
The No. 2 main venue player waited in the waiting hall. Liang Ren, who finished the game, just left the front foot and the official back foot Stadium came.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren who won the last game, where is he now?”

A man in a gray and black suit, blue tie, and several subordinates behind him The middle-divided man pushed open the door of the waiting battle and walked in quickly.

I glanced at the female staff member who took the initiative to greet her, and asked straight to the point, the man who was respected as the minister.

The man in the split head wears Black-rimmed glasses. The thick lenses make his face look reserved and serious.

But when asked about’Mu Mu Liang Ren’, the man in the middle of the head raised the corner of his mouth hard, trying to make himself look friendly and friendly.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren left after the game.”

“How long has he been away?” The middle-headed man asked hurriedly.

Although I don’t know what the Minister has to do with the winning young man, the female staff dare not ask more in the face of the minister who has always been harsh.

She replied cautiously: “When you came over, Minister, he just left.”


Learning that Liang Ren just Soon after he left, the man in the middle head hurriedly left the hall with several subordinates around him.

Leave only a few staff who looked at each other in blank dismay, a few staff members who are confused, and all the players in the lobby who are talking about chirp chirp twitter twitter.

“That was the official Stadium person just now, what did they come to find Mumu Liang Ren for.”

“You ask me, who do I ask?”

“Do you think it is the official Stadium that wants to sign with Mumu Liang Ren?” said one of the trainers mysterious and secretive.

“Signing, isn’t it possible, Mumu Liang Ren only arrived in Mauville City yesterday and only played four games in total.” The listener was obviously a little unbelievable.

“That’s what I said, but you look at this guy’s strength and fame. The official does not seize the opportunity to find this guy to sign. It is estimated that he will soon be poached by the professional team.”

“I feel that the official came just now, not looking for Mumu Liang Ren to sign the contract.”

“How to say?”

“hehe ~ I received internal information, A special event will be held here in the Stadium, and the official is looking for some qualified trainers.”

“What event? What qualified trainers?”

” ……”

In the evening in the afternoon, the battle with Kuaiquan Afei, whether it was an angry Afei’eat fart’ before the game, or Riolu slammed Breloom in the following game.

In this matter, after several hours of fermentation, the entire circle of Mauville City trainers has become well known, and Liang Ren’s popularity has risen to a new height again.

As Pidgeot wears three at night, after finally revealing the power of Mega’s evolution.

The name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” faintly overwhelms the recent Pokémon professional autumn game, overshadowing the trend of some professional teams Celebrity.

Liang Ren didn’t know the huge impact of his two games tonight, nor did he know that Stadium officials were looking for him at the moment.

He just came to Stadium to play two games and won 10w and 30w prizes respectively.

Compared to yesterday’s doubles match, Riolu reported 1v1 today and the winning prize is much less.

However, Liang Ren didn’t care too much about it. He played the game mainly to train his Pokémon, and the bonus was second.

At the end of the qualifying match, Liang Ren did not stay at the Stadium, and left with Riolu and Slowpoke directly, and did not meet the minister in the middle.

Because Pidgeot was wearing three during the night game, Slowpoke failed to play, and was a little bit irritable. Liang Ren went to buy him a glass of Pearl milk tea.




——(๑´ڡ`๑) ——



I took the subway to the Pokémon Baby Center, and then rushed to the Dongcheng Ferry.

Seeing that there are quite a lot of seats in the subway Sky, Liang Ren casually found a place to sit down, holding Slowpoke in his arms while drinking Pearl milk tea.

Riolu, sitting next to Liang Ren, with a lollipop in his mouth, quietly immersed himself in playing the King of Fighting mobile game. Liang Ren uses fragmented time to browse news on his mobile phone. .

Fumbling through, Liang Ren found a piece of news that interested him.



“Hoenn Region is officially recognized as the Place of Origin of Mega Evolution”




“Is Hoenn Region recognized as the Place of Origin of Mega Evolution?” Seeing the news headline, Liang Ren was immediately attracted.

Click here to see the news released by FTVHoenn’s official news channel. Liang Ren excluded the wise articles that were marketing accounts.

Mega evolution was first discovered in Kalos Region, Kalos Region’s famous Scholar: Bratalo Professor, and the research content of Lysandre Research Laboratory is also Pokémon Mega Evolution.

However, with the continuous deepening of research, Kalos Region academics discovered that the origin of Mega evolution should be in Hoenn.

After joint exploration by scientists from the two regions, this speculation was finally confirmed.

The “Huge no stone”, regarded as the root of Mega’s evolution, was first discovered in Hoenn.

Of the 40 kinds of Pokémon known to be Mega-evolved, Hoenn’s native Pokemon accounted for 17.

This does not count as the three Divine Beasts of “Latias, Latios, and Rayquaza”, and the original form of “Kyogre and Groudon” is also controversial.

As more and more Mega evolution source stones are discovered in Hoenn Region, it is confirmed that Hoenn is the origin of Mega evolution.

People in Hoenn Region looked very happy to see this official announcement.

Although they are not Pokémon trainers and do not have the power of Mega evolution in their hands, this does not prevent them from being proud of it.

Of course, this news has nothing to do with Liang Ren. Although his Pidgeot can be Mega-evolved, he who has awakened the “Mega Evolution wave” can allow Pokémon who meets the conditions to directly Mega-evolve.

But he is not from Hoenn Region, he is from Kanto Celadon City, and the only thing he cares about is that in Hoenn Region he has a greater chance of encountering trainers who have the power of Mega evolution.

The more Mega Evolution forms collected in the Psychic space, the faster the Mega Evolution wave will be generated. Otherwise, when Riolu grows up, when the time comes Mega Evolution wave will not be enough.

“Just now, I heard other players in the waiting hall talk about the young man named A Fei tonight. Trump Card Medicham has mastered the power of Mega evolution. It seems that I have to find a chance to challenge him again.”

From the subway station, the river breeze at the Dongcheng Ferry made Liang Ren sober.

Pidgeot is undergoing Mega Evolution in the game tonight. In just a few minutes, the Mega Evolution wave power accumulated for two weeks was directly consumed by nearly one-fifth.

Liang Ren also has a sense of urgency to collect Mega evolution forms.

——Mauville City · City Stadium ——

“Misty Young Lady, on behalf of the Mauville City Stadium official, I would like to express my sincere heart to you for accepting our invitation to this tournament Thank you.”

In an office on the sixth floor of Stadium, the man who ran to the player’s lobby to find Liang Ren’s middle head was warmly receiving an orange-haired girl trainer.

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