Standing on the Phoebe side at the moment is a Sableye with “evil+Ghost” double Attributes, a purple body, a short and rickety figure.

One bite of Kamisori-like teeth that can chew mineral gems, not the ferocious tyranny of the previous megalodon, but with a pair of six-sided Sapphire eyes, it gives people a sense of dread that they dare not look at them. .

“ah ha ha ha! I’m Phoebe from Elite Four. In the past, I got the ability to communicate with Ghost Pokemon intimately when I was sending the mountain cultivation.

“And today, I I will show you my strong bond with Ghost Pokémon. “

“Sableye, respond to my Wish, Mega evolves! ! “

Phoebe carried the dance skirt to the audience and gave a blessing to the audience, and then used her energetic voice to give instructions to Sableye.

Dazzling’s Mega Evolution In the light, Sableye Sen Sapphire’s eyes became bright red Ruby, and at the same time there was a piece of Ruby higher than his body in his hand.

The whole image is like a dark Ultraman holding a piece of red Crystal Shield.

The huge Ruby crystal formed after Mega’s evolution is a manifestation of the ability of Sableye’s “magic mirror” feature.

“Ultrasound, Hypnosis, Stun Spore, Thunder Wave…” This type of change Ability will invalidate Sableye, and the negative effects will be completely reflected to the opponent.

Although Sableye has Species Strength only 380, it has the “Evil+Ghost” Attribute and the “Heart of Mischief” characteristics. Ecstasy is definitely a very tricky Pokemon.

After the evolution of Mega, the “magic mirror” feature of ineffective changes and rebounding negative effects was added, and Sableye’s difficulty level has reached a new level.


After Sidney and Phoebe appeared on the stage to show the evolution of Pokemon’s Mega, the two veteran Elite Glacia and Drake also appeared one after another.

Glacia’s title is ice attribute Elite. She has cream-colored hair tied with a flower knot behind her head, and she wears a violet mid-length skirt. The whole person looks elegant and noble.

True powerhouse, because it specializes in a certain Attribute Pokémon, it will completely show the corresponding temperament.

The stronger the strength, the more real and transcendent. It can penetrate the appearance to reach the essence of things and live out the true self.

Phoebe, who specializes in Ghost Pokémon, doesn’t feel a bit gloomy, but seems lively and sunny.

The same is true for ice attribute Elite Glacia. Although the main focus is on ice attribute Pokemon, she is not at all with the cold, non-Norman temperament.

She feels like a noble lady living in a violet garden, elegant and noble at the same time as beautiful as a gentle evening breeze.

“The body is awe-inspiring as ice, but the soul is still burning hot.

“ice attribute Pokémon looks cold on the outside, but you will find that after a long time together, Their hearts are not cold at all.

“Glalie, show everyone your fiery soul, Mega evolves!!”

Mysterious and elegant Glacia stands in the center of Stadium, watching this tournament live and through live broadcast After expressing their opinions on ice attribute Pokemon.

She gently raised her hand, and made eye contact with Glalie in front of her. The key stone hung on her chest and the Mega Evolution stone on Glalie beamed together.

Glalie, as an evolutionary branch of Snorunt, looks like a Black stone with ice on the surface, and then the Ice Ball Goalkeeper mask after hollowing out the white ice on the surface.

The white light of evolution has faded, and the 1.5m-high hollow ice sculpture mask has become a 2.1m huge ice sculpture face with an average of 350.2kg.

Like a Bring it, and you can summon the Umbra Corps in the animation “The Adventures of Jackie Chan”.

“Another MegaPokémon was collected.”

Previously, I successfully collected two MegaPokémons of “Flame Chicken and Slowbro” at Lilycove City Contest Conference. After Psychic became stronger, the projection Mega The range of ingestion that has evolved into the Psychic space has also expanded.

At the moment, staying in the player hall of the main venue on the 3rd floor, a few Elites on the 9th floor Peak Stadium opened the Mega Evolution demonstration, and Liang Ren also successfully projected over here.

While watching the opening show of several Elites, while splitting a consciousness into the Psychic space, seeing the three Megalodon, Sableye, Glalie Evolution Pokémon, Liang Ren felt quite happy.

Under Glacia, Drake, who had previously played against Liang Ren in Lilycove City, also appeared, a navy cloak in black and blue.

With his hands in his pockets, he is open and deep, although his beard is white, but his age has brewed a deeper charm in Drake.

As soon as Drake, an old man over half a hundred years old, appeared on the stage, the female audience in the three main venues became extremely excited, and the cheers were higher than before Sidney’s debut, one by one, it was almost like a bitch waiting to be fed.

Fashion and fashion are always changing, but in the mind of many Hoenn female audiences, Drake is a timeless classic.

“Conquering the sky is as challenging as conquering the sea, Salamence, spread your wings and soar—Mega evolution!!”


Salamence let out a loud roar, and while spreading its wings and flying high, the light of evolution caused its body to change.

An abdomen is protected by silver-gray plate armor, and a pair of wyvern with blood wings is flying in Stadium Sky like a crescent moon.


Open his mouth and let out a deafening roar. Across the screen, Liang Ren could feel the horrible Dragon’s Might on Salamence.

“His—too strong. In the Lilycove City Contest Conference exhibition, Drake was ten percent powerful. I am afraid that even Johto didn’t come out.”

