“Pinsir, rush over to use Vice Grip.” After completing the Mega evolution, the Sanyueren became high-spirited and vigorous.


The high-frequency vibrating worm’s wing of Pinsir also became more and more arrogant. The giant tongs broke the wind, and the Bzz Bzz flapped its wings moved towards Pidgeot. Come here.

Looking at Pinsir’s movements, Liang Ren’s expression is like raising the red cloak, facing a mad Tauros bullfighter.

“Pidgeot, use Lie Hurricane.” Liang Ren slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and gave Pidgeot instructions with his mind.

“Beep Eagle——”

The Pinsir Level of Sanyueren is not low. Before Mega evolved, its aura was not weaker than Liang Ren’s Pidgeot. After Mega evolved, the Pinsir breath It’s more than Pidgeot.

Although the strength is stronger, but the speed is a little moving.

Of course, the only one who can spit Speed ​​Stat up to 105 MegaPinsir like this is Liang Ren, who has a Speed ​​Stat of 146Pidgeot.

Looking at Pinsir who bent his head and pliers moved towards Pinsir who rushed towards him, Pidgeot, who received the instruction, flapped his wings and withdrew to a distance from the opponent.

“Huh~” The strong and powerful wings waved like fan leaves, and a turbulent whirlwind slammed into Pinsir.

Lee Hurricane is a Flying Type Primary Rank Attack Ability, the initial damage is not high, but it is displayed by the Pidgeot today, no less than the bird Pokémon of about 30 level. Hire “Hurricane”.

“Bzz Bzz ——!!!”

Sure enough, Pinsir, who was hit by Lie Hurricane head-on, seemed like a novice surfer on the sea at the moment, who was accidentally stunned by the big waves.

Sky can be divided into three levels: high, middle and low according to height.

Flying Insects like Pinsir can only be placed in the bottom layer, while the Pidgeot, which can soar up to several kilometers in the sky, can hover on the sea of ​​high sky and clouds, is undoubtedly in the top layer.

How can weak wings compare to Pidgeot’s strong wings?

“The trial is over, Pidgeot, let’s start kite tactics.” Seeing that the menacing Pinsir was stopped by Pidgeot’s fierce Hurricane, Liang Ren looked as usual, but he had already given Pidgeot instructions.

“Pinsir, use Harden.” I couldn’t hear opponent’s commands, but the casual attitude of Pidgeot flapping his wings just now was clearly seen by the Sanyueren.

On the opposite side, this Pidgeot not simple, this kid named Mu Mu Liang Ren, is probably not so easy to deal with. Sanyueren began to put away his contempt, and his eyes became more vigilant.

“Beep Eagle——”

Seeing Pinsir hovering in midair, gathering power on the shell to increase defensive power, Pidgeot was not polite and directly attacked.

“Swish swish”

Four huge moon white wind blades whirled, the air was cut into chi chi sound, and moved towards Pinsir in a zigzag shape. go with.

“Pinsir, X-Scissor rushed over.” Although he was frustrated in the imposing manner under Lie Hurricane, Lie Hurricane did not cause any harm to Pinsir.

Seeing the Pidgeot Dual Wingbeat waving, the four sickle wind blades that came over, the Sanyueren who had strengthened their defenses with “Harden”, not at all chose to avoid.

He is the powerhouse of Stadium in Mauville City, and the title of Guillotine is not an understatement.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

Pinsir’s corn stalk-like arms, under the strengthening of Ability, become emerald-like green.

The 㗊 shape encircles the swiftly shot of the sickle and itachi wind blade, which is directly slapped by Pinsir with the strengthened insect claws, and hit the ground below, leaving four feet deep knife marks.

“Pinsir, rush over and use Vice Grip.” Pinsir does not have any special abilities, and can only deal damage by being near behind.

After dissolving Pidgeot’s offensive, Sanyueren did not give up the opportunity to get close, but would Liang Ren give him this opportunity?

“Beep Eagle——”

The essence of kite tactics lies in speed and flexibility.

Regardless of whether the attack hits the enemy or not, it will retreat in one blow. Always pay attention to keeping the safest distance from the opponent, and then constantly change positions to find opportunities for attack.

Pinsir’s pliers’Qiangqiang’ Zhang He wants to catch up with Pidgeot, but it can’t keep up with Pidgeot’s speed at all, and finally hovering in the air, constantly turning around in circles, beware of Pidgeot’s sudden attack.

The initiative of this game, from the moment the Sanyueren turned offensive to defensive, has been completely handed over to Liang Ren.

As long as the speed is fast enough, kite tactics are unsolvable. After playing for so long at the Stadium, it is not just the Sanyue people who are helpless with Pidgeot’s speed.

Strictly defend on the spot, wait for work, wait until Pidgeot expends more physical strength to reveal the weak spot before launching a counterattack.

This is the idea of ​​most trainers. For such opponent, Liang Ren and Pidgeot naturally have coping strategies.

“Qiangqiang~” can’t catch up with Pidgeot’s speed and can only defend in place. If you lose, you don’t lose. Pinsir never forgets to provoke Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot, who hovered in the air on the battlefield, was not at all irritated by this insect, and a pair of sharp eagle eyes were locked underneath. Pinsir, always ready to attack.

Liang Ren not at all wasting time. After Detecting Sanyueren’s thoughts, he decisively gave Pidgeot instructions.

“Pidgeot, Double Team + sickle ferret.”

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

Pidgeot moved after hearing the sound, in Midair flickered, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, and a group of three.

When a Pidgeot becomes a Pidgeot group with hundreds of thousands, the entire arena is Pidgeot’s silhouette.

Turn below to watch out for Pidgeot Sucker Punch’s MegaPinsir. A pair of Yellow triangular eyes are wide open, and for a while I feel a little at a loss.

“Don’t be confused, there is only one opponent, and Avatar has no shadow.” Seeing the panicked Pinsir, Sanyueren loudly shouted calmly.

“Qiangqiang~” Sanyueren’s words came into effect, and Pinsir, whose expression was flustered, calmed down, but after all, this calmness could not be maintained for more than three seconds.

“Swish swish…”

Hundreds of Pidgeot flapped their wings and attacked at the same time. For a while, sky seemed to be raining with knives. The moon white sickle ferret wind blade moved towards Pinsir and cut away.

Avatar has no shadow, and Avatar is very fragile, and a large-scale attack can wipe it out.

But so what, when facing hundreds of Pidgeots, they attacked together. Under the blade light, the grumpy Pinsir is not the kind of Pokemon that can calm down and find an opponent weak spot.

“Pinsir, use Hidden Power to attack.” Birds besieged, the sky was full of sword rain, and the visually impactful attack made Sanyueren unable to sit still.


The MegaPinsir received the instruction to mobilize the power within the body, and one after another light bullet all around the body like a Pearl necklace.

“xiū xiū xiū xiu…”

Pearl necklace was broken, one after another Hidden Power shot, and moved towards all directions without a trace.

Among the crowded birds, there is only one real body; in the sky of sword rain, only one attack is real.

It looks scary. In fact, Pidgeot’s combination of offensive moves is not even as powerful as Pinsir Hidden Power.

But did he really rely on the blow and sickle weasel hiding in the sword rain to hit him? Obviously not.

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