In the competitive circle of professional trainers, what judges the superior is not reputation, but strength.

No matter how young you are, as long as you have a strong strength, you can gain the recognition and respect of others.

The players who came to the Stadium to play the game yesterday, and the players who recognized him, showed contempt and jealousy towards him, who has become famous recently.

All of them regard him as a tool man who brushes reputation, hoping to increase their reputation by stepping on his feet fiercely in the game.

When Liang Ren showed the powerful strength that they could only look up to, after being surprised and disbelieving, public opinion gradually turned from contempt of provocation and gradually turned into admiration.

Bullying and fearing hardship are the characteristics of the general public. Respect for powerhouse is also the atmosphere of this circle. If you want to get respect and get higher treatment, it is the only way to improve your strength.

I took two Pokémons and found an empty seat to sit down. Regarding the admiration of other players in the hall, Liang Ren didn’t take seriously, just like the other players who whispered contemptuously and jealously yesterday. Care about the same.

One person and two pets watched intently on the wall where the huge display screen was installed, watching the ongoing game on the field.

Although it is only the first day of special training, Riolu’s strength has improved a lot.

The “fist, foot, knee, and elbow” combination attack technique is just one of them. The most important thing is that with the mastery of “Piaopiaoquan”, Riolu finally has a control method.

Yesterday, Slowpoke escorted him. Riolu participated in “1v1” this afternoon. For this, Liang Ren is looking forward to Riolu’s performance.


Amateur trainers rush stars, star trainers cultivate new Pokémon, professional teams play practice games…

branch is almost all day There were games, and I sat in the waiting hall for half an hour. The staff at the service desk next to the entrance passage personally walked over to inform him that he was ready to play.

“Mr. Liang Ren, the “1v1” schedule is over soon, and it’s up to you to play in the next final game. “

“The finale?” Row. “Hearing what the staff said, Liang Ren’s expression was slightly stunned.

I thought he was asked to wait for half an hour, but it was only a later stage. Didn’t expect Stadium officially arranged for him to be the finale. I have to say that I really can look up to him.

“Riolu, the players who played the finale are extraordinary in terms of strength and fame, and they gave me the spirit of twelve points for a while. “

After taking Slowpoke back the baby ball, Liang Ren led Riolu directly into the entrance aisle.

Looking at the back of one person and one pet, I was full of admiration just now. Trainer, at the moment you look at me, I look at you, big eyes staring at small eyes are suddenly quiet.

“No way, I thought he was reporting doubles matches, didn’t expect it was 1v1, It turned out that it was not the three main players who participated in the competition, but the newly-breed Riolu. “

“I was also taken aback. Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are very strong, yes, but this Riolu is ~”

“Indeed, even though Riolu is very precious Aura Pokémon, but before it evolves into the final form Lucario, the battle strength is really not enough. “


“I think there is still something to watch in this game. The video of the match with the “Golden Doubles” yesterday has been edited and posted on the Internet by the main UP , Don’t you know, this Riolu has learned “Aura Sphere”. “

“It’s really surprising to learn Aura Sphere at this stage, but how much damage can be done by barely learning moves. “

“How Riolu can perform in this game depends on how opponent is. “

“Opponent? Being able to play the finale, opponent is not an ordinary person. “


Liang Ren, who walked into the hallway, didn’t know that the players in the lobby learned that he signed up for “1v1” and that he was participating in Riolu. Later, what kind of heated discussion arose.

Most people recognize the strength of his three main forces, Pokémon, but they are not very optimistic about Riolu.

There is also a small group of people, because Riolu revealed a hand “Aura Sphere” in the doubles match yesterday, so their attitude is still relatively optimistic.

The rest of the people were afraid of being slapped in the face like yesterday, so they all sat sitting on the sidelines.

No matter what other people’s attitudes are, Liang Ren and Riolu, who walked into the passageway after knowing that they were arranged in the final round, all got up to the point.

“Wow~ I’m thinking right now after seeing the list of players in the last 1v1 match on the 12th branch today.

If you all hear How fierce the names of the two players on the field will be.

The next game can be said to be full of highlights. The two contestants believe that the audience present are very familiar with them. They are… “

“Wood Liang Ren vs Afei”

“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka——”

12 The game commentator on the branch field is very appetizing of the audience. After laying a long time to make the audience look forward to the venue, he deliberately pulled a long tail when he announced the list of players.

The game director felt that the atmosphere of the venue was also very cooperative. It was not until the players of both sides stood on the lifting round platform and appeared in the stadium that the names of the players were announced on the huge display screen.

“Ahhhhhhh ~”

“Ahhhhhhh ~”

“Quick punch Afei…Quick punch Afei…”

“Quick Fist Afei…Quick fist Afei…”

“Quick fist Afei…Quick fist Afei…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

Seeing the names of the players announced on the big screen, the players from both sides gave close-up shots at the same time after they appeared on the stage. The audience outside the stadium suddenly burst into cheers about toppling the roof of the hall.

For the moment when the commentator deliberately lost his appetite just now, the audience was not in the mood to complain about it. They stood up from their positions one by one, and their cheeks and necks showed excited red.

“Fuck, it turned out to be Kuaiquan Afei. He went to Johto Region for penance half a year ago. He didn’t expect to come back now.”

“Tsk, this guy is also a Abnormal, specializing in Fighting Type Pokémon, one punch is so fast that the opponent can’t fight back.”

“Yes, this guy’s Trump Card, the Medicham who has mastered Mega’s evolutionary power, but even Professional team trainers must avoid their edge.”

“hahahaha…Tonight this game is really getting more and more interesting, Mumu Liang Ren, this guy uses Riolu to compete, didn’t expect the last I actually encountered Kuaiquan Afei.”

“Everyone, I said Mumu Liang Ren, he lost this game, don’t you have any comments.”

“No no~” A group of people shook their heads like rattles.


The moment when Liang Ren’s opponent’s name was announced, not only the atmosphere in the venue became enthusiastic, but there was also a lively discussion in the waiting hall.

At first, when I saw Liang Ren preparing to send Riolu to the game, he was not optimistic about his players. At this moment, he strengthened his position and believed that Liang Ren was defeated.

Remaining optimistic, seeing the names appearing on the screen on the wall, their expressions stagnated, and suddenly they became silent.

Those who at first watched the discussion and did not have a perverted wait-and-see attitude, let alone trainers.

The cheers of “Quick Punch A Fei” came from the venue, and they almost joined Liang Ren’s losing camp without the slightest hesitation.

“Quick Punch A Fei? Such a loud nickname of imposing manner, such a high approval rate in the venue, sure enough, the trainer who appeared in the final round is not a general generation.”

Riding on the lifting platform, Liang Ren, who heard the audience’s enthusiastic cheers, and Bzz Bzz, whose ears were shaken by the sound waves, became more serious and serious.

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