
“Breloom, use Spore.” A Fei shouted flustered and exasperated.

He admitted that he underestimated the opposite person, who is younger than him, and he also underestimated the opposite person, Riolu, whose breath is weaker than Breloom.

His cousin is Dewford Town Fighting Gym Leader-Fujiki.

Under the influence of his cousin, he likes Fighting Type Pokémon very much. In addition, he has a certain foundation of Fighting technique himself, and he broke the title of “Quick Punch Afei” in Stadium in Mauville City.

For this game, ALFY originally thought that Breloom’s set of “Mach Punch, Absorption Punch…” combo series of quick punches, Riolu will also be defeated like the previous opponent.

However, the situation on the court was completely different from what he thought. As Riolu began to exert his strength, it turned out that his Bloom was being hit by the opponent.

He has a certain foundation of Fighting technique, he can naturally see that Liang Ren, Riolu, has systematically learned Fighting technique, and his cultivation base is higher than him.

He likes Fighting Type Pokémon. He is very clear about the shortcomings of Fighting Type Pokémon. There are few remote outputs and control methods in order to make up for the shortcomings.

At present, the Fighting Pokemon he has subdued, whether it is the Trump Card “Medicham” or the “Breloom” that has just been brewed out of battle strength, is a dual Attribute Pokémon.

However, Liang Ren’s Riolu taught him a lesson in this battle.

Fighting Type Pokemon is very strong, even if it is a pure Fighting Type Pokemon like Riolu, as long as the breed is trained properly, the battle strength is also amazingly high.

“Riolu, don’t give the opponent a chance, use Piaopiaoquan.” When the opposite party finally put down the bottom, he started to control Ability. Liang Ren also asked Riolu to speed up the offensive.

“Spore” is a characteristic of Breloom, it will fall into negative states (paralysis, sleep, poisoning) if it is contaminated, and “Spore” is Grass Type Ability, it will fall into sleep if it is contaminated.

However, “Spore” is composed of Breloom, Parasect, and exposed bulb mushrooms… This mushroom Pokémon use actually has the same effect as the characteristic “Spore”, and it is not pure hypnosis.


With a wide-open swing, uppercut punches against the jaw, knees hit the abdomen, Riolu knocked Breloom to the ground with a set of’hooks against the knees’.

Seeing the red stomata on the mushroom plate on the top of the opponent’s head relax, prepare to Spit Up Spore.


Riolu, who was secretly on guard after Liang Ren’s warning before the start of the game, rushed forward decisively, facing Breloom’s face with a note of Piaoquan”.


Under the attack again, Breloom only feels dazed, but Spore has completed Stockpile, and a gray powder of green powder gurgling mushrooms on the head. Popped up.

But without the active control of Breloom, this spore powder is not at all too threatening to Riolu.

“ao ao~ ”

With a single blow and a few flexible backflips, Riolu has already moved several distances away from Breloom in the blink of an eye.

“Resolve it, use Aura Sphere!!!” Breloom is already an arrow at the end of its flight, there is no suspense in this game.


Riolu sank after receiving the order, with his palms closed around his waist, and Aura, who was madly released outside the body, quickly formed a big head under the rotation. Energy bomb.

The entire Aura Sphere is like a woolen pom-pom, with strands of Aura Force entangled and rotated like wool fibers in a certain trajectory.

Aura Sphere looks bright blue at first glance. Once the compressed power bursts out, the lethality is absolutely startled to fall the chin.

At this moment, Breloom personally experienced the power of Aura Sphere.


A round blue light projectile shot out from the barrel. Breloom fell on the ground and was hit, and the whole body was thrown out like a broken sack.

Breloom, whose body was covered with dust, stopped after several rolls on the field, and looked carefully at his eyes turned into a pair of vertigo spirals, and had lost the combat capability.

“Breloom can’t fight. Riolu of the blue side will win this game.”


“Riolu…Riolu… ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

As the off-site referee announced the result of the game, the audience suddenly burst into a mountain cry out and sea howl cheers.

Before the start of the game, Kuaiquan Afei was the Celebrity trainer of Stadium in Mauville City, and the audience was very loud.

However, as the game officially started, Riolu showed an amazing Fighting post. Regarding the results of this game, the audience and the players in the waiting hall had an answer in their hearts. .

I used Riolu to compete, Liang Ren, who was not optimistic, finally won the game. This is not a narrow or tragic victory, but a real blow to ALFY’s Bloom from start to finish.

It didn’t take long for Afei’s Breloom breed to come out, but Liang Ren’s Riolu also just debuted. The level of the two sides is almost the same, but the battle strength has as different as heaven and earth.



Ding, experience +220

Ding, pick up the Attribute value of physical strength + 1

Ding, the value of attacking innate talent +1 is picked up


Being deaf to the audience’s cheers, Liang Ren happily slapped Breloom’s body with whiteness One red and two Attribute coins were put away.

Playing games in Stadium, all you encounter are the real elites in the training circle: professional trainers, the Pokémon innate talents who are playing against will naturally not be too bad, and the number of times the innate talent red coins are picked up has also become More frequently.

Liang Ren is also very happy about this. After all, the higher the Pokémon innate talent, the easier it will be to break through the Elite and even the championship level, and the probability will be greater.


The branch 1v1 ended, and there was another 10w game bonus on the record card account. After taking Riolu to the’Pokémon Center’ in the Stadium to do some recovery, he again Rush to the main venue No. 2.

Pokémon’s breeding and training not at all seem so simple, unlike a factory machine that puts raw materials into it, qualified products can be produced.

Without the wisdom, talent, and means, no matter how much resources you put in, you will not be able to breed a Pokemon with strong battle strength, just like no matter how rich your family is, it is possible to teach a brood of Brat.

Level 10 has the qualification to participate in the City Stadium, but the trainer who is in the branch field has a Pokémon Level of at least Level 20.

In the main venue, Pokémon Level in the hands of one-star professional trainers is generally at level 30. The only weak point is that Level has been reached, and power within the body has not completed the transformation.

A strong one-star professional trainer, Pokémon in his hand has completed the transformation of power, and has trained his own Unique Ability, forming his own fighting style.

But for the three main forces under him, the power transformation has been completed. The Level has generally reached level 40, forming his own fighting style and mode, and for Liang Ren, who has his own hole cards.

In a one-star professional trainer, whether it is a normal level or a powerhouse belonging to a small group of people, there is not much threat to Liang Ren today.

For the qualifying night, Liang Ren sent Pidgeot.

Flying skills learned from “Juggling”, coupled with Pidgeot’s own swift as wind speed, the first round competition opponent has been juggled around.

Faced with Liang Ren, who was silently commanding battles under the “Chain Link”, the opponent trainer’s pressure doubled. At the end of the second game, the opposing trainer was already sweating on his forehead.

The third game against a degenerate Aggron: Lairon.

Liang Ren let Pidgeot use Mega evolution, and then an enhanced version of “Divine Bird” kills Lairon in seconds, causing the opponent mentality to instantly explode.

One wears three, Liang Ren crushes again.

Stadium is officially here…

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