at the West Bank Ferry. Liang Ren took Riolu to the Pokémon Center for some recovery, and then took the subway to Mauville City Stadium.


Yesterday was also the city Stadium that came over at this point in time. The square outside the huge and majestic tower-shaped prism building has already attracted many trainers and spectators.

The only difference from when I came yesterday.

When I came here today on the subway, he was recognized by a few student girls carrying shoulder bags, and then a few girls pestered him like little fans, not only taking photos, but also letting him in the bag and Signed Poké Ball.

“Liang Ren, cheer for tonight’s game~ We will go over and give you support.”


Passengers on the subway With diverse identities, not everyone pays attention to the trainer circle, and not everyone likes to watch games at Stadium. Only a few people recognize him.

But when he appeared on the square outside Stadium, a few people saw him first, and then a group of people recognized him, and finally the overwhelming majority on the square watched and discussed him.



I am afraid that I will be entangled in a group photo and have to sign, listening to all around, the discussion is getting more and more The more excited the trainer, Liang Ren quickly walked into the Stadium player registration hall.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” The female staff member at the front desk lifts the head. After seeing Liang Ren’s face, she warmly received her.

“Help me report a “1v1” singles match at the branch. In the evening, I will book a qualifying match on the night of the main venue battle. “

Handing over the record card, Liang Ren directly explained his intention.

“Okay, please wait a moment. “

Working in Stadium in Mauville City, the staff is no stranger to Liang Ren, a talented rookie who has recently become famous. He is a one-star professional trainer, and many people know it.

< p>“Okay, the “1v1” match you reported, Mr. Liang Ren, will officially start on the 12th branch after half time. As for the qualifying, it will be the second main venue tonight, and the sixth group will appear. “

The teller handed the record card back to Liang Ren and preached respectfully.

Mauville City Stadium, there are 24 branch venues, 3 main venues, and 1 Peak. Stadium.

In the same level 1, the higher the venue number, the greater the weight, the better the seat rate, and the higher the attention of the game.

The first time for Liang Ren yesterday. Come to play the game, although he is very famous in the circle, but Stadium official two games, still arranged for him in the lowest weighted branch No. 24 and No. 3 home venue.

The order of appearance, he He didn’t pay any attention to the finale. Instead, he was ranked first in the game.

Last night at the branch, the home venue, a doubles game, and a 3v3 qualifying match, Liang Ren used absolute pressure Winning with his posture proved his strength.

After the match, Mauville City City Stadium, immediately re-evaluated his strength, and his attention was greatly increased.

Let’s play again today. The match was the same as yesterday. In the same branch and the main venue, he was arranged to play in the 12th branch and the 2nd main venue.

And he was no longer regarded as a warmer , In the order of appearance, he is also a little bit behind here, quite a kind of finale protagonist treatment.

“Okay, thank you. “

It’s not the first time to play in Stadium. He is very clear about the doorways.

These subtle changes Liang Ren sees, Mauville The official attention of City City Stadium has increased a lot, but Liang Ren not at all cares too much.

It’s just over to play two games, and the prize money has not been increased as a result. He doesn’t care about some meaningless details. .

Holding Slowpoke and leading Riolu to the 12th branch, there are many players in the waiting hall, although most of them are amateur trainers without star certification, but there are others like him. Come to the branch to practice Pokémon’s star-rated professional trainers.

Star-rated professional trainers play in the branch. Information about participating in Pokémon must be registered in advance, and opponent will also arrange from the same professional trainer.


This is a unique protection mechanism for Stadium to prevent amateur trainers who have not reached the star rating from being matched with professional trainers during the period of maintaining a winning streak and hitting the star.

Giant Pidgeot, Slowpoke, white Cloyster, Riolu, as they became famous in the Hoenn trainer circle, these Pokémons have almost become Liang Ren’s identity tags.

Liang Ren walked in with two Pokémons The waiting hall, unsurprisingly, received great attention again.

“Is he Mumu Liang Ren? Looks very young. “

“Small age does not mean poor strength. In the two games last night, the “1.2” doubles in the branch met Eiji Kikumaru, a member of the “Golden Doubles” combination of Qingxue.

Everyone thought he was going to lose. He didn’t expect his strength to crush the opponent in that game. In the qualifying match at the main venue at night, he even used Cloyster to cross three and beat the opponent. The mentality directly exploded. “

“I didn’t watch his branch game yesterday afternoon, but I saw the game at the main venue in the evening. The heterochromatic Cloyster is better~”

” Right. “

“didn’t expect that he will play a game with us in the same venue today, I don’t know which bad luck guy will match him, when the time comes is definitely a strength crush. “

“Don’t talk too much, you are so confident in him?” “

“Hehe, let’s put it here first, my cousin told me personally, this guy is definitely more than one star. I’m afraid he hasn’t used all his strength in the game yesterday. “

“Hey, I remember your cousin is a two-star professional trainer, if he said so, the credibility is still very high. “

“No way, you can crush the opponent without using your full strength, how strong is it after using your full strength.” “

“Stadium officials also say that this kind of perverted trainer does not have an accurate strength assessment certification, and encountering such a powerful powerhouse in the low-end game simply destroys the fairness of the game. “

“Don’t complain, the other party just came to our Mauville City Stadium yesterday, and it is estimated that the official is also in distress. “


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