“pēng pēng pēng pēng ~”

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰~”

A lot of Pidgeot’s body burst directly into a piece of body when hit by a shotgun The smoke, hidden Pidgeot’s real body, flashed left and right moved towards Pinsir and approached.

“Dragon’s Claw.” Sharing Pidgeot’s perspective, he saw MegaPinsir close at hand, and Liang Ren was not polite with each other.

“shua shua ~”

“ka ka! !!!”

Dragon claws fiercely tore on Pinsir’s back, weak insect wings Under attack, the Pinsir body trembled, and there was a sharp pain in the mouthparts.

“Pinsir, continue to use Hidden Power.” Hearing Pinsir’s painful cry, Sanyueren also knew that it was given to the sneak attack by Pidgeot.

Under the cover of a large swarm of birds under the black pressure, even Pinsir couldn’t detect Pidgeot’s true body, and the Sanyue people with weaker perceptions also had no way to take the other party.

Now I only hope that the shotgun shot by Hidden Power can hit Pidgeot, but is this possible?

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ……”

“peng peng peng peng ……”

Liang Ren can share Pidgeot’s perspective, but Sanyueren can’t .

Pidgeot deliberately manipulated according to Liang Ren’s intention, and dozens of Double Teams dropped in height.

One’Pidgeot’ heavenly demon dances wildly, forming a barrier between Sanyueren and MegaPinsir.

The trainer of Sanyueren couldn’t provide effective information and accurate instructions for Pinsir from the perspective of God, and MegaPinsir suddenly became helpless.



Pokemon competition is not Pokémon’s own battle, nor is it a battle for the trainer’s side.

When Pokémon and the trainer no longer cooperate, there is not much suspense in this battle.

Pidgeot is only level 40, and the Pinsir of Sanyueren is not weaker than it, and even after Mega evolved, it even stabilized Pidgeot.

But there is no trainer to direct, MegaPinsir’s strength is greatly reduced, Liang Ren seized the advantage and started to roll Snowball crazy.

In the early stage of Pidgeot’s strength, the “Double Team” he used as his core Ability to exercise was not very expensive, and it was hit by Pinsir’s Hidden Power wave after wave.

At this moment, not only Pinsir is trapped, but Sanyueren is also disturbed.

Pinsir rose in the air, and the Pidgeot group also rose; Pinsir landed, and the Pidgeot group still surrounded MegaPinsir. He just prevented the Sanyue people from seeing the situation inside.

For a time, the trainers on both sides were mute, and the situation seemed a bit strange.

But after Stadium’s previous publicity, the audience at the venue and the trainers who watched the live broadcast knew that Liang Ren had a deep bond with Pokémon.

Not only can you complete Mega evolution without Items, but you can also silently command Pokémon to fight.

Guillotine Sanyueren didn’t say anything, because he was helpless with the current situation, and he couldn’t figure out a way to crack his scalp.

Liang Ren has never given an order from the start of the game, but the audience knows that he is always in control of the game.

Obviously it was 1v1, and finally it became Liang Ren and Pidgeot together to bully Pinsir; Pinsir Mega was obviously stronger after evolution, but at this moment, it was crushed and beaten by Pidgeot.


“Mu Mu Liang Ren, this Pidgeot is really strong, didn’t expect kite tactics + Double Team, it is so difficult.”

< p>“Wow, the second brother is so amazing. The uncle on the opposite side was beaten so hard to fight back.”

“The monitor charge charge charge and won the first victory beautifully.”

“Liang Ren, this guy is really getting stronger and stronger. I thought that the gap with him would gradually narrow, but according to the current trend, I’m afraid it is getting bigger and bigger.”

“Brother Liang Ren, come on~”



At this moment, whether it is a live audience, or through the Internet or TV The people watching this game, whether they are familiar with Liang Ren, or strange trainers they don’t know.

Looking at Pidgeot slamming Pinsir on the field, one by one looked down at the handsome boys in the command position, and they were full of admiration.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one knows what will happen next second.

Insect is always an insect, even if Mega evolved to have more powerful power, in the face of Pidgeot’s sharp claws and beak, Pinsir can hardly contain fear.

Obviously already has Flying Attribute, Pidgeot’s attack greatly reduced it.

But being caught and pecked, Pinsir still couldn’t help being afraid, especially when there was no trainer’s command, the fear in his heart grew crazily and was difficult to suppress.

After besieging for more than ten minutes, MegaPinsir is already an arrow at the end of its flight.

Seeing this situation, Liang Ren also gave Pidgeot the final attack instruction: “Pidgeot, Mega evolve, and then solve it.”

“Beep Eagle——”< /p>

In the crowded flock of birds, a Pidgeot separated from the group and flew high, and the audience was immediately attracted.


Liang Ren did not say anything, the Mega Evolution wave sprayed out from within the body, forming a golden crown of light like a human stroke, which looks female The audience’s beautiful eyes are rimmed, and it really deserves to be Cherubim.

The energy of golden unrolled bolt of white silk entangled in the sky, and then turned into the light of Mega evolution to wrap Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——”

The light of evolution dissipated, the feathers became more vivid, and MegaPidgeot, whose crown became more dazzling, appeared in the audience’s sight.

“Fuck, handsome~”

“Is this how Pidgeot Mega evolved? This is too handsome.”

“You guys Look at the feather in the MegaPidgeot’s crest. It is longer than the body, and it looks so elegant when it dances in the wind.”

“I have decided, I also want to take a Pidgeot to cultivate. “

“Don’t think about it, Mega Evolution Stone can’t be owned by everyone.”


Looking at the stadium Sky this one from the beginning The feet all reveal the cool and handsome big bird. I have never seen a trainer of MegaPidgeot before, and I am directly conquered by the beauty of MegaPidgeot.

However, with the excitement of the audience and netizens, the Sanyueren on the field saw Pidgeot suddenly and without a sound, Mega evolving, and suddenly it was like an enemy.

“Pinsir, use Hyper Beam.” Sanyueren shouted towards MegaPinsir on the field.

“Pidgeot, use Divine Bird.” Things have reached a dead end on the other side, Liang Ren not at all was shocked by the opponent’s Swagger, and directly gave Pidgeot an attack instruction.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng bang……”

At this time, heavenly demon’s flurry of dancing interferes with the sight of the Double Team of the Sanyueren. Under the control of Pidgeot, it is like a moth fighting fire, fierce and unafraid of death threw at Pinsir.

A bright purple Hyper Beam swept out, and a large area of ​​Double Team exploded and dissipated in an instant. However, from the viewer’s perspective, Pinsir had a sense of sight of anti-aircraft cannon hitting mosquitoes and laser rods pumping air.


Double Team pounced on Pinsir one after another, sky went to MegaPidgeot, and was also wrapped by Divine Bird Jinyan.

After the golden flame Divine Bird screamed, he fluttered his wings and swooped down. The Hyper Beam swept by dodge, moved towards the stiff Pinsir and hit it.


The remaining Double Team was torn to pieces in the explosion.

But when the explosion smoke dissipated, Pinsir also withdrew from the Mega evolution, lying motionless under a huge pit on the field and lost the combat capability.

“Pinsir can’t fight. Pidgeot will win this game.” The referee raised the flag and announced.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot, who was victorious, hovered in the Sky of the arena and let out a happy bird song.


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