
“I admit that at first I underestimated this guy. His Pidgeot is really strong. I have never met such a fast Pokémon.”

“Pidgeot can outperform my Pinsir, a large part of the reason is the Attribute advantage, but in this game, the Ampharos of Mersa restrained Pidgeot, Mumu Liang Ren is about to lose.”

See Liang Ren They walked into the passageway with Messa separately. In the waiting hall, the Sanyueren with their arms folded in front of their chests said with a certain tone.

“Ivan defeated Curry in the No. 1 main venue because of the Attribute advantage, and the No. 2 main venue Misty defeated Lelan because of the Attribute advantage.

” Pinsir also lost because of the disadvantage of Attribute, and the Ampharos Level of Mersa in this game is not lower than your Pinsir, and Attribute also has the advantage. This game will definitely lose Liang Ren. “

It was “Fire Giant” Date who had said this.

Being able to beat his old opponent in such a grand and grand game, Ida looked elated, high-spirited and vigorous, with his head held high when he spoke.

Akai, who is not far away, is always expressionless and has no opinion on the match between Liang Ren and Messa.

“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka——”

After the show, the game commentator Saliva splash across and explained Shock Wave silently Sa’s dazzling record at Stadium in Mauville City.

Ampharos of Electric Type, against Pidgeot of Normal + Flying Type, the audience at the venue was looking forward to the appearance of the Mega Evolution Pokémon that they had never seen before, but also worried about Liang Ren.

Electric Type restrains Flying Type. Electric Type Ability is fast, bursts high, and has the nature of conduction, so as long as it touches, it will be attacked.

“Is there Ampharos for this game? Ah~ I’m so excited.”

“Little Lei, opponent, if you use Ampharos, your second brother Liang Ren might be dangerous.”< /p>

“Ang~what can I do?”

“Let’s keep reading, Liang Ren looks so calm, I guess he has already figured out a coping strategy.” Yuecheng Snow Rabbit Said with a smile and narrowed his eyes.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren will probably be very difficult to play in this match.”


Looking at being supported by the lifting platform For the handsome teenagers on the field, many spectators in the venue were worried.

However, Liang Ren, as the party concerned, is expressionless at this moment, but he doesn’t panic at all.

“…This game is 1v1. If one Pokémon loses the combat capability or the training patriarch admits defeat, the game is over.

“Now, please send the Pokémon to the field. “On the field, the referee announced the rules.

“Pidgeot, prepare to fight. “Liang Ren handsomely threw Pidgeot’s Poké Ball and shouted.

“Ampharos, it’s up to you. “A Mersa with short and gray hair, threw away a baby ball in his hand.” “Hey~” One is similar to Mian Mian has several points of, standing on two hind feet, with Yellow all over his body. Pokémon with smooth rubber skin appeared on the field.

It can be subdued and cultivated by professional trainers, even the herbivorous creatures such as “Mareep, Mianmian, Ampharos” are also stingers and militants in the population. .

As soon as Ampharos appeared on the field, he grinned at Pidgeot, who was hovering in Sky, and Ampharos provoked unceremoniously.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot, who has just defeated a game, is at the moment when the fighting spirit is high.

Pidgeot is not only not afraid of the opponent with a pair of sharp bird-eyes Lock On, with extremely active electricity ions, Pidgeot has become more motivated.

“Ampharos ………Ampharos ………”

“Shock Wave ……Shock Wave ……”

“Pidgeot ………Pidgeot ……… “

“Cherubim ……Cherubim ……”

After both sides released Pokémon, the medicinal smell on the field was already very strong. At this moment, with the support of the fans on both sides, on the field The thick gunpowder cloud was directly ignited and detonated.

The Energy Ball on Ampharos’ forehead and tail flashes red light like a warning light.

sky’s rebellious Pidgeot, the crown of Contest on top of his head is also dancing in the wind, and the sharp cold light of birds looks down at Ampharos below.

The battle is about to start! !

The referee is also very insightful, feeling that the medicinal smell of the arena is already so strong that he choked his nose, almost without a trace of hesitation, and decisively issued a signal: “The game has started.”

“The Eagles Don’t fold the wings for Hurricane, Pidgeot-Mega evolves!!”

The game was at first, and before the opponent acted, Liang Ren shouted the instructions first.

Obviously, it is possible to conduct silent command through fetters, but Liang Ren uncharacteristically gave orders verbally, and directly let Pidgeot perform Mega evolution at the beginning.

“Sure enough, Flying Type played Electric Type. Mumu Liang Ren also felt it was tricky. He did his best when he came up.”

“Yes, this game is hanging I don’t know if he can hold on to several rounds.”


The Mega Evolution wave gushes from within the body, watching the field being crowned by golden light. Set off by the more heroic and handsome boy.

The supporters of Liang Ren at the venue were not at all cheering and screaming as before, but their expressions were solemn, and their eyes were full of worry.

Flying Type’s Pidgeot vs. Electrics’ Ampharos. As a bystander who thought they could see clearly, they didn’t see that Liang Ren had a half-point chance of winning.


Seeing Liang Ren’s movements, the gray black hair man on the other side of Stadium showed a smug smile on his face.

In the first game, Liang Ren had Pidgeot and MegaPinsir dealt with in the early stage, and it was not until the last minute that Pidgeot Mega evolved to end Pinsir.

Now playing against him, Liang Ren asked Pidgeot to use his full strength to start Mega evolution as soon as he came up. This solemn attitude made him feel more face.

“Beep Eagle——”

The reality is that the world is not at all’B key interrupted’. No matter whether Pokémon is a normal evolution or a Mega evolution, it cannot be affected by external forces during the period. Interrupted.

The golden energy unrolled bolt of white silk entangled in the air, and then turned into the light of Mega evolution and poured into Pidgeot within the body.

Contest’s crest became more dazzling, and the body became more burly and sturdy. A pair of claws were cast like gold and iron, shimmering with sharp cold light.

The wide wings hula unfolded, and the long feathers resembling ribbons behind his head danced in the strong wind.

The imposing manner belonging to the sky Totem burst out, and a pair of haughty bird eyes looked down at Ampharos indifferently, as if not paying attention to each other at all.

Does the electrical system restrain Flying Type? Weak herbivores also dare to provoke carnivorous birds of prey.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot after completing the Mega evolution, within the body is full of powerful force.

A pair of wide wings can knock down a stone wall, and a pair of sharp claws can easily tear the hard ebony tree trunk into pieces.

Strength brings courage to people. At this moment, Pidgeot, who flutters its wings and hovering in the sky, swept away the haze in the hearts of the audience outside the venue with a loud scream.

Through Pidgeot’s voice, the audience can feel the arrogant and arrogance and arrogance in Pidgeot’s heart.

“Sure enough, there is a kind of Pokémon for what kind of trainer there is, and what kind of self-confidence is this to have such a proud aura.”

“MegaPidgeot It’s so handsome, and it feels so domineering.”

“How do I feel that this game can still be played.”

“It’s not that I can play, but it’s like the opposite. Ampharos, I want to fight ten Pidgeot.”

“What kind of shit is Denko Flying, my Pidgeot is the inverse Attribute master.”

“Pidgeot, come on!!!”

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