“Boom, boom, boom…!!!”

In the early morning, there was a burst of festive fireworks in the Mauville City Sky, which spread out for many miles.

The number of people going to Mauville City Stadium to watch the game is very large.

The ferry on the Hoenn River changes from ten minutes to five minutes. Private cars in the city are constantly moving towards Stadium.

Bus, subway, urban light rail, vacuum tube maglev trains, under the unified dispatch of the Mauville City Transportation Administration, began to operate busy early in the morning.

Yesterday afternoon, the former champion and Alliance Elite Four have arrived in Mauville City. Liang Ren and other contestants have already met each other.

In this Mega Evolution Invitational, it is no longer a simple promotion of Mauville City Stadium, but a promotion for Hoenn in the “Mega Evolution Township”.

What kind of publicity effect this tournament can achieve depends on what level of competition Liang Ren can play.

Each player bears a major responsibility. The original prize money for the competition has changed from 500W fixed by each player to 1000W, and 100W will be added for each win.

The profit commission for peripheral products previously agreed remains unchanged, and the tournament bonus will no longer be paid by the Mauville City Stadium, but will be directly issued by the Hoenn Alliance using the budget.

Accepted by the former Region Champion and the current Alliance Elite Four, the participants also felt the full attention and will do their best for this tournament.

Hoenn Alliance, Mauville City Stadium, and the players have the same interests. The more successful this tournament is held, the greater the benefits for themselves.

Mauville City Stadium, the official dormitory specially prepared for the players, Liang Ren closed the door and moved towards the venue.

“Lots of people, so lively.” Looking out from the interior of Stadium’s magnificent prism tower, the wide fountain square is full of spectators queuing to enter the venue.

“da da da da…”

“Dear viewers, this is the scene of the “Mega Evolution: The Strongest Mega Evolution” special invitational tournament. Now you can see…”

The Reporter of Mauville City TV Station rode a helicopter around the stadium’s magnificent prism tower to broadcast live broadcasts of the pre-match scene.

After Liang Ren adjusted his state here, he moved towards the arena and walked towards the arena. After encountering Misty, ALFY, Walter, and Ivan, he gave each other a blow.

Ivan and ALFY are in the same arena, Misty and Walter are in the same arena, and Liang Ren is not at all familiar with the group of five people.

Take the elevator to the 6th floor where the No. 3 main meeting place is located, and enter the waiting hall with Slowpoke. The four players except Liang Ren have arrived.

There are huge benefits behind this tournament. At this moment, even players who are familiar with each other in the hall, at this moment, pretend to close their eyes, not at all, and communicate too much.

Liang Ren was promoted as an ambassador by Stadium because of the nickname call this time. The other players looked at him with some envy and hostility.

Liang Ren didn’t care, as usual, he found an empty seat to sit down and waited for the opening of the tournament.



At nine o’clock in the morning, after all the audience has entered, the Mauville City Stadium The three main venues sounded enthusiastic opening music at the same time.

The three game commentators also went online. In order to stir up the atmosphere of the game, they began to make opening remarks.

“Hello everyone, here is the site of the main venue No. 1, I am explaining: Long Mao…”

“Hello everyone, here is the site of the main venue No. 2, I It’s the commentator: Miller…”

“Hello everyone, here is the scene of the main venue No. 3, I’m the commentator: Doll…”



“roar roar…”

“It can be seen that the audience on the live and live broadcast side is already impatient, and the people in our waiting hall We are ready to participate in the selection, so let us invite the judges of our tour.”

“first, is the “Sidney” Elite, one of the Hoenn Alliance Elite Four! ! “

The Pokémon trainer competition is not in the form of a performance program like the Coordinator, so it does not require judges to score.

Three main venues, five specially invited judges, and It can’t be evenly distributed to each game site.

Therefore, the judges’ debut show was arranged at the Peak Stadium on the top floor of the Stadium in Mauville City, and then through the holographic technology, the situation there was simultaneously projected in three At the main venue.

As the three venues shouted in unison, there is Peak Stadium.

A purple-red electric guitar is carried, and he is wearing a brown yellow grid. Long trousers, purple shirt, black vest, Sidney Elite with a pinch of hair on his bare head, and the same water field rose together.

In the water field, there was a shark fin breaking the waves fast. Swimming.


“Sidney ……Sidney ……”

“Sidney ……Sidney ……”

Sidney, who appeared on the stage, didn’t have any words, the picks in his hand fluctuated on the electric guitar strings, and a blast of electric guitar solo immediately set off the atmosphere, causing the audience in the three main venues to cheer.< /p>

“Be optimistic, enjoy fighting, and enjoy everything you do, even if you lose.

The best way to show your strength is to attack, Megalodon, use your sharp sawtooth to attack-the evolution beyond evolution “Mega Evolution”! ! “

Sidney standing on the floating board in the middle of the field between the stormy electric guitar solo, like a rock singer, let out a roar of catharsis.

The water field under your feet In the middle, the shark fins swimming quickly around the floating board sank into the Underwater.

Immediately after “oh la la”, a blue and robust shark opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Out of the pool, moved towards Sidney and bite away.


Of course the megalodon is not really going to attack Sidney, but the visually striking picture still makes The audience exclaimed again and again.


The megalodon rushed out of the pool, and the Mega Evolution stone worn on the shark’s fin and inlaid on Sidney’s neck necklace The keystones of gold resonate with energy.

The energy of the golden unrolled bolt of white silk entangles with each other, and then transforms into a bright white light of evolution. A bloodthirsty shark that is more ferocious and bloodthirsty than the megalodon exhibits In front of the audience.

It is obviously only a holographic projection, but the audience is deeply shocked by the ferocious appearance of the megalodon after Mega’s evolution.

Across the screen, in the waiting hall All the players can clearly feel the powerful strength of Mega Megalodon.


“Next, is one of our Hoenn Alliance Elite Four “Phoebe” Elite. “

Sidney, who ended the opening show, left with the megalodon and the water field. Then, amidst the roar of wolves from the male audience, the second judge, Ghost Elite “Phoebe” also appeared. .

“Boom Ka——”

It is a Rock Arena that has risen together with Phoebe.

This beautiful woman with healthy wheatish skin, wearing a blue tube top, blue dance skirt, and two red floral ornaments on both sides of her head, stands barefoot on a rock in the middle of the field.

As a Ghost Elite, Phoebe doesn’t feel any gloomy or sickly feeling on his body. Instead, his whole body is full of sunshine and vitality.

As the granddaughter of the old man’s wife on Volcano, Phoebe can communicate with Ghost Pokémon in a’cardiosensory’ style.

This innate talent made her and Ghost Pokémon have a deep bond.

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