

“The game begins!!”

As soon as Liang Ren finished speaking, the referee gave the start signal of the game , The atmosphere on the court suddenly became tense.

Yesterday the doubles match encountered members of the “golden doubles”, but the opponent is good at the “2.1” doubles mode, the lack of a partner’s battle strength weakened a lot.

Besides, Slowpoke pressed on from the side, Grumpig’s mental interference, Delcatty’s charm and even control were not brought into play.

But this time is different.

This time Riolu is participating in a 1v1 singles match. It will face the situation on the court alone.

In this game, it encountered opponent who was as proficient in Fighting as it was, and Riolu in the initial form, against the already final evolution of Bloom.

Because of the grass Attribute, the opponent has no shortage of long-range attacks and control capabilities.

On the Riolu side, only “Aura Sphere and Piaopiaoquan” in the Ability pool have remote strike and control effects. This game can be said to be very difficult to play.

Of course, it is difficult for Breloom to admit Liang Ren, but he is not at all, so he is timid.

Feeling the breath, the Breloom on the opposite side is also in the early stage of Level 20, and the Level is not higher than Riolu. In addition, for Fighting, Liang Ren is confident that Riolu will not lose to Breloom.

“Breloom, Mach Punch.”

As soon as the referee started the signal, the boy named A Fei on the opposite side launched a decisive attack.


Breloom is also very agile, closing his fists and kicking his legs, while rushing towards Riolu, while sending out Growl full of imposing manner.

“Do you fight Fighting? I’m not afraid of this.” Instead of using long-range attacks and controlling the Ability first hand, the opponent chose to use Fighting Ability to attack frontally. Liang Ren’s heart sighed slightly in relief.

Immediately after opening his eyes, looking directly at the rushing Breloom, Liang Ren counted down silently.

Riolu was also very calm on the field. He didn’t get instructions from Liang Ren. He didn’t act rashly. In the “Five Attacks” that Liang Ren taught him, the backhand attack is also a trick to lure the enemy into attack.

According to the strategy of lure enemy attack, Riolu leaned over and bent his knees, lowered the center of gravity of his body, and made an action that could both defend and counterattack the enemy at any time.

Mobilize the Aura Force within the body. As the darkened eyeballs turn into crystal blue, Bloom’s movements become extremely slow in Riolu’s Aura perception, and the offensive trajectory of a sonic fast punch also becomes There can be traces to follow.

Breloom moves very fast. He has already crossed the half-time line in the blink of an eye and is only three meters away from Riolu.

However, at this moment, Liang Ren finally released the instruction: “Block your arms and counterattack.”

“shua ——!”

“ao~ “

Both Pokémon were close to each other, and Breloom contracted the spring arms on his side, piercing the air and slammed into Riolu’s front door.

Because the fist speed is too fast, the half-clipped red toe fist rubs against the air, creating a blue flame.


Breloom’s powerful sonic fist made the off-site audience uncanny and applauded. However, what happened next made everyone startled.

Riolu strode forward, first his left arm blocked Breloom’s Mach Punch, and then the right palm closed at the waist suddenly pushed out.

“peng peng ~”

Peng the right palm on the abdomen, blocking the left arm of the sonic fist, and also receiving the palm like lightning, slamming Breloom on the chest.

From blocking Breloom’s straight fist attack, to sending two palms in a row, quickly pushing Breloom’s abdomen and chest, a series of actions is completed in an instant.


“Earth-to-ear shock.” After the attack, a set of’arms counterattack’ called A Fei hit the boy, Breloom was wounded and retreated, Liang Ren not at all stopped the offensive in this way.

The first wave of offensive took effect, Riolu was more confident and his eyes became brighter and sharper.

“ao 嗷——”

The “attack method of enticing the enemy” in the “Five Methods of Attack” is converted to the “gradual and indirect attack method”, the enemy retreats and we advance.

A stride forward again, fists left and right to open the bow to pinch the ears.

“Bang~” both ears were attacked, and Breloom suddenly had tinnitus and dizziness. The shocking fist strength that he only mastered in the afternoon made Riolu’s boxing even sharper.

However, the impact of the ears is not at all over, this is a combination of three sets of attacks of’fist, knee and elbow’.

“peng peng ~”

Riolu, who was a head shorter than Bloom, once again bullied him and hit fiercely on top of his knee. Breloom’s belly.

While turning around to adjust the center of gravity, a turn around elbow hit once again hard on Breloom’s chest.

“Breloom, counterattack with a series of quick punches!!”

“Continue to attack, use the wrist to smash the elbow.”

Breloom’s turn to be attacked, opposite The young man named A Fei, at this moment, did not show any contempt for Liang Ren, and hurriedly ordered Breloom to organize a counterattack.

Being able to have such a reputation in Stadium in Mauville City, the young man named A Fei speaks as fast as his fist.

The two parties seem to have issued instructions in unison, but only Liang Ren knows that he is half a beat slower than the other side.

However, no matter how fast the trainer commands, Pokémon must be able to respond. Normally, there is no problem with Breloom, but at the moment, it is affected by Riolu’s set of “earth impact”.

I didn’t fall into a state of chaos, but with both boxing ears, the concussion dark energy was transmitted by the fist, and Breloom only felt dizzy and relieved for a long time.

When it heard the instruction and punched back, Aura perceives a series of punches that resemble slow-moving motions, and Riolu sees a lot of weak spots.

“ao ao~”

Not being polite to the other party, Riolu stepped forward, grabbed Breloom’s wrist and shook it, and rushed towards its fist at the moment. Deviated from the normal trajectory and hit the air on the side of Riolu’s brain.

“Step forward and grasp the wrist quickly, turn to hit the elbow fiercely”, this is the original words of Liang Ren Coaching Riolu when he practiced’grab the wrist and hit the elbow’.

Grabbing the wrist is just using push and pull to pull the defense, elbow smashing is the hidden murderous intention of this attack.


Seeing the picture, Breloom fist rushed to the side, Riolu turned and smashed his elbow again, fiercely slamming Breloom’s chest.


“Block arm counterattack.”



< p>“Earth impact.”



“Grab your wrist and smash your elbow.”

……< /p>


“Chop the ribs and hit the chest.”



“Straight swing Hook.”



“Block bullet kick.”


< p>……

“Side kick and smash down.”



“Swing the hook against the knee.”



“Knee hit, knee top”

“Kick, kick, kick”

“Down elbow, cross elbow”

“Straight punch, swing punch, uppercut”

Fighting Type Pokémon, in the eyes of most trainers, is just one This kind of simple-minded and muscular brother is expensive.

Although the physical attack is very sharp, the long-range strike capability is weak and there is no effective means to control the opponent.

Therefore, a situation has gradually emerged in the circle of trainers, “Fighting Ability” is very valuable, and “Fighting Pokemon” is not favored by trainers.

Fighting with Fighting Type Pokémon, even if you don’t have “Flying, Psychic, Fairy” Pokemon in your hand, as long as you send a Pokémon that is fast and has a lot of ability to control, you can turn the opponent around.

However, Liang Ren’s Riolu silenced the audience and the trainers in the waiting hall.

First, I couldn’t believe that Kuaiquan Afei was crushed and beaten, and then I fell into awe of Riolu.

The trainers in the circle know that fighting Pokémon must not let the opponent get close, because Fighting Pokémon is very capable of close fighting.

But no one can tell how strong it is, but at this moment, Liang Ren and Riolu told everyone watching the game with their actions.

Fighting Type Pokemon, invincible in close combat! ! !

As long as it is glued, a set of attacks can hit you without any defense.

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