In the waiting hall, Liang Ren opened his eyes wide and was filled with shock.


Drake ends, this opening show also came to the climax part, the son of the president of the Dewen Group, the former champion of the Hoenn Alliance-Zvqi· Steven comes on stage.

Alliance Elite Four, Region champions, it can be said that these are the facade of an Alliance, a region’s most prestigious public figures.

Any event can invite any of the above, the attention will be scary.

When I first arrived in Hoenn, he became famous. Liang Ren showed great success in the Lilycove City competition. It was more because of Drake and Wallace in that competition.

Alliance these strongest men, if Sidney is a handsome prodigal son, Drake is a timeless classic, Wallace is an elegant lover.

So Zvuki Steven, whose family background, appearance, strength, and talent are all first-class, is the real White Horse Prince.

Standing in the center of a silver-gray steel field at the moment.

dashing eyebrows star eyes, thin and tall figure, dressed in a gray and black straight casual suit, silver blue hair, silver blue eyes.


“Steven ……Steven ……”

“Steven ……Steven ……”

< p>As soon as the handsome White Horse Prince appeared on the stage, the female audience in the three main venues could hardly maintain their restraint. They stood up from their seats one by one, and the exceptional spirit cheered excitedly.

“Although the aura is restrained and not obvious, as Steven’s Trump Card, this Metagross is still stronger than the previous Drake’s Salamence.”

“Moreover, this Metatross is a Shiny Pokémon, there is definitely a special ability that outsiders don’t know. It’s hard to imagine how powerful this Metagross is.”

Compared with the female audience who greeted Steven’s body, Liang Ren and the crowd in the waiting hall Trainer, greedy Steven this Shiny Metagross.

Metagross, like Salamence, is Quasi-Legendary Pokemon in Hoenn Region, with Species Strength up to 600, and Species Strength up to 700 after Mega evolution.

The normal Metagross body is blue and the’X’ metal cross on the face is silver.

However, this Shiny Metagross of Steven, the whole body is beautiful silver, and the X metal cross on his face is golden.


At this moment, Metagross completed the Mega evolution under Steven’s instructions. The metal crab turned into four alloy cannon punches with metal arms extending forward, and the appearance became more powerful and handsome.

Owning Quasi-Legendary Metagross has already made a lot of face. However, Steven’s “precious platinum” Metagross has let the world know what is the real rich and handsome, and what is the real white horse Prince.

“For Celebrate, our Hoenn was assessed as the origin of Mega Evolution by the world academic committee. Mauville City Stadium specially planned this Mega Evolution Invitational.

“Thank you, everyone, everyone With the presence of friends from the media, let us hand over the arena to the real protagonist of this conference.

“And I, together with Drake Elite, Glacia Elite, Phoebe Elite and Sidney Elite, will follow the performance of the players at Peak Stadium.

“So, next, please, everyone Participating trainers, match the demeanor of our Hoenn trainers and show the evolution of Pokémon Mega. “

“Steven, I love you~”

“Ahhh Ahhhh!!!”

“Steven ……Steven ……”


In the center of the steel field, the white golden Shiny Metagross is set off.

Steven made a short speech on behalf of Stadium officials and Hoenn Alliance, At one time, the three venues burst into a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

The contestants in the waiting hall were also motivated with enthusiasm, and the expressions in their eyes were full of fighting spirit. I’m afraid the next game It will be fierce the dragon wars, the tiger battles.

[Name]: Mumu Liang Ren

[Gender]: Male♂

[Age]: 13

[Strength]: 15 (average adult 10)

[Physical strength]: 13 (……10)

[Intelligence]: 20 (……5)

[Charm]: 10(……5)

[Number of Pokemons held]: 4

[Attribute points to be allocated ]:0

[innate talent]: Mega Evolution wave (awakened)


MegaSteelix, Mega Flame Chicken, MegaSlowbro < /p>

MegaPidgeot, Mega Megalodon, MegaSalamence

MegaSableye, MegaGlalie, MegaMetagross,

(——Not collected:…)


“This time Hoenn is really right, Mega Evolution Form has unconsciously collected 9 of them.

“Wait for this tournament to end, Mega evolution form Pokemon will reach 23. By then, my Psychic innate talent will undoubtedly become stronger.”

Looking at the 9 MegaPokémon projections in the Psychic space, Liang Ren felt very deeply in his heart. Happy.

After all, these all are capable of tirelessly and without sabotage, and can continuously generate the high-value’machine’ of Mega Evolution waves for him.

The opening show of Steven and Elite Four is over, and this tournament officially begins. The heads of the three main venues, three groups of players, and 15 trainers are enlarged and displayed on the large screen of the venue.

The first round of competition adopts the Integral Points system, and players compete by calling each other’s names.

There are 5 players in each group, each of whom can participate in a maximum of 4 games. After each game, there is an interval of half an hour before the challenge can be continued. Wheel fights are not allowed.

1 Integral Points are awarded for each win, and Integral Points are not awarded for losses. When the players in a group have played all four games, the top two qualify for the semifinals according to the number of Integral Points.

“The rules, every trainer already knows, now you can initiate an invitation to each other.” The staff in the waiting hall said with a faint smile.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren, right, fight with me?”

After the staff said, a middle-aged man with a fierce face stood up from his position and shouted Invite the war road.

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