
Ampharos, who had been beaten up before, hadn’t gotten up from the ground. At this moment, he was knocked to the ground again. Ampharos couldn’t help but let out a painful sheep cry.

“Don’t give it a chance to counterattack, continue the “Spark Flash + Steel Wings” attack. “

Looking at Ampharos who fell to the ground again, Liang Ren’s attention was almost on the opponent. As for Pidgeot Liang Ren, he fully believed in its abilities.

“Bang~”< /p>






Pidgeot, which has a speed individual value of 146, is already amazingly fast. At this moment, Mega has evolved to 166.

Facing Pidgeot’s speed play, Ampharos It can be said that there is no way to fight, and the opposite Merca was also beaten.

Has the Electric Type playing Flying Type become so difficult these years?

Yes, My lord, the times have changed–

“Asshole~” Seeing Ampharos hit by Pidgeot like a broken sandbag and rolled all over the floor, Merca’s cheeks turned red with shame.



There are many proud of one’s success at the beginning, so much embarrassment at the moment. Electric Type hits Flying Type, it turned out to be his The edge fell into the wind.

Listening to the cheers and cheers of the young supporters off the field, Merca could imagine the sneer in the live webcast room and mock him.

“Ampharos, just use Cotton Guard like this. “His Ampharos’s special attack route is not very defensive.

After the evolution of Pidgeot Mega, the strength of Pidgeot Mega skyrocketed. After being hit by the opponent’s Steel Wings several times, Ampharos has already suffered serious injuries.


Seeing that Pidgeot hit him again, Ampharos who received the instruction no longer tried to get up from the ground, but lay down and used Cotton Guard.

A large group of fluffy cotton flowers protect Ampharos. Although Ion Deluge is talking about turning ordinary attacks into Electric Type Ability.

But at the moment, Grass Type’s Cotton Guard use, the faintly discernable electric Ember flashes on the white cotton flower.


Pidgeot Steel Wing plowed the ground and knocked Ampharos again, However, with Cotton Guard’s unloading force, Ampharos suffered a lot less injury this time.

The pressure on Ampharos was reduced, and Ampharos also hurriedly got up from the ground, with a solemn expression on Pidgeot’s attack, while waiting for the trainer “Pidgeot, “Spark Flash + Steel Wings” continue to attack, don’t give the opponent a chance to breathe. “Liang Ren is not discouraged.

Cotton Guard can’t completely avoid injury even though it has removed a part of its power. Seeing Ampharos rising from the ground, Liang Ren ordered another attack without the slightest hesitation. /p>

“Ampharos, use Discharge! ! “Seeing Liang Ren continuing to use the same routine just now, Mersa felt Fiery Wrath in his heart and dense clouds on his face, and he gave instructions almost to roar.

Yes, Electric Type played Flying Type but repeatedly frustrated silently. Sa, he was angry——!!!


Ampharos was also full of anger. Ampharos, who was hit by the bumper car Pidgeot just now, was also squeezed in his heart. Sigh.

Seeing Pidgeot Steel Wing plowing the ground and hitting himself again, Ampharos yelled, power within the body gushing out, turning into a violent thunderbolt moved towards Pidgeot.


A Steel Wing is inserted on the ground. Although Pidgeot is very fast, it can only launch a collision attack in a straight line. It becomes very difficult to reverse the direction.

Pidgeot failed to dodge, and was slashed by Ampharos Thunderbolt. Watching the audience screaming outside the field, his face was full of deep concern.

“shua” < /p>


However, the final result made the audience sighed in relief.

Being hit by the violent thunderbolt, Pidgeot not at all spiked or Seriously injured, a pair of haughty birdeyes always showing off one’s ability.

Most of the thunderbolt was led into the ground along the Steel Wing plowing the ground, and the remaining ridden current was also charged by Pidgeot, which was quickly charged. Throw it away.

Golden’s Spark shook off with a sneer, revealing the cold light gleaming Steel Wing. Ampharos, who had just vented his anger, hadn’t reacted yet, and his body had been knocked out by Pidgeot.


“Fuck, how did this happen? Pidgeot was not injured when he was hit by Thunderbolt. “

“In this wave of attacks just now, did any big guys see and so on? Come out and explain. “

“Pokemon little popular science: Pidgeot Steel Wings were inserted on the ground to act as a ground wire, and the Electric Type attack received was led underground, so there was no injury. “

“Flying Type can play Electric Type like this. Mumu Liang Ren really deserves the name of Cherubim. Such an idea can be imagined. “

“Indeed, this is simply a textbook-style battle between Flying Type and Electric Type. “

“But this kind of tactics can only be used by the Pidgeot, Mumu Liang Ren, and the normal bird Pokémon can fly on its side. “

“That is, with a wing stuck on the ground, there is no way to fly when the body is turned sideways, let alone maintain such a speed. “

“Without speed for support, one cannot maintain the body’s center of gravity. Second, it is easy to be dodged by the opponent like a’Tackle’. “



Liang Ren and Pidgeot’s “Steel Wing Ground Line” tactics let those who follow this game, All of them were surprised and opened wide, and were convinced by his wisdom and talent.

——Peak Stadium ——

“Drake Elite, what you said is right. This boy is indeed a talented trainer with outstanding talent.”

Steven Holding his chin, watching the battle at the No. 3 main venue, nodded said in admiration.

“It is indeed a rare talent.”


When he heard Steven’s words, others also nodded express their approval.

“Before Mumu Taoya declined our invitation. I don’t know if we can absorb the youngster in front of us into the Hoenn Alliance.”

“When this competition is over, we You can try it out.”


Peak Stadium, Steven, Drake, Glacia, Phoebe, Sidney and several Alliance seniors.

There were other Stadium leaders who accompanied him, watching the battle between Liang Ren and Messa, and everyone gave high praise.

The battle continues.

Meeting the other side used Steel Wing as a ground wire to defend against Ampharos’ electric Attribute attacks. After the fury, Messa felt extremely difficult.

Being attacked in turn, Ampharos was already seriously injured. Without hesitation, Messa chose to return his cards.

“Ampharos, in response to my fetters, Mega evolves!!!”

Ampharos, surrounded by the light of evolution with the golden energy unrolled bolt of white silk entangled in the air, is now Strange changes have also taken place.

Like the dancing goddess Transform, Ampharos has a simple and simple appearance, with a puffy tail like a rubber stick, turning into a cotton-cloud-like flocculent tail, and flowing hair grows on the head.

“Pidgeot, use Work Up.” Mega has a protection mechanism in the evolution, attacking Liang Ren who cannot take effect, and chooses to let Pidgeot use his auxiliary Ability to improve himself.

“Beep carving~”


Pidgeot screamed, and the opposite Ampharos also completed the Mega evolution.

With the flowing flocculent hair and fluffy cotton tail, Ampharos faded away from the embarrassment and completed Contest’s Transform. Standing with both feet and chest high, it looks Contest and high-profile.

“Your Pidgeot is very strong, but if you want to defeat my Ampharos, you are still far behind~”

“I see how you pick it up.”

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