“Beep Eagle——”

The long feathers of Contest above his head are dancing in the violent wind, and the clear eagle howls willfully echo in the blue sky. At this moment, Pidgeot is full of the spirit of King Sky.

Mersa also felt the change in Pidgeot’s imposing manner. Looking at the domineering silhouette of Pidgeot of Sky, he suddenly felt an unmatched emotion in his heart.

In the end, he is the elite of the vocational training home, Murza’s eyes widened, and he quickly corrected his mentality no longer affected by Pidgeot.

“Ampharos, don’t let the opponent look down on him, use Thunderbolt.” Merca took the initiative to launch a fierce offensive.


Ampharos responded very quickly to commands. Spark flickered between the rounded horns on the top of the head, and a violent current with the thickness of the forearm was directly hit by the horned slingshot.

The target of Thunderbolt’s attack is the MegaPidgeot flying skyward. Ampharos predicted Pidgeot’s flying trajectory.

Thunderbolt’s landing point happens to be where Pidgeot is about to fly.

Quick and accurate, from the simple attack of Ampharos in front of me, it can be seen that the level of Merca and Ampharos is not comparable to the professional trainers I have encountered before.



Seeing that Pidgeot is about to hit Thunderbolt, the audience outside the stadium suddenly exclaimed.

The tension that was previously relieved by MegaPidgeot’s dominance is now back in the audience’s mind.

However, the subject on the field always looked as usual, as if he was not worried about Pidgeot being hit by Thunderbolt.

“Pidgeot, land after dodge and use Roost.” The speed of current conduction is fast and correct, but no faster than the speed of mind thinking.

“Beep Eagle——”


The violent current is about to hit the target, but Pidgeot hovered in the air, directly letting the prediction Ampharos of its Flying trajectory attacked Smack Down empty.

The condensed electric current is directed to the higher sky, and then like a strand of hemp rope that has lost its restraint, it dissipates with a sneer and turns into a golden mess of disappeared.

Pidgeot not at all feels complacent because of dodge Ampharos’s Thunderbolt.

It has mastered the’juggling’ Ability brought to the point of perfection. It is not too difficult to dodge such a single attack.


Hovering in the air staggered Ampharos’s attack, Pidgeot swooped flexibly toward the field.

“I see how you hide this trick.”

“Ampharos, use Ion Deluge + Thunder Wave.” Merca raised his hand and shouted confidently.


Pidgeot not at all swooped towards him, and Ampharos, who received the instruction from the trainer, also acted boldly.

The Spark balls on the forehead and tail release extremely penetrating rays of light. Liang Ren, with his naturally curly hair, can clearly feel the electric ions on the field become more active.

Ion Deluge is essentially the same as Electric Terrain. The effect of the former is to make the ordinary type Ability that it displays itself with the properties of Electric Type, while Electric Terrain simply increases the Electric Type Ability formidable power.

Both of them make the electric ions in the surrounding atmosphere become more active through the inherent induction of their own Electric Type Pokémon.

Ampharos transforms the ionization environment on the court while condensing Thunder Wave with both hands.




The palm rests are set against each other and both palms are slightly open , A tiny arc resembles the rubber string of a slingshot, quickly ejecting a dense Spark like one after another Tynamo.

“I rely on…”

“This Thunder Wave…”

The audience was also surprised by Merca’s hand. Such a Thunder Wave How to hide?

Ion Deluge has transformed it into a more suitable venue for Electric Type Pokémon. At this moment, it has also increased Ampharos’s offensive.

A normal Thunder Wave has only one arc, but Ampharos shoots a continuous arc attack at this moment.

With the increase of the electric ion field, not only the arc conduction speed becomes faster, but also the electric ion supplement is more difficult to dissipate.

Pidgeot, who dived and landed on the field, was surrounded by the Tynamo group in the blink of an eye.

The audience outside the field suddenly recalled the first battle where Pidgeot used the Double Team to siege Pinsir.

Is Pidgeot going to be defeated by his previous tactics now?

Liang Ren conducted a silent command through fetters, and there was no command sound. The fans who supported Liang Ren in the auditorium became more and more anxious.

“Thunder Wave is able to achieve the effect of slingshot, and I have to admire the brilliant means.”

“Ion Deluge is used to increase the speed of Thunder Wave while making it It won’t dissipate quickly after shooting a certain distance. This trick is also very beneficial.”

“But relying on such a combination of skills to defeat my Pidgeot, it is far from enough. “

Looking at Ampharos’s “Ion Deluge + Thunder Wave” combo, Liang Ren’s eyes immediately shined, but the confident smile at the corners of his mouth was not affected at all.

“Pidgeot, use “Spark Flash + Steel Wings” to rush over. “

After Mega evolved, Pidgeot’s power has skyrocketed. It takes a process to transform the power of Flying Attribute into normal power without Attribute.

After connecting with the bond, Liang Ren can clearly perceive Pidgeot. Changes in power within the body.

See that Pidgeot has temporarily washed away the Flying Attribute through “Roost” and has become a normal system that is no longer restrained by Electric Type.

Seeing that the dense paralytic arc was about to encircle Pidgeot, Liang Ren finally issued an action order.

“Beep Eagle–“

Gently kick off the ground, turning over like a sunfish in the ocean in the previous life.

The metalized Steel Wing tip lightly inserted into the field, and the power of Spark burst out from Pidgeot within the body, boosted by the white tail flame.


Pidgeot’s sturdy and powerful body, like a fully armed fighter plane, rushed toward the dense Thunder Wave without fear.

Thunder Wave has no lethality, and it is cut and cut into pieces at this moment. Although it seems that the battle is bigger and the opponent is more difficult to dodge, the paralysis effect is also weakened.

Regardless of whether the power is divided or not, there is a steel wing acting as a ground wire. Even Thunderbolt and Thunder attacks can be carried down without injury. The small Thunder Wave is naturally nothing difficult.

However, the audience didn’t know the reason for this. They were shocked when they saw Pidgeot rushing into the arc trap.

But the horror did not last for three seconds before it turned into a surprise.


Steel Wings plowed a shallow trench on the ground. The Pidgeot, which was trapped in the breakthrough Thunder Wave, dragged the white tail flame directly to Ampharos. Flew out.

“Ampharos!!!” Seeing Ampharos who was knocked out, Merca suddenly turned pale with fright.

Under the combined offensive of “Ion Deluge + Thunder Wave”, Pidgeot’s body was paralyzed. It was originally a sure thing, but it was Ampharos who didn’t expect this wave to suffer.

“Pidgeot, use “Steel Wings+Aerial Ace” to continue the attack. “

Liang Ren expressionless, watching the movements of Ampharos with his eyes, he quickly gave Pidgeot action instructions in his heart.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot always turned his body sideways, and a steel wing was always inserted on the ground to act as a ground wire.

One move “Spark Flash + Steel Wings” hits Ampharos, “Steel Wings + Aerial Ace” A set of sudden thrust followed.



Steel Wing hua hua ploughed a trench on the field.

A Pidgeot turned back and rushed towards Ampharos again, and the other Steel Wing slashed fiercely on Ampharos at the moment of passing by.

